Politically Incorrect Firearm Photos

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David Schmidbauer

Retired Screen Name
While looking over another thread (guns & babes) I though I'd post a very Politically Incorrect Picture of my son.

The Picture is not that large so it is hard to make out. But lets see if I can enlighten all...

Colt Hamilton Schmidbauer is shown wearing the latest in Pre-School Urban Camo. He is shown holding items that are owned by him and will serve him will through his life. Colt is holding a Colt Lightweight AR-15 and stuffed into his belt is a Colt Kodiac .44 Mag. On his left hip rides a Colt Knife. He also sports a Colt buckle on his belt. Colt looks to be ready for any nastiness that the world my throw at him.


I've also got others of my other children. But I don't wnat to post too much political incorrectness at one time. :)

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited November 21, 1999).]
Thanks for the chuckle,Schmit. My son is 12, and likes to shoot my GM.

BTW, I can understand naming him Colt, but where'd Hamilton come from?(G)...
Aaaaa what the hell....

Hey kids... tired of that monster under your bed or in your closet keeping you up all night? Your parents don't believe about your monsters? They say monsters are not real? Well have we got the thing for you!


New from Schmitbro is the Monster Equlizer. Yes, the ME starts off as a normal Colt AR-15 Flattop but it doesn't stop there. No kids, the ME also has a lightened trigger pull.. not that heavy one that make it so difficult for little fingers to pull. It also sports an AWC Optima Sound Suppressor/Flash Eliminator. This item couples with the internal .22 Long Rifle Conversion Bolt to ensure that you can protect yourself without waking others in your house in the middle of the night. But you ask "How can I see the moster at night when he starts moving about?" We at Schmitbro have even though of that. Yes, because monsters only come out at night we have included a Newcon Optic DN-130 Night Vision Scope with Infered Illuminator. This optical device will let you locate monsters even in total darkness.

SO KIDS, order today for future nights of sound, blissfull sleep.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
Kids with guns? Gunny, be careful what you post here. Folks like myself are considering being adopted by you. Any chance I'd find a ME beneath my Christmas Tree?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Cute kid but, sorry, your picture makes me wince. That muzzle looks awfully close to his head and I think you were just a little irresponsible here.

Remember Rule 1.


"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands.") -
Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD).

[This message has been edited by The Lone Ranger (edited November 21, 1999).]
HS - "Nomex is optional !"

Not around me and fire it isn't... it's MANDATORY!!

Lone Ranger - "your picture makes me wince."

Wince not. The firarm(s) were checked to ensure they were not loaded by my wife and myself (two person integrety) prior to handing them to the kids. The Bolt on the AR is locked open as an added precaution.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited November 21, 1999).]
David, the Lightweight Colt AR appears to be pre-ban, but the lightweight Colt looks more like a post-ban. Have I got that right? ;)
Lone Ranger-give us a break! Man, you are same the guy passing laws to make me wear a seat belt and a helmet. I think I had to pass you the other day on right handside because you where driving 55 in the fast lane again.

Can you tell me how many children were hurt last year while getting their picture taken with semi-auto weapons?

And how do you even know that was a functioning weapon? The magazine was out of it. The bolt may have been removed also.
I'm sure the guy didn't give his toddler a loaded weapon.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
I don't see a problem, Lone Ranger; draw a line along the barrel. The kid's got a couple of inches to spare. As he's holding it, it's safe.
Sorry if I'm a little uptight guys but I have this voice whispering, no screaming, from the past. Its Colour Sergeant James and he's screamin' "If you let that finger drift toward that F***ing trigger again before I tell you, you'll be wearing my big toe as an anal ornament."

I've always believed you should never treat firearms as toys and thats the way you should teach your kids. Oh and guys I would never tell you what to do, as a British pistol shooter I know better than most not to impose my own beliefs on others. I also happen to believe when it comes to firearms safety you can't be too careful.

I guess thats something we can all agree on - especially where our kids are involved.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands.") -
Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD).

[This message has been edited by The Lone Ranger (edited November 21, 1999).]
Lone Ranger,
I agree that guns should never be treated as toys, but there are times when the rules can be bent. I'm sure that the Gunny checked, double checked and then checked again to make sure that the rifle was unloaded.

Nice pics. I hope that when I eventually have kids (need a girlfriend first) I'll be able to post similar pictures, but in CA, I think they arrest you for child endangerment for taking pictures like that, ot its obscene or something

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Anybody who carries concealed has broken that rule. Ever think about where you piece is pointed as go about your day? I know everytime I sit across a table from someone there is a loaded .380 Colt pointing at their private parts.

I'm not saying we shouldn't follow the rule to keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, but sometimes you gotta just trust yourself when you know something is safe.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
When I grow up (about 150 yrs old) I'm gonna start tellin' GySgts from USMC how to handle weapons. 'Til then, I guess I'll let them tell me. I have allowed all manner of "stupid" stuff to be done with my weapons, after 1.) ascertaining for myself that the weapon has been rendered totally safe and 2.) demonstrating to everyone else involved that that is the case, while observing the normal rules until all agreed as to safety.

That said, the picture unaccompanied by explanation looks a bit shaky, safety-wise. A new guy/dummy might get the wrong perspective.
Lighten up Loner - Sometimes we can have a little fun.

David - You got some cute kids, and it looks like your raising them up right. Those are pictures to lighten the hearts of any red blooded American.

Can you be my Daddy?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Hey, have I mentioned my new book? It is called:
I've always been uncomfortable with the phrase "guns are not toys" in the context of adults. My guns certainly are toys, and I treat them as such. I play with them. As with all toys, there are rules to be followed.

They are also tools. Just as my vehicle can be a toy, it can also be a tool.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
I have to admit the pictures catch you off guard at first but 22 years ago my father took pictures of me holding long colt revolvers, a lever action 30-30 and calvary sabers. Everyone back then thought that it was cute and I still hold those pictures dear. Things have changed a lot, but I don't think that there is anything wrong with them. I have warm memories from the pictures that my father took and I am glad to have them.
Jeff - Both ARs are pre-ban. Have to be so I can screw the suppressor on either. ;)

Damn! If I'd have known that those pic's would have caused such a controversy, especially on a firearms related BB, I'd have left them on the Dalphi Shottist Center's Gallery and not posted them here... naaaaa controversy is good! :)

DISCLAIMER - All firearms in the photos of ittle Schmits have been checked and rechecked by two adults to ensure such arms are in fact unloaded! Ammo for such firearms remained locked in a safe when the firearms were brought out.

And now for the final one (that is until I can get my oldest out to pose with something).

Always fashion conscience, Olivia is wearing a blouse embroydered with the first of her intended pray. She is holding what will eventually be her Winchester Theodore Roosevelt Comemoritive .30-30, another great hunter. Like Mr. Roosevelt, Olivia plans on hunting big game... with the prize trophy being a purple dino named Barney."


Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited November 24, 1999).]
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