Police and other LEO ... please help me out here ...

There is more to this story than you are reading here

I agree. Now Im not saying that any of these actions were justified and Im not saying that I wasnt disturbed watching the video...
But there are some aspects of the story that dont make sense and alot of missing information.
we are only seeing the sensationalist releases. Its what sells newspapers and airtime. I would like to see the full video of the arrest and have some more info on what the "victim" was doing prior to and during the "altercation" the police were called to
I still think the victims rights were violated, but I dont believe the officers involved did anything different than if it was a male strip search. the victim states "rape w/o penetration". A strip search of a male acting irrationally or suspected of carrying drugs can ,and has, included a digital rectal exam.

Now dont start jumping me, Im just saying theres more here than meets the eye
I don't get the logic that says ... if someone is suicidal that you strip them naked ...

Have you ever had to CUT down a young man who had hung himself with a bed sheet tied to cell bars, because no one knew the kid would take his own life?

I have.

In state prisons where I worked, certain federal and state standards governed our actions when dealing with a suicidal person in jail or prison. If a staff nurse or doctor determined an inmate was capable of harming himself, said inmate was stripped down, examined for contraband and gang markings and given a lightweight suicide-proof covering. Inmate was placed alone in holding cell under a 15 minute custody staff observation. In severe cases where our medical department ordered the inmate placed in four-point restraint, custody placed an officer in a continual plain view of the restrained inmate. Inmate was periodically medicated, allowed to drink liquids and relieve himself and replaced into four-point restraints. A nurse was always at hand to observe the inmates condition. Everything we did was documented on paper and recorded on video tape.

In the video going around the internet that I viewed, thanks to Ms. Steffey's lawyers, we see only a very small portion of what really happened that night in October 2006. I see there was a nurse present at Ms. Steffey's reception in the lock up. I believe it was that nurse who questioned Steffy on her mental status.

I also believe there's more to this incident than what her attorney has released to the public!