Police officer shoots himself while demonstrating gun safety

Unfortunate accident. Lucky he didn't splatter one of those kids. I can't BELIEVE he didn't clear the chamber! I know he probably thought he did....but DAMN.....always, always check multiple times. I cycle the slide 2-3 times after I've physically looked just to make sure....
Geez, what an idiot.

Now, all the kids will be afraid of guns because of this stupid accident and will grow up to be anti's of one sort or the other (may or may not).

That is why there are rules and things happen if you don't follow the rules! :mad:


(when I said, what an idiot, I meant as a gun owner/person, not because he is an LEO)

Oh boy.......... I am at a total loss of words ..............just darn lucky he didn't kill himself or someone else..... maybe the department has a desk job or need help in the motor pool? yikes..........
Looks as if he DID clear the chamber. But was too stoned to remove the mag. Closed the slide and pulled the trigger.
another glock false discharge

not suprising that it happened.

1. He had live ammo in a safety demo
2. Glock pistol (safety in trigger)
3. Just broke all NRA rules of Gun Safety

Just can't beleive it.

Guns don't kill people people kill people

My mistake

or better yet

Guns don't shoot people stupid officers shoot themselves
You would think.....

if there was one time you would want to be extra safe it would be in a classroom environment teaching school kids about gun safety.

Guess not, what an idiot.
Before I watch that - where do he shoot himself? I don't want to see anything too gory

In the leg and you can't see anything.

BTW, he's a DEA agent, a fed. He's definitely LEO, but not a cop.
This has been extensively discussed on THR.
1) He opened the chamber, looked inside, showed the weapon to someone off camera, proclaimed it unloaded, then closed the chamber.
2) He never removed the mag
3) If you look closely, right before he snaps the slide shut, right as he tilts the weapon forward, you can see the shine of a round ready to be chambered.
4) He pointed the weapon at his thigh.
5) For some reason, he put his finger on the trigger.
6) For some reason, he pulled the trigger.
7) Luckiest man on the planet that he didn't kill a kid.
8) Should be fired.
Even if he was a moron and did the ENTIRE demonstration with the thing loaded, what in the WORLD would posess him to put his finger on the trigger?

I say lucky nobody was hurt - things could've been a lot worse.