Pocket carry help!

1. I really don't care if a cop knows I am carrying. Even if he doesn't like it, I have the proper permit, and there is nothing he can do about it.
I'll keep it simple, but recently there was a cop that took extreme measures when a person she pulled over on a traffic stop advised her as a courtesy that he had a permit, and was armed. Even though informing a police officer is not required in my state. I won't go in to details, but the bottom line is she is no longer a cop!
2. Maybe a TV drama type professional criminal checks people's pockets for signs of concealed carry, but the common street thug just isn't that smart.
3. The biggest concern of your CCW being detected is by the busy-body, do gooder who might freak out. Especially if they are of the uneducated, anti-gun type. But that's also the ones most likely to never look.
Khromo, the crazy people you're talking about are going to be disappointed when they find out that the other 20 people they attacked just had keys in their pockets.

And what's your fixation with people's pockets, anyway? Aren't you aware that some people carry on a belt? How is it that you notice guns in everyone's pockets, but can't spot a gun anywhere else?

It's hard to totally hide a gun-sized object in the front pocket of jeans, but a revolver is harder to hide than a flat auto...

I disagree. If an auto prints, it looks like a gun. I've seen semi-autos that printed so bad in a pocket, you could almost read the name on the slide. Revolvers usually just look like a big lump.
Unless your "good" LEO's, and "clever" criminals have X-Ray vision, in today's world of cell phones, remote start key fobs, and who knows what other devices are carried in pockets, they will be too busy "detecting" everybody in the place as having a concealed weapon to know who really does.
What do you think cops think when they see that bulge? Bear in mind, a small majority of cops, especially the older ones, believe there are only two kinds of people in the world: other cops, and criminals.
Kinda, maybe says it all about your comments.

Tactical Internet Patriot/Warrior.
your amateurishly concealed weapon
Many of them also think that they are the only people that have the right to carry a firearm for self defense!
Like the one I mentioned in an earlier post. I think that was one of her quotes resulting in her no longer being a LEO.
I suggest that folks tone it down a bit. Clever quips and implied superiority of your tactical superguru-ness is inappropriate. Get the point.
Possibly instead of comments about peoples "amateurish" carry method, some advise on how to accomplish deep concealment from a former LEO might be more in line with the subject.
For me it's not about the lumps protruding from inside the pocket but that huge cylinder of my 642 if I try and pocket carry it. For jeans I can't even stuff my LCP in my pocket comfortably.

I can tolerate it with cargo pants and cargo shorts. If I'm wearing jeans I'll just clip a little fobus holster on one side and my cellphone on the other. With an untucked shirt it disappears and it's easy to get to.

For my 642 I like my bulldog J frame holster.
Sorry, didn't mean to antagonize anyone. Looking back at my post, I was trying to make a point, but maybe was a little abrasive.

I'm traveling as usual. I have my car keys, my work keys, two rental car keys and two remotes for a rental in my left pocket, along with a laser distance measure in my left pocket. I have a S&W 642 in my right pocket. I'm going to have a bulge, and honestly the bigger one right now is the one with the keys.

I'm sure a cop on a traffic stop is looking for any bulge and checking it out. I don't think someone is going to try to attack me for a bulge in my pocket. and if they are, there are a lot more bulges to catch their attention. I'm thinking they're more likely to target me for having a laptop or something.
For the OP, as others have stated, you are good to go as far as standing concealment, especially with the new jeans. The main things at this point is making sure you are able to sit comfortably without printing overly and that you can smoothly draw your weapon. Personally, I've never been able to manage pocket carry with jeans (Wrangler cargo pants and Dockers FtW!), but YMMV.

Now, regarding the person who suggested the VersaCarry as a viable carry option, for the love of cute, cuddly corgi puppies, ignore them: they are cleary insane. I will grant that these monstrosities are a marginal improvement over Mexican carry, but that's not really saying much. Their "trigger guard" is woefully inadequate (i.e. worthless) and, more importantly, you have no way to reholster your weapon after a DGU. Which means you either have to keep holding your gun (and risk getting shot by the cops when they show up) or set it on the ground where you no longer have direct control over it. The VersaCarry is easily among the top 5 worst "holsters" in the history of handguns.