Police and other LEO ... please help me out here ...


New member
What am I missing here , because god knows I'd be insane if someone did this to my wife or daughter for any reason.



I've got to believe the officers here do not approve of this treatment ... I mean , regardless of whether she was crazy , drunk , suicidal , or tripping on a cocktail of PCP and LSD .... this was totally out of line.

She had zero rights and was being treated like an animal.

What possible reason could there be for what appears to be horrible judgment and use of power ?
You are correct that something is missing here but it sure appears that someone needs to be strung up by thier nads.
In anybody's book that is plain straight forward sexual assault and everybody involved should be charged with that crime.

These people aren't fit to wear a badge and a gun.
I wonder if people would feel the same way if that was a man laying on the floor.

But me personally, I'm very angry about that. What I see in the video looks like sexual assault. I wouldnt find a charge of attempted rape to be overboard, consdering what happend. And I'd feel the same way wether the victim was male or female.
Sometimes people have to be strip-searched, fair enough. But men do not take women's clothes off against their will. Basic rule of civilised behaviour.
I wonder if people would feel the same way if that was a man laying on the floor?

A man would have no (or little) reason to fear sexual assult. Also, as was admitted, it is against the dept. rules to involve men in the strip search of a woman.

It would have been much easier on the officers (emphasis mine) if they had Tased her a few times, and hit her with some pepper spray.

What??? Easier on the officers??? This woman was the victim, for heavens sake! If this is a true depiction of the incident, then these officers acted like JBTs,and deserve immediate discharge, then criminal and civil charges! Wonder how they would feel if their wives/girlfriends were subjected to this type treatment????:barf::mad:
(I can only hope that post was intended to be sarcastic)
Or had the common sense not to film themselves for some u-tube video. How can the officers involved NOT see the camera held by another officer and not think anybody will ever see it.:confused:
Sometimes people have to be strip-searched, fair enough. But men do not take women's clothes off against their will. Basic rule of civilised behaviour.

Not for disorderly conduct. The Sheriff's position was that she was not strip searched. Her clothing was removed for her protection. Again bogus. I would still be in jail if I had ever done that to a disorderly suspect.

Also, did the officer precipitate the DO charge? according to witnesses for the vic this is possible. In any case it makes you wonder how this department would fare against real bad guys is they can't professionally handle a distraught 125 pound female assault victim.

I have worked with some dumb security people over the years, but nothing that bad.

Will be interesting to see how it comes out in court.
I couldn't open the video as posted, but if this is the Stark County Ohio incident you can view it on YouTube in these two segments;

#1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1yUsYIk2EM

#2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ6Lsqmf9yM

A man would have no (or little) reason to fear sexual assult.
I dunno... after what NYC officers allegedly did to that guy with a broomstick, I wouldn't count on men have "little" to fear. :eek:

From what I gather, they asked her if she felt like harming herself and she asked "Now? Or Ever?" -- which is a reasonable question, especially since many young women have gone through episodes of depression while growing up. At her reply, reportedly they just ended the conversation and took her to be strip-searched.

The confusing part here, is that on one hand the Sheriff's dept. says they can strip search any prisoner, yet in this case they're also trying to claim it was not a strip search... it was done for her own "safety". WTF? You leave someone naked for 6 hours for their own safety?

Some folks in the SO need to get reamed for this one. First, start with the "confused" arresting officer. One report says that a friend of the victim attempted to tell the deputy that the woman was the victim of the crime and he just replied "well, she's going to jail and that's the end of it." Nice. Compassionate. F'ing Knothead.

The jail folks need to be forthcoming about the sequence of events and the video evidence. Especially if they abruptly went from asking booking questions to manhandling her into a cell to remove her clothes.

Regardless of if the strip was done "for her safety" or as a standard strip-search, I want the deputies who were on duty to articulate why circumstances were so exigent that they couldn't wait to get extra female officers. Was there some factor we're missing that said she would attempt to hurt herself or others immediately?

Unless we're all missing some key element in this story, the deputies failed to properly communicate and used excessive force. If she has documentation of her injuries and deputies failed to provide medical attention, this could get very expensive. Of course, lawyers will turn it into a 3 year process. :rolleyes:

Anyone remember a video from the late 70's in LE training that showed officers at a jail using heavy rubber batons on a big guy? In the video, the guy is cuffed, hands in front, standing at a booking counter (3 ft back). You can't hear what the initial officer says but suddenly a 2nd officer comes in and whacks the prisoner in the shoulder and screams "Do it now!" The prisoner shys back and says "Do what?", gets hit again and commanded "Do it now!" He says "Do what? What do you want me to do?" But for the next two minutes they wail on the guy shouting "do it now!" and the guy curls up screaming "Do what? What should I do?" He had not heard someone to tell him to take off his shoes. :rolleyes: (Yeah, he won big time.)
This happened in October 2006. The reason it is surfacing now is the woman is suing the sheriff's office in federal court. I think I read that the case is coming up this May.

