Policewoman ends hostage situation in seconds

The man was on the ground and she continued to shoot him. At one point, he was laying totally lifeless on the ground and she have him another.

Of coarse keep shooting he was still moving and one for good luck. Look at all the money they saved. No trial, no supporting him in prison. It's a win-win situation. Plus the hostage is safe
I think this is the Tuller drill in reverse....

She closed the distance before the knife welding guy could get his OODA loop going and beaned him in the head with a Mak 9mm at something like five feet!

Good show ma'am! No ma'am I won't make any trouble officer ma'am!


Those aren't the pictures from the episode posted here but that's definitely another hostage situation we'd like to see on tape. Man, some training these guys go through, eh? :cool:
Looked kinda "iffy" to me.

She was lucky on several counts:

1. showed her hand early and he didn't notice
2. drew and nearly raised the gun over her head ala "Hollywood Cowboy" shots
3. hostage's head was extremely close to the perps as he moved backward

Some days the cards fall in your favor, and it was her day, I guess.
One thing I will point out about China is that they are fanatic about avoiding or squelching trouble, chaos or disorder ("luan"). If you are a threat to public order, you will be dealt with severely.

If you offer this threat by endangering the public (holding a girl at knife point), or challenging the government (Tian An Men), you should expect to die. If you think cops should shoot until the threat is eliminated, then think of the official view as being, "If you did it once, you may do it again. If you are breathing, you are a threat."

Disorder in SUPPORT of the government will still bring you grief. When the US announced the sale of additional F16s to Taiwan (1992ish), university students in Beijing protested in front of the US Embassy, in vocal support of their national government's published opinion. They were hauled into the Chinese diplomatic police guard hut and beaten.

Protest=disorder=bad=official response.

It's easy to monday morning quarterback.

However...when she first shot the perp he fell back with the girl. He was still a threat. She had no way of knowing, at that time, where the bullet hit him or if it even him, she had to keep on shooting.
Hello, I am a sometime lurker of this forum and since Chinese is my first language (I am TAIWANESE not Chinese!) Though I don't have audio I can read the running points. I can fill in some of the blanks here.

1. The uniformed policeman drank some coke from the bottle to assure the hostage-taker the coke was not laced. In fact, it had been laced with sedatives.

2. What escalated the situation was when he stabbed his hostage in the arm to threaten the armed policeman and camera crew approaching him; this occurred at roughly 2:30-2:45. Previously the criminal demanded to talk to the media but he became very upset when he saw an armed officer was escorting the crew.

4. Apparently he cut or stabbed his hostage on the skin when he got excited, as you can see her shirt was stained with blood.

5. The hostage-taker said there are people in many Chinese southern provinces who would like to see him dead. The hold up occurred in a bank. The man might be a criminal on the run or just some dude who owed loan sharks money.

Hope that was helpful.
One thing to remember is that, in Communist China, the authorities have a lot more "leeway" in handling situations than those LEO's in free nations....

...not sure I'd want to see American cops carrying out executions...but everything before that is applaudable....
Triple C

May I add my thanks for your contribution?

And do you see in the report any indication of how long the hostage was held before the policewoman took action? The title of the thread is " . . . in seconds," and while her action took only seconds I wonder how long the whole episode was, i.e. how long it took the police to prepare for action, how long they negotiated, the time it took to maneuver the BG into a place where they could shoot, etc. Any insight you can give in that regard is much appreciated.
Sorry, but what is the point of letting that puke live. Armed robbery and kidnapping with plenty of witnesses. What would be the point of a trial? So this guy could try and justify his actions with some sob story or claims of insanity (not sure either would help you in China anyway). No, I think a the point he was at, 4 shots worked just fine. We should do that more often here. Like when the cops are chasing come dope dealer who carjacked some innocent person and lead a high speed chase through neighborhoods. They should be able to drive up along side and put one in his ear. You'd see a lot less things like that if you did.
Well, unless you're talking about revamping the entire sentencing guidelines for crimes in America, I certainly have a problem with the roadside application of a sentence that the courts themselves couldn't even impose if the perpetrator were apprehended and sent to trial.
I think you misunderstand the continued shooting as some kind of deliberate statement as to delivering justice and a sentence. I think it is just an almost automatic response to guarantee a dangerous person will not continue his activity.

Her reaction - laughing a bit - isn't also a business as usual but an emotional release and parasympathetic rebound of sorts. With a touch of an endorphin blast after a succesful aggressive action.
Sorry, I was replying specifically to Rattletrap's post above mine, and not the China shooting.

If the death penalty isn't currently imposed in America for dealing dope, carjacking, or reckless driving, then I absolutely have a problem with the police "putting one in his ear" to end the chase.
Is there a reason I am not able to view the video? I get a google server error. Anybody else with this problem?

EDIT: Never mind. Working now.
If we took out criminals in this manner the "lawyer's" would have a field day but I wish it were the case in the US! Do I want the U.S to be more like China? NO! But, the gangs/terrorists we have in this country need to be taken care of in the same way this guy was! Criminals have more rights then victims do and it's just wrong to let these sick people live out the rest of their lives in jail on our dime! :barf::barf::barf::barf: