Prepper Guns. $600.


New member
I don't know about you guys... but a lot of my favorite threads are "I have $X.XX to spend and want X firearm, what should I get?"

I propose a series of threads. This can be the first, lets see how they do.

The hypothetical: A concerned citizen would like to get two firearms for $600 in an effort to be prepared (SHTF, natural disaster, riots, whatever). What two firearms would you recommend? Any caliber (consider ammo cost but that isn't part of the $600)
An SKS and all although they had the stuffing beaten out of them with the ugly stick, a Hi-Point 9mm pistol....they are durable.
An AR-15 carbine (standard flat top model) and a Glock 19, both used. Should be doable for $600.

I'd say your minimum for that would likely be closer to $800. At least in my area I never see used Glock 19s for less than $400 and used ARs for less than $500. YMMV.

I would say a used Mossberg 500 along with a used Springfield Armory XD9. Both are good guns and tend to be pretty decent deals on the used market. If you're lucky, you may even have enough left over for some ammo.
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I'll play with throwback, yet realistically achievable given the rediculous price point of two guns, options. The rifle would be a yugo 24/47 Mauser. Hard to find a great specimen for under 300 bucks but a good serviceable rifle can be found for around that. That would give you a little over 300 left for a pistol. At that price point I'm thinking you could find a police trade-in Glock 19. Or even better a used RIA 1911.
I'm not even sure the SKS can be found at the right price to leave money for the handgun in that scenario any more... they were going up in price last I looked.

I would say any decent condition military surplus bolt action under $250 and a used 9mm handgun by a reputable brand (Glock, SA, S&W etc.)

If not, a Remington 870 can be had for around $200 with some searching which leaves $400 for a handgun.
I would buy a pump action 12 gauge Maverick 88 (under $200 at Walmart) and a S&W SD9VE (on sale at my LGS this week for $289.99). With the balance, I would buy 00 Buckshot and 9MM ammo. When the SHTF, a 12 gauge with 00 Buckshot is hard to beat.
A pump shotgun as mentioned would be a good choice and let you get a handgun and then some ammo - if you are a prepper, ammo would need to be included.
Lee Enfield in .303 Brit. They are cheap, reliable, military-grade, 10rd mags, powerful enough for deer and bad guys. (SKS would be my second choice, but as someone mentioned even those are going up)

There should be enough left over for a decent used 9mm or .40 handgun.
An AR-15 and a potato gun. Whatever money is left over for ammo. That would be 40 lbs of potatoes and 200 rounds of 5.56 62 gr green tips. That will leave you well prepared for whatever may come.

I don't know what kind of gun would be useful in a riot vs a natural disaster vs SHTF. But it seems like that is what the US military brings ARs every time they show up to any of these so it can't be too far off base.
IF this is $600-$650 total:

Mossberg or Savage .22 rifle ~$150
Heritage .22 revolver ~$110 during Black Friday
Mossberg Maverick 88 during Black Friday $200
Ruger 9E (or LC9s if you want smaller pistol) $300-325 or Taurus PT-1111 for $230.

If the handgun is want to be kept as small as possible, like micro/pocket sized, then the price goes down to $200 and it's going to be a .380 ACP. Not exactly powerful, but it's cheap. Also, if you want a larger/duty size pistol, then look at LEO trade in Glock's in .40 S&W. Yeah, you may not like the caliber, but the price will be low and you can buy a 9mm barrel for $110 later and be able to shoot two calibers.

The defensive/combat rifle is really tough here. You're either going to spend a LOT of that $600 on a rifle and have nothing left for a handgun or you're going to get something very cheap that's questionable and also be stuck with a cheap handgun to go with it that's also questionable. One option is to buy a pistol chambered long gun, like the Hi Point for $300-325 or Kel Tec Sub 2000 for around $425 and get a pistol in the same cartridge so you have ammo commonality. So, in that sense, you could get a .22 LR handgun for little and the .22 rifle for little and still have something like $300 for whatever else.

Bottom line: you're not going to get a good rifle that's for defending your life for a small amount of money.

If you're not expecting any engagements or conflicts that require you to shoot more than 50 yards, then you can use slugs in the shotgun or take careful aim with the pistol. If this is strictly homestead defense, the shotgun and a handgun is nigh unbeatable and has been for over 150 years.

