Problems with dogs....advice sought

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Avoid the problem

So many irresponsible dog owners out there, I just fenced my yard and excercise my dog in the yard. I gave up dealing with unleashed menaces.
riverrat66 , In your situation the animal contol officer is the answer . And this is not a you shoot my dog I shoot you thing , I love my dogs but they ar'nt worth a human life . But when someone hears shots fired , see someone with a gun that has demonstrated they are going to use it , and is fearfull of thier life and is armed , then you have means, intent and fear . Someone is going to get shot , right or wrong , its going to happen.
Put a spiked collar on your Greyhound...

Carry a pointy stick and use the stick to poke holes in the St Bernard...

If that doesn't do it shoot St Bernard with taser darts...

Maybe it will die as a result...

Then have CW for final backup... :D :rolleyes:
You say you love your dogs but they aren't worth a human life but then you say, "The first thing I see is you with a handgun and a dead dog , mine .You have just proven means and intent , so I'm now fearful . Its 30 feet to the road , I wont miss. Since the only story being told is mine I wont ever do a day in jail."

Fearful of what? You're IN the house so there's no threat of physical deadly harm to you! Just call the police and let them handle it. Sure you're pissed, someone just shot your dog but by going outside you're placing YOURSELF in danger. Only your story? What about witness', like maybe the neighbors? Don't you think they're gonna hear the shot that killed your dog also?

Me? If I see someone OUTSIDE with a handgun, I sure as hell ain't going out there to confront them and put myself in danger. I'm not that anxious to get into a gunfight.

But when someone hears shots fired , see someone with a gun that has demonstrated they are going to use it , and is fearful of their life and is armed , then you have means, intent and fear . Someone is going to get shot , right or wrong , its going to happen.
Maybe you should be in law enforcement. Otherwise I hope you have a good lawyer and lots of money!
Jeez , its just a senairo no need to get all worked up over it . I used the point of view of the homeowner to show a point . That a bad situation can turn very bad in a hurry . Its better to avoid a situation like this 1 then to let pride lead you into it . Remember Pride is 1 of the 7 deadly sins .
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not at all worked up. I just wouldn't want anyone to do anything irrational and get into trouble and possibly go to jail when it could be avoided. Nowdays the younger generation seems to act before thinking about the consequences of their actions. That's why I always say as a CCW permit holder if you can avoid a confrontation with anyone I think it's your responsibility to do so and if you can avoid using your firearm you should do so unless you have absolutely no choice.

"Remember Pride is 1 of the 7 deadly sins" Yes but also "it takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight......"

We're cool.:cool:
Seems to me a call to animal control is the best first response if you know there's a problem dog(owner) in your area.

Until the situation is resolved, and for unexpected situations that may come up, the ammonia bottle is worth a try next. Generally, dogs do what works and don't do what doesn't work. They excell at pattern recognition. If some dog comes after you, and you blast ammonia into his face, I'm guessing he probably won't do that anymore, or will do it once more at most. Now, no one is hurt and there's no risk of using your gun in a way that might get you into trouble.

No homeowner is going to say, "I saw you with an ammonia bottle and felt threatened, so I shot you in self-defense." Well, maybe there is a homeowner out there who will do that, but that person would be insane and would probably do something no matter what you did or didn't do. And that's a different topic entirely.

Oh, and as a general rule, I never make any threats to people with whom I have problems. Giving them my own words to use against me later is giving them an advantage I don't want them to have. I will PROMISE them that I'll call the authorities if their aberrant behavior continues, but I won't threaten to kill their dog and dump the body on their porch. They might, however, discover their dead pooch on their porch, and will then have to wonder what happened.
You guys should read my post again. I called animal control when my dog was attacked. They checked it out, but scince the dog wasnt loose at the time they came (1 time) they let the case go. Alot of the time they will actually tell you " you need to catch the dog, we just pick up". Ive had that happen in another situation where a neighbors mutt was upsetting my trash.
I've never heard of the ammonia trick, sounds like a great idea. Or you can do like I said earlier; ask a friend who owns a bad-a** dog if you can borrow it. You'd be surprised how many people start minding thier dogs better when you start walking a pitt around the neighborhood a few times a week.
They might, however, discover their dead pooch on their porch, and will then have to wonder what happened.
Now you've got the idea.

Seems to me a call to animal control is the best first response if you know there's a problem dog(owner) in your area.
Around here that's a waste of time!
High Planes Drifter, you're right (of course) about your original post and the call to animal control. So ...

