Police officer shoots himself while demonstrating gun safety

Absolutely, y'all are right...this from tyme's link:

Witnesses said the gun was pointed at the floor and when he released the slide, one shot fired into the top of his left thigh.

No, no, no, no, NO! It was NOT fired "when" he "released the slide". It was fired AFTER that, when he *pulled the trigger*. :oneangryasslookingicon: :(

"The kids screamed and started to cry," said Vivian Farmer, who attended the presentation with her 13-year-old nephew.

Hmmm, now that is a little odd, because I could not hear any screaming or crying in the video - maybe it was a sound issue.

"Everyone was pretty shaken up," Farmer said. "But the point of gun safety hit home. Unfortunately, the agent had to get shot. But after seeing that, my nephew doesn't want to have anything to do with guns."

Yap, there ya go- some anti-gunners created - thank you, federal tax dollars at work! :(

LAK, I agree! I am a firm believer in the "pinkie check" (physical inspection), in addition to a visual inspection. Unfortunately, however, this would not have helped in this situation, even with a pinkie check, because the chamber WAS empty. Until he released the slide, that is. You've got to do a visual check, physical check, AFTER RELEASING THE MAG FIRST.
Is it okay if I point and snicker when I see a DEA agent with dreadlocks and a limp?

I sure as heck don't remember him dropping the mag, and you can hear that it sounded like a round being chambered, and to continue on afterwards, with everyone screaming to stop...egad...Have to give him credit though, I would have whined a bit more after shooting myself I think.
I agree with that, however he was in a class full of kids. He should never have had a loaded gun if he was going to be showing the kids the weapon. Most people would be even more careful in his circumstances. No excuse.
Have to give him credit though, I would have whined a bit more after shooting myself I think.
You would not have shot yourself, at least not in that situation. Anyone dumb enough to do what that DEA agent did should be deported. Reason: "Too stupid to be an American Citizen." He doesn't deserve credit for anything. He didn't whine because he was too busy maintaining his elitist façade.

It's one thing to have a ND (though it's never good). It's another to have a ND and hit someone (if only yourself). It's yet another to have a ND in a planned event on gun safety in a room full of kids.

What's really intolerable, though, is having an elitist attitude while you have a ND and injure yourself in a classroom full of kids. He's the kind of person I wouldn't trust would learn from his mistake.
What was he thinking? I was always told 'a gun is always loaded.' I treat it that way, until I have disassembled it. The Anti's are going to have a field day with this.
I'm just glad he wasn't enough of a dumbass to point it at one of the students and pull the trigger to scare them. Imagine trying to explain that one.

I also thought it was staged or that he loaded it with blanks to make it more dramatic. He does look like one badass mofo though. He took a .40 in the theigh and still carried on with the presentation. I'm sure some part of that was ego or maybe, he is so stupid that there aren't enough brain cells to register the pain.

H eset himself up good for that one though. How profession did he say he was and how well trained and qualified???

The main reason this occured is complacency. He is probably so used to handling firearms that he has lost respect for them. That is when accidents occur.
hmmm, I guess idiocy of the feds is not news worthy.....

This guy needs to be fired and fined.......Simple as that......He pulled the trigger and could have KILLED A CHILD......NONE of us here are perfect, but I bet we are intelligent enough to TRIPLE check the mag is removed and ammo is not present before showing a childs classroom a bunch of deadly weapons......This is like mixing up a king snake(non poisonous) with a coral snake(can be deadly) :eek: And then to try and play it off like ' Oh well I shot myself kids thats why YOU shouldn't have a gun" what a tool! He would still be sued for my childs therapy..... :)
What's really intolerable, though, is having an elitist attitude while you have a ND and injure yourself in a classroom full of kids. He's the kind of person I wouldn't trust would learn from his mistake.