If this is $600 for a long gun and handgun:

Glock 17

I'll throw in the Heritage .22 revolver again because you can get those so cheap and they're so valuable for small game gathering.
If by "prepper" it's meant for basic survival, like hunting small game for food, then I'd pick a bow and arrow and an air rifle.
Both very inexpensive, quiet, and very effective in the real world.
The last thing a prepper wants is to draw attention to themselves.
Burdening one's self down with heavy guns and ammo won't allow being able to carry more useful things, like knives, hatchets, and water.
Just a thought.
But if it has to be guns, then I'd choose a 12 gauge pump shotgun and a revolver in what ever caliber makes sense for the area.
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Ok, so I'm going to suggest something a bit different than expected. SO here goes.

Self defense - AR15 chambered in 5.56. Always able to find some rounds laying around.

Providing food - .22- .25 caliber high powered air gun.

So let me explain the second choice as the first is kinda obvious. When the SHTF you are carrying a lot with you. So you do have to be picky as to what to take. Ammo is heavy, and unless you have a wagon or many people in your party, it will be hard to carry sufficient ammo for a long period. But a high power air rifle can take down small to medium size game. Ammo can be carried in the thousands as the weight is no more than I full magazine of high cap 9mm per 500 pellets, maybe less. SO you can carry more 5.56 ammo as a small caliber pistol would not be required. Oh and the AR will take down bigger game so you are cover from squirrels to deer.

Just my take on this. Would anyone see this as a suitable arrangement or are you guys going to punch holes in my thought process?
The hypothetical: A concerned citizen would like to get two firearms for $600 in an effort to be prepared (SHTF, natural disaster, riots, whatever). What two firearms would you recommend? Any caliber (consider ammo cost but that isn't part of the $600)

As per Forum rules........just sayin'.

Topics and conduct that will not be tolerated: The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI), AKA: SHTF or Doomsday threads and Zombie threads
So let me explain the second choice as the first is kinda obvious. When the SHTF you are carrying a lot with you. So you do have to be picky as to what to take. Ammo is heavy, and unless you have a wagon or many people in your party, it will be hard to carry sufficient ammo for a long period. But a high power air rifle can take down small to medium size game. Ammo can be carried in the thousands as the weight is no more than I full magazine of high cap 9mm per 500 pellets, maybe less. SO you can carry more 5.56 ammo as a small caliber pistol would not be required. Oh and the AR will take down bigger game so you are cover from squirrels to deer.
I don't think this is a realistic situation. If there's something very bad that's happened and someone has to abandon their home, on foot nonetheless, rifles aren't going with them. Better to get a .22 revolver and the lightest .22 revolver I can find that one can shoot further than 5 yards is the North American Arms Earl, Minimaster, or Hogleg.

A person's best choice they can make in a national emergency is to stay in their home or head for a place in the hills that they've already stocked with supplies.
I guess it really depends on a lot of unknowns.
I don't think prepping is off limits for this forum, but could quickly venture into the prohibited topics.

Short term disaster preparedness is what most of us should be ready for. Hopefully we never have to head to hills to find a raccoon to munch on, far fetched in my mind. Realistically, probably just hunker down for a few days; I don't see a firearm to be needed past a home defense role, which most of us have covered.
You could possibly get a DECENT pistol and some ammo these days for 600$
A Makarov handgun, which means that it was manufactured in Russia, "East Germany", Bulgaria or the PR of China. The Russian commercial .380 might still be selling for about $280 or so.
Try "Armslist" PA, NC, TN etc for a face-to-face deal.

They are safe; I've made about eight gun deals via Armslist TN: handguns and rifles.

Remember---the Other types which were chambered in 9x18 are Not actual Makarovs, although they can be excellent, rugged guns. The Polish P-83 might be the best.

With the money leftover you might then find a mod. used SKS rifle, with the original, reliable magazine still attached....
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buck460XVR said:
As per Forum rules........just sayin'.

Topics and conduct that will not be tolerated: The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI), AKA: SHTF or Doomsday threads and Zombie threads

As long as we're sticking strictly to discussion of firearms and not wandering into hypothetical scenarios, the contents of bug-out bags, etc. -- no problem, have at it, folks. :)