If any criminal charges were filed against the officers at the time, we probably would have heard about it by now. The local paper in Canton says the *victim* was convicted and received a suspended sentence (doesn't say what for; I'm assuming for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.)

Just to make things clear ... I'm both a husband and a father of 3 beautiful women and as I watched this I just kept thinking ... What if that was one of my girls. :eek:

I don't want to and did not ever intend for this to be critical of any officer here.

I have friends that are LEO's of one type or another ... Some may recall about 1 year ago , I posted here for advice , when my daughter was taken from high school in handcuffs , for Disorderly Conduct after she was attacked by another girl and did nothing but try to defend herself , WHICH MY WIFE AND I HAVE ALWAYS TAUGHT OUR CHILDREN TO Do.

I just wanted to know a justifiable reason why this treatment was necessary or hear an officer or two take the stance that this was completely inappropriate regardless of whether she was suicidal or otherwise (An incident like what I saw sure could make a woman suicidal)

I know LEO's have a sort of code of silence towards each others mistakes ... but I have to believe this is not what we've come to in our society / country ... where there's any reason that this kind of treatment is OK. :confused:

I'd really like to "hear" some comments by LEO's.
Heads are going to roll over this (figuratively).

The Stark Co. Sheriff says that no strip search took place. :eek: JMO - The Sheriff is an idiot.

Sheriff's dept. policy states that strip searches may not be conducted with members of the opposite sex present.

The video clearly shows that the sheriff's deputies violated that rule and that a strip search *did* indeed take place.

I think the fact that no LEOs have come forward to defend the actions of these philistines shows that their actions are indefensible. Please don't paint all peace officers with a wide brush over this video. There are just a handful of deputies involved here.
Thanks for the comments all and to Bluesman ...

I certainly would not paint all LEO's with the same brush over this incident. As I said , I believe that most officers have to look at this as fellow father's , mother's, son's and daughters and be appalled by this treatment.

To me this incident appears to be more akin to treatment/handling I'd imagine a convicted felon , on there way into prison might receive. And even then ... only with officers of the same sex I would imagine would be appropriate.
Quite a disparity of opinion between "civilians" and leo's on this incident. Officers point out that while the suspect was forcibly stripped naked, it was NOT technically a strip search, but rather taking the clothes off a possibly suicidal prisoner. That will be the semantic defense presented by the agency in this lawsuit; that the prisoner could possibly have committed suicide with her clothing. I think that line is pure baloney, but typical of the technical defenses presented by agencies these days. Kind of like "Yeah, I pushed him off the cliff, but I didn't force him to hit the ground".

Many law enforcement professionals suggest this kind of treatment is quite commonly practiced in jails everyday.

Not to disparage, but read for yourself:

What's up with her giving the cops false ID? I really don't buy the explanation that it was carried for sentimental reasons and handed to the police by mistake. The people I've run across that hand over false ID, do so because thier true ID is linked to criminal activity or trying to keep their true ID clean.

She wasn't acting "normally" by any stretch of the imagination. The cops didn't appear to be enjoying the strip and if they thought she was suicidal, a strip might be appropriate. Case in point, the woman who asphixiated herself at Sky Harbor, AZ while in custody, in cuffs.
The cops didn't appear to be enjoying the strip and if they thought she was suicidal, a strip might be appropriate.

There was a similar comment on Glocktalk -- something about him being able to see more on Fox on a saturday night. I don't think that whether the half dozen or so guys involved appeared to enjoy the process is probative.

We live in a country in which a fellow asking a coworker or subordinant for a date or obvously observing them in an unwanted manner can result is dismissal and adverse legal action. I'm fairly certain than no man reading this board would expect to forcibly remove a woman's clothing and expect it to be labelled anything other than sexual assault.

In that environment, what appears to have happened here is very problematic. The girl or her husband might not be any happier if it were only female officers involved, but the appearence of sexual assault would be greatly reduced.
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I was in a carbine course with group of officers and deputies. The subject of complaints filed against them came up. One deputy stated that after his first complaint of sexual assault during the search of a woman, he realized that he'd always get them no matter how careful he was. So, he stated that he decided to have some fun while searching them, by searching them "real good."

Guess these "individuals" had the same thought.