8 ounces of radiator fluid: 12 cents
Plastic dog dish you will use only once: 99 cents
Never having to deal with the neighbor's aggressive dog again: Priceless
I have a some OC (but I might try the ammonia trick) and I carry an old wooden broom handle cut in half (about 2ft worth) with a leather landyard (old leather shoelace, with a loop as big as my foot). A lot of the old timers I knew growing up did this for dogs and for two legged BG. There was a mean dog on my street that would terrorize all the kids. One day I watched this old guy in the neighborhood was walking his dog (a little white toy poddle) and he would always carry the stick in his armpit of his leash hand, with the laynard dangling in front. Every old guy in my neighborhood did this, and as a kid I never knew why. Well the mean dog attacked his dog an the guy grabbed the strap with his thumb and in a whipping motion the stick came out moving faster than Babe Ruth's bat. I can still hear the crack and the yelp from that dog. One whack and the dog took off limping. If a BG got whack on the side of the knee or head like that he would probably go down. You can also use it like a club or a pry bar to seperate frisky dogs with it. Sometime the old tricks works the best.

If my dog attacked another person's dog, I would offer to pay the vet bill. If this guy didn't offer...Sue in small claims court. You don't need a laywer to do it.
Dogs & Garbage

A few years ago this old timer (he had to be at least 80) was telling me about a dog that used to get into his trash. He took a 12 ga shotshell, pried it open, dumped out the pellets and replaced them with Rock Salt. He said he never had a problem with that dog in the garbage after that.....
Being a responsible dog owner (both with the leash and Poop pick up), I will have to go with these options previously discussed:

1) Animal control (call everytime you see the dog unleashed....Escalate to a supervisor and threaten a lawsuit if they dont respond often and fast. You are after all paying their salary as a taxpayer.)

2) Lawsuit against irresponsible dog owner (Start with small claims court - you dont need a lawyer, bring your vet bills and documentation of the incident - witnesses if you have them, even after you cash his $500, hit him for psychological damages - $1000 more.) Then he will think twice about letting his dog loose.

3) Ammonia is a very cool solution as described by other posts, but I would go with a stun gun. 500,000 volts of pure energy will stop that dog cold. ASP(s) are illegal to CC here in VA.
It's interesting that you mention the stungun.

The sound of it alone makes my little pugs literally turn tail and go hide under the table.

On another occasion, we were up at the cabin in Prescott, and a small pack of dogs came up the driveway, not looking too happy to see us. My father happened to have the stungun handy, sparked it, and the dogs turned right around and went away.

Of course, the problem with a stungun is that if the sound doesn't scare off the dog, it's useless beyond poking range.
Heres The Deal

Ok fellas. If you have a gun, carry it but not in +p. Use subsonics/hollowpoints. If you don't have a CCW, carry an asp. A steel telescopic baton swung with full force WILL break the jaw of any mutt. Maybe the spine, and for sure legs. If a dog was locked on to mine and I was carrying, I'd put that barrel right up to its neck and shoot straight down. If you DON"T have a CCW, bear spray maybe, but I trust my own strength with steel baton or nightstick more than some canister. Its windy where I live anyhow.

A dog once charged into my uncles yard and started attacking his dog. It took the both of us wrestling on the ground to pull them apart. And they were medium sized dogs. If I wasn't in my boxers and had my folder with me, I would have stuck that dog in the neck and pulled as hard as I could. A dog is property. And some dogs cost thousands of dollars. I'll be damned if I let some flea bitten, rotten, untrained mutt kill my dog or maim me. I killed a dog in the Dominican Republic for biting me. (I have 3 scars on my legs from dogs biting me there and in the US) I slammed it against a concrete wall. No laws there though!
Pepper spray would be a good first defense

As a long time road and mountain biker I have had to draw a gun on a dog and I have pepper sprayed several dogs. I had a guy yell at me that he was calling the cops, after his dog chased me and I sprayed it. I happened to be next to a large hospital with a lot of witnesses so I stuck around instead of riding off. The cop took one look at the unleashed dog and all the witnesses and told the owner to leash the dog before he was cited. And the D@#$ dog never chased me again.
Not everyone can legally own, much less carry, Asps or stunguns or handguns. While I was originally in favor of a walking stick, after reading all of the suggestions and consequences, I think the ammonia bottle is the way to go. Simple, cheap, effective, and legal. If I spray ammonia on some guy's dog and he wants to sue me, he's living in fantasy land.
One thing that you should consider is contacting your local police department or animal control and tellling them of the incident. Get the persons name that you talked to. Write it down with the time and date that you called. Tell them that you want to file charges against the owner of the dog. If the owner can be determined, sign an affaidavit against them. You might have to go to court and testify against them. It will be worth it in the end as they will have to control their animal. Other persons will not then be put in danger. I personally carry a snubnose .38 with the first shot CCI birdshot. The next four are for real. I also carry Halt dog repellant. It works real well.
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