Post-war TT Pistol with Nazi markings?

This is true, there were even times when the Poles oppressed the Russians.

TX Hunter, did you get around to disassembling your Polish Tok to see if it's similarly marked?
MR Raftman,

I did, my Tok has similar markings that look like Swasticas, but more worn.
I will attempt to take a photo and post it.
MR Raftman

I photographed the Slide, but it didnt come out clear, all I have is a Cell Phone to take pictures with, but holding the frame in the palm of my hand with the barrel pointing left, there is a marking I cant dicern followed by what looks to be the top half of a swastica, but the bottom half looks worn off.
i wish It were clearer. With the Cell Phone, and my limitied skill its even blurier.
I may be able to rub some white nail pollish on it and get it to stand out better for a picture.

Very odd. They do look like swastikas.

I still suspect these are a slap at the Russians, though probably harkening back to the Polish forces who used the symbol for so many years rather than the NAZI's.
There are swastika inspectors' marks on my 1936 Eagle Radom 9mm pistol as well.

As was pointed out in an earlier post, the swastika is a very ancient symbol going back to at least the Indo-European cultures of central and south Asia. It was also used by early Native Americans. (Which makes sense, since the general concensus is that humans migrated out of Africa, into central Asia, then westward into Europe and eastward into the far east and over the Bering Straits land bridge into North America.)

I have even seen it in decorative carvings on pews in Catholic churches.