Potential Threat at Work

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It's Dr. Hupp.

There was not a Luby's gun ban. There was no carry law at that time in TX.

That incident also points out the silliness of the car gun folks who just want a gun to carry in the car.
So, dropping your CCW is ok for you as long as it is legal??

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. It is never ok for my CCW to fall out on the ground.
It isn't being challenged because in only RARE instances is carrying a gun at work actually illegal
I would have thought there are lots of jobs in America where it would be illegal to carry a firearm, am i wrong. ?

As for the "imagine if you had an ND" nonsense, that would be an argument for never carrying at all. Folks carry properly every day and have zero problems. Even more folks carry outside of work. NDs do not come from carrying properly

Are you saying the courts would look at an N/D the same if it happened to someone legally carrying a firearm walking down the street, and someone illegally carrying a firearm at work. ? You can tell the judge its nonsense and see how you get on.

For me it's misdemeanor criminal trespass
Could that not cause a problem when applying for a CCW permit. ?

hey do however often act in ways that violate various social norms either because they're unhinged, or because whatever moral failing makes them willing to hurt innocent people also spills over into other interactions
I wonder how i and most people i know manage every day to go to work etc without carrying a firearm with no concerns.
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I would have thought there are lots of jobs in America where it would be illegal to carry a firearm, am i wrong. ?
Yes. In most states, for most jobs, there's nothing illegal about it. They may be able to fire you, but as long as you leave the premises when asked it won't be trespassing or any other crime.
OP back with updates. The guy got his rejection letter and then sent emails regarding other jobs, and a request to meet in person. I stopped responding.

I reviewed his messages again, he's clearly dealing with mental illness. No threats, but he crossed many boundaries. My boss is dealing with him now. However my boss didn't want to involve HR and did little to alert our security department. Despite sharing my concerns. I said that if I got a threat I'd go straight to the police.

The carry police at work is clear. I won't violate it. I can exercise free will by finding another job. That's in the works. I was really let down by the response at work.

Thanks for all the feedback. I appreciate the tolerance for a thread that isn't completely gun related. I think that workplace violence is an important topic.
To the OP--I just noticed your handle--do you live in Maine by any chance? I do too--they just passed a no-permit required for CCW in our state. There's sorta a "Dodge City Wild West Days" attitude in some remote parts--especially those with no LE.
They may be able to fire you, but as long as you leave the premises when asked it won't be trespassing or any other crime.
Is it worth losing your job because your fear of crime stops you going to work without carrying a firearm.
Let me make a suggestion that I have not noticed yet. Have any of these communications involved the current president in ever the most oblique way, even slightly threatening, or had a menacing note to a strong candidate?

If so, this is absolutely a reason to involve the secret service. With a single letter, there will be an informal investigation of his past and current affairs. If any concerns are found, a subpoena for the messages will be sent. Your records will be analyzed, and his computer may be seized and searched. Your role will be kept secret.

At the very least, this guy will be assessed for threat to presidential affairs, and that assessment will be thorough and probably shared with your company. Consider this carefully and act on it if you believe that it is relevant and a good idea.
They may be able to fire you, but as long as you leave the premises when asked it won't be trespassing or any other crime.
Is it worth losing your job because your fear of crime stops you going to work without carrying a firearm.

There are those who won't even go to the bathroom in their own home without carrying a gun - so it goes........
Wear a vest, pack a blade and use a staff as a walking stick. Act and walk accordingly :o Should be obvious but will mention anyway. Do not flash/play with the staff, knife or vest.
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Decided to go over a few heads to security on my own. Talked to a solid guy with an leo background. He supported my concerns and made it a priority. My boss will be ticked, but I did a good job of putting my concerns on record.

The head of security wants to use this as a training opportunity. Win/win, the company improves security and I got credit for trusting my instincts. The lesson for me is to be dogged when you sense a threat.
Wear a vest, pack a blade and use a staff as a walking stick. Act and walk accordingly Should be obvious but will mention anyway. Do not flash/play with the staff, knife or vest.

Oh California. :(

I still think that the OP should just carry at work.
If you're going to carry at a workplace that doesn't allow carry, I would not consider ND to be an issue at all. You're going to carry your piece deep enough and securely enough to require time to get to it, and since instant deployment isn't available, there is no need to have a round in the chamber.
Decided to go over a few heads to security on my own. Talked to a solid guy with an leo background. He supported my concerns and made it a priority. My boss will be ticked, but I did a good job of putting my concerns on record.

The head of security wants to use this as a training opportunity. Win/win, the company improves security and I got credit for trusting my instincts. The lesson for me is to be dogged when you sense a threat.

Good job OP.

As for the idea to report the guy to the Secret Service, that's just an absurd waste of taxdollars.

As for the worry about an ND, one can compromise by simply leaving the chamber empty to eliminate that concern.
"Oh California." Yes. Got the staff decades ago from the show and never really used it. Currently use it with rubber ends as a walking stick because of leg issues. Problem is getting friends not to be playing with my stick. :)
manta49 said:
Is it worth losing your job because your fear of crime stops you going to work without carrying a firearm.

Is it worth losing your life over a stupid policy your superiors made up? If you want to die for nothing, be my guest.
Carrying in a workplace that doesn't allow carry is a serious issue and requires a lot of serious thought, thought beyond one-liners about being judged by twelve, carried by six, is your job worth your life, etc. While these are all 'true' statements, getting fired for carrying in the workplace is not all that is going to happen to you, should you be so fired. You will also not be hired on anywhere else, in a reasonable time frame, and will probably be at the lower end of salary offers. It's the height of stupidity to believe that 'I'll just go on down the road and get a job somewhere else."

If you are fired for cause, specifically carrying a firearm at work, the next person to hire you is going to be told exactly why you were fired. No weasel words like 'he just didn't fit in our new team' or some such, it's going to be 'he was let go for carrying a concealed weapon at work in violation of our policies'. No employer is going to accept the liability, real or perceived, of not informing the next employer of exactly why you were let go.

So, if you ask me, forget the idea of tucking your pistol under your shirt, in the briefcase, or anywhere it can either fall out from or be felt or seen. You need deep concealment and placement where it not need to be handled during the day, such as in the restroom or when the team needs to take off the jackets and do some work.

If you're working in a high-crime area and need instant access to a piece, that's another issue to resolve. Finding other employment is probably the best solution. The odds are you're going to be hurt, anyway, whether you carry or not, so why stay there?
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