My thoughts exactly! Zero dignity, the man is a cro-magnon. He showed no respect for anyone; the kids or himself. And, he didn't have the humility to admit he screwed up. He tried to turn his mistake into: "You kids watch out!, you see what happened, it could happen to you!"

I don't think this guy should be empowered with the authority over other citizens granted to sworn peace officers.
I guess I'm done with this thread. The only point I was trying to make is that all of you with the "THAT WOULD NEEEEVER HAPPEN TO ME! I PRACTICE THIS MANY TIMES A WEEK, AM SUPER CAREFUL, SHOOT A BAZILLION ROUNDS, ECT, ECT" attitude worry me a bit.

You are ALL HUMAN, and ALL are capable of a mistake, NO MATTER HOW WELL TRAINED OR CAREFUL YOU ARE. It can happen.

And it seems like karma often makes sure it DOES happen to those who claim it could NEVER happen to them. I'd be EXTRA careful after making that statement..... ;)

Of course some of the super ninja commandos here would never admit it even if they did have an AD or ND.....that would require taking the bayonet out of their teeth..... :rolleyes:
rules of safety

as mentioned above he violated all rules of safety. He has now caused a large number of kids to have doubts as to the kind of fun one can have engaged in the shooting sports or hunting. The one girl who claimed she was there said her brother was now afarid to play with guns should be afraid to "play" with guns. Guns are not toys they are tools. Tools used by persons to protect themselves, provide food and have fun. Education is the key to safety and kids are the future of firearms. This does look like a anti-gun video as I have not heard of any new media reports on this video.

As to the previous post about where else this was seen. Packing.org has it listed also.

As for my Springfield 1911A1 45 vs a glock my gun has 3+ safeties and none are in the trigger. And no my gun would not discharge in that situation because I would not have live ammo in the class.
When I took a Gunsite course a few years ago, they announced a policy change about NDs. Any ND in a hotel room would result in you being kicked out of the class. They had had enough of them to start getting alarmed.
While the dictionary provides denotation, it does not provide connotation. Calling events like this an accident meets the denotation of the word, but fails to have the stigma that calling this a 'negligent discharge’ carries.
This guy broke a pile of rules. The rules carry many redundancies to try and prevent examples like his. We all do make mistakes, but hopefully not a complete series that can culminate in discharging a gun negligently.
Negligence carries with it a level of responsibility. Actions you have taken (or failed to take) resulted in an event.
This guy needs to go back to Gun Handling 101, and should not be allowed to carry a firearm until he demonstrates a clear understanding of how to operate one.
You people are debating all the wrong facts!

My question is simply this:

Who freed Mumia and why the hell did they make him a federal agent?!?
How could you be so bold. :rolleyes: I alluded in a previous thread that this individual did not act like a DEA special agent. One must possess a bachelor's degree just for openers.Many other qualifications. ABU- Jamal look alike did not appear professional before he shot himself. Probably beating a dead horse. Thanks for having the stones to step into deaper waters.Haskell
What's truly frightening is that this fellow REMAINS in a position where he is bound to be pointing loaded weapons at suspects...if he can shoot himself with an 'unloaded' gun, imagine what he can do with a loaded one!

:o At least the kids didn't fill their pants. No one ran out of the room screaming and no SWAT team stormed in. Holy Cows. What a nightmare that officer is having right now. A shooting review board, time on the beach (without pay), retraining.
I'm certain that almost all of you who said you've never had an ND are lying... Noctural Discharge! :p :eek: :D Just kidding. I had to throw that in there.

As for FFl who seems to be bashing the Glocks, the dumb butt in the video would have shot himself with just about ANYTHING. For your 1911 example, he had dropped the slide on a loaded magazine, he was holding the gun as if he was ready to shoot it and would have released the a grip safety, and he pulled the trigger. Please blame the stupidity and carelessness of the officer and not the weapon. Even the squeeze cock H&K P7 would have gone off in that circumstance and most would have to agree that is one of the inherently safest pistols made. Thats my $.02 worth anyways.