Practice shooting two handguns at the same time?

It's not really relevant here, but a case can be made that the shotgun might not have "won the West", but it kept the people who did fed.

I shoot CAS in the Gunfighter category. Gunfighters shoot with two guns out and in hand, but you are not allowed to fire them simultaneously. Most Gunfighters alternate when firing their pistols.

I think that it is good practice shooting with both strong and weak hands on the clock. It's a whole 'nother ball game manipulating, aiming, and firing two single action pistols at the same time. It takes some practice and some skill.

It's fun, too. :)
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I use two cheap heritage arms 22's for practicing my instinctive shooting from the hip. After I got good with the right hand I started with the left hand. After I got decent with it I started alternating with each shot. Man did I embarrass myself. I still practice this often but there is a malfunction somewhere between my ears. My brain can't seem to go back and forth instinctively lol. If I bring them up to actually aim I do pretty good. Would I ever use that in a real life situation? No because I only carry one and it's a 1911. I tried the hip shooting with the 1911 but needless to say after the muscle memory of the revolvers, it's next to impossible to be on target with the 1911.
There where people in the old west that did indeed carry and shoot duel wielding pistols. They where the exception. Often times it was showmen. Less frequently it was lawmen or outlaws.

I did see the article mentioned in the OP.

In practice I think its fun to shoot 2 handguns at the same. While fun I doubt I would do so in self defense. Not only is it difficult but if you where to take a life in such a fashion I think it would look very bad to a jury.

I think practicing like this with 2 of the same gun would be good practice for shooting off hand. I also support carrying a back up gun. I do so though my back up is only a 22.
I think just practicing with one handgun with your non-dominant hand would serve you better and be more practical in combat accuracy.
The only reason other then fun I could see shooting two guns at the same time would be if you were in the middle bunch of hoodlums with evil thoughts on their mind.

I have shot two guns at the same time out in the desert doing mag dumps, I find it fun to do. For serious practice I work on the mechanics of my shooting. I have started working on weak hand shooting and do need a lot of practice.
The only reason other then fun I could see shooting two guns at the same time would be if you were in the middle bunch of hoodlums with evil thoughts on their mind.

I would rather we didn't go there. We can't read minds, and we can't spray bullets around hoping that we hit the bad guys and miss the good guys around, among, or behind them. Well, we can, but we will end up in a long-stay hotel with very poor amenities.
I've tried it.

For a base line, we will say I'm 100% proficient with the gun in both hands (strong hand, weak hand support).

And, I'm 95% proficient with my right hand only.

And, lets say I'm about 75% proficient with my left hand only.

But, if I try shooting with one gun in each hand, it drops to about 50% combined. There's just too much going on for me to work with worth a crap.

Really, though, if I try to eat with my left hand, I'm as likely to stick myself in the eye with the fork as I am to get it in my mouth.

I suppose it could be practiced enough to get proficient. Wanna do it for fun? Go for it. That's why we have hobbies!
I don't think anyone has mentioned Wild Bill Hickok and his two Colt Navy .36's. Nevertheless, I don't think he intended to shoot them, one in each hand. I suspect that because he wore them butt-forward, his intention was likely to cross-draw with his right hand and then, if need be drop or shift an empty (or malfunctioning), gun to his other hand and draw the one on his strong side cavalry style. Or, the two guns, butts forward in the Red sash were just for show...who knows.
Knew I shoulda made a vid when we were at the range last...
just for squish & giggles, and having had shot Duelist in SASS in the past,
did some twin shooting on the line with my EDC .45's,
First, it is fun as heck :)
Second, it really helps to be ambidexterous & able to sight with both eyes.
Third, gives you a reason to buy that Galco Miami double underarm carry rig.

Double carry is a great thing for a lot of reasons,
initially doing so for the Chicago Reload benefits...
but eventually one does want to challenge themselves further,
so by shooting duelist style, you work strong and weak hand at the same time,
& also helps you in focusing on quick acquisition on multiple targets.

And if one wants to go totally bananas,
just do the Boondock Saints chicago reload vest,
which holds SIX of your favorite pistols :)

You could take a walk in Milwaukee with that on ;)


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This would mean at best your not properly aiming one, and more likely both. This is one idea that should remain in the movies and games. It's fun to watch, but in real life it's not practical and dangerous.
able to sight with both eyes.
both hands I get, but both eyes? I've never considered sighting with my weak eye. I've injured one hand and retained complete use of the other, but when I have had eye injuries, at least immediately, both eye are pretty useless. Maybe I need to get an eye patch.