Policewoman ends hostage situation in seconds


New member
Since I'm new, Don't really know the rules about posting videos but I think one can learn a great deal from this amazing footage of a hostage crisis being handled.

This Chinese police woman ends the hostage situation in a matter of seconds when she took the chance. The guy was holding a girl hostage at an ATM with a knife pointed at her throat. He kept stabbing her repeatedly while making demands.

Armed with a Makarov (Oh Yeah) the Police officer's first shot was dead on and eliminated the threat right there and then. Props to her for holding her nerves, taking a well aimed shot and then using her training to stay calm after putting down a cold and insane killer. She smiles for the camera later as if saying "Just another day at the job!" :)

Fast forward to 5:00. That's when the action takes place.

You forgot to put subtitles in:o Just kidding that was a interesting video. Makes you think how things would be in our country if law enforcement could do that.
The thing about the video that could not occur here in the United States is how she executed the man. The man was on the ground and she continued to shoot him. At one point, he was laying totally lifeless on the ground and she have him another. I dont think the police could get away with that here.

She was obviously shooting to kill, but not to stop the threat. When the man fell lifeless to the ground is probably when the shooting should have stopped, but then she walked over to him and gave him another to finish him off. In some countries, the police are the judge and executioners.
Can't say I agree with the last three shots - she had basically stopped the threat by that point, but excellent close-range shooting there. She basically shot him in the head one-handed while moving and waited when the hostage taker was distracted before making her move.

Another police officer - or perhaps a bystander - was drinking right before she made her move. I guess for him it was just another day in China!
Good points brought up, guys.

Shots should have stopped after the first one, true, but I guess that's why we're all so different. :)

As for the guy who was tasting 9x18's on the other end, I guess it wasn't his day.

That was also another cop. The entire street was sealed. They were just trying to get to his "Comfort Zone" offering him some coke while proving that it wasn't poisoned or something.
The way I look at it is, the dead guy was willing to hurt and/or kill an innocent woman for personal reasons. Her life did not matter to him in the least. So in MY opinion I don't care if the cop emptied her gun into him twice. He would not have been shot at all if he didn't attack the victim. He brought it onto himself and got what he deserved.
Yeah, I don't totally agree with the follow up shots while he's laying there already dead. But I agree with what's been said, he set out to possibly hurt an innocent person. His life is exponentially less important that the innocent woman the police officer saved.

Can't really understand that much, since it's not my first language or fifth for that matter but watching the whole video, and picking up a few words made me realize what was going on. :)
Guy had been taking coke, acting crazy, stabbing his hostage, no problem, shoot till the gun is empty. I doubt that she was barely aware of her follow up shots in the adrenaline rush.

If she had hesitated then shot him I would have been a little suspicious but this was all part of one act, one shooting. I won't second guess her in China or Milwaukee.
If he's already dead, who cares about a few last ---- you rounds??? What could you charge the cop with? Excessive force? He's already dead...
+1 You can't execute an already dead man, but you can make sure the psycho with the knife still in his hand isn't playing possum.
She sure made sure he didn't have a say so in court.....

And as another poster said cant shoot till dead but makes me think
how different things would be if it were practiced here in the states
when criminals decide to commit crimes such as in the video.....

Swiss cheese anyone.....LOL
So far many posts have commented on the 2nd through 4th shots.

Watching the video, I don't know for sure that her first shot actually struck him or struck him enough to stop him from getting back up. Her 2nd through 4th shots may have been her reaction to his moving or simply "insurance" that he didn't lash out in close quarters.

In the US, I would hazard a guess that it might have gone down in similar fashion. A single shot fired and when he separated from the hostage, a controlled pair (double tap) or two rapidly to COM. That's provided a marksman across the street didn't use a .308 to turn his brains into an omlette.

I don't speak Mandarin so I don't know the back story. The hostage appeared to be 12-14 years old and he'd cut her a number of times with the knife. The Coca-Cola drinking, I believe was as someone else said, to show that it wasn't tainted or poisioned.

The lady officer was lucky he didn't spot her drawing her gun (it took her long enough) but there were other distractions for him to focus on.

My sympathies go out to the hostage though. The poor girl looked dazed and bewildered most of the time. I'm sure she'll have some PTSD after this.
When she first shot him he fell backward and took the hostage back with him. The follow up shot might have been to prevent him still being able to grab the hostage while they were lying on the ground.

Didn’t seem to bother the cop, she walked away smiling.

Quite amusing with the guy cleaning the window after the fray.

Looks like the BGs will have a tough time when China calls in her markers of USA bonds and takes us over.