Policewoman ends hostage situation in seconds

I don't know ScottRiqui I think criminals who run from the police should be given a 5 mile time limit to think about how bad they want to run then let a police helicopter with a tow missile end the chase. Why should police let them get away(they broke the law) and why should innocent people driving down the street be put in danger.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind - these are just my opinions. But running from the cops isn't a capital offense (if it were, that would shorten a lot of foot chases considerably), and while the danger to uninvolved innocents in a chase is a real possibility, we don't execute people for what they *might* do -the police don't necessarily wait for the act to be committed, but they at least wait until the offense is imminent. After all, even a simple foot chase could easily end in a hostage situation if there are uninvolved people around - does that mean that the police are justified in shooting any criminal that takes off on foot?

And as for the whole "we'd see a lot less of this kind of thing if the police could just kill the offenders" argument - that's absolutely true, but it's not justification. We'd see a lot less shoplifting if it were a capital offense and subject to on-the-spot execution, but that doesn't make it a good idea.
Police officers are not always right - just like everyone else. In this country, I think they've already got more than enough discretionary power on when and what kind of force is necessary. This is but one reason why we have courts.
In case nobody has said it yet, Welcome to the site Triple C. Don't forget to bookmark us and come back to us reprobates often.

The coke the officer imbibed may also have contributed to her taking the chance she did and her response after. I will not second guess her and in a similar situation I would hope I would have been as efficient.
Can we stay with the tactical issue - debating your view of criminal justice and punishment isn't relevant. Nor do we need more attaboys and I wish I was there or could do the same.
we don't execute people for what they *might* do -the police don't necessarily wait for the act to be committed, but they at least wait until the offense is imminent.

True, but I would equate someone engaging in a hi-speed getaway through a residential neighborhood to someone resisting arrest by waving a gun around in a crowded room. Would a police officer hesitate before shooting someone waving said gun around? Depends on the officer; but I don't think we'd fault him for ending the eminent threat.

Personally, I believe this video illustrates the versatility of a small calliber handgun. Sure with a rifle she could have taken the shot from further away, but with a handgun and an increasing proximity, she can MAKE the shot unstead of waiting to TAKE the shot. And as we saw, the gentlemen may not have stayed down with a single shot. She was able to "make sure" he stayed down. A rifleman would not have been able to do this. The hostage would have been well in the way to block a follow-up shot (or 3); possibly giving him time to take her life in the event of a wound instead of a kill. Instead, she took a small handgun, got in close, and made sure about it. Well done and solid tactics made sure that the only person who got dead was the bad guy.

I see no problem with her tactics. A wise man once said, "Fear the man with one gun." You should do this because a man who wields a single weapon perfectly understands the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of that weapon and will employ them effectively in any situation, adjusting his tactics accordingly. This woman had a 9x18mm Makarov. She knew she had to get in close. She also understood the ballistic limitations of her small caliber, so she put enough rounds in him to make sure he didn't get up and wasn't a threat. If it was a .45ACP, her tactics very well may have been different.

Solid from my standpoint,
If I understand things right, the Chinese police are part of the People's Revolutionary Army. I'd expect they'd be carrying the standard Army FMJ hardball load. That's not exactly a "manstopper" cartridge.

It could be that we're seeing a difference in training. I don't know what most US PDs are doing nowadays, but the civilian defense courses used to teach "keep pulling the trigger until it doesn't go bang any more." That's how I was taught, anyway.
I'd expect they'd be carrying the standard Army FMJ hardball load. That's not exactly a "manstopper" cartridge.

Oh no, not again...... sure stopped that dude, or am I missing something here? Any round can be a "manstopper" if used correctly.
Use of Force in U.S.

For the many who've said they wish this could work in the U.S., I'd say let's get this whole tasering old women and children thing under control first. Sure it's a small number but some guys just love to shoot. I'm not sure China's as concerned about those few. Or maybe those few are way more worried in China. There's a lot of fuzzy inbetween.
Tactically, shooting the perp once doesn't mean they're stopped, even if it was a head shot. Also, the policewoman is carrying a Mak - traditional SA/DA. Double even triple taps are EASY when the adrenalin is rushing through the body SA. Let's put it this way, back in the days of revolvers I had a double tap with a revolver in DA mode during a super charged adrenalin event. Shooting someone more than once is easy in that physical state.

From a SD/HD perspective, I would sure want to make sure that the BG is completely "stopped" before I stop shooting.

Glenn E. Meyer
Can we stay with the tactical issue - debating your view of criminal justice and punishment isn't relevant. Nor do we need more attaboys and I wish I was there or could do the same.
I think the first shot missed high and the man fell backwards from suprise. By pausing the video from Double Naught Spy and trying to go frame by frame, I swear it seems the first shot missed.

Reporter: Big Sister, you're too wicked! (i.e. Ma'am, you kick butt.) When you fired the gun, were you not nervous?

Police woman: (laughing) I don't know.

From her point of view, it would be difficult to tell with certainty that the man was completely disabled and that he was sufficiently far from the victim in her peripheral vision. Best not to second guess.
I think it would have been a lot easier accomplished with the good old .308 from across the street! But either way it was a good that the problem was resolved with only the crazy man getting killed!
If she was point shooting, then she was point shooting with the sight radius aligned with her eyes...which looks a whole lot more like aimed shooting, albeit with a flash sight picture.