Pocket carry help!


I have just recently obtained my CCW license and I currently have a S&W M642 revolver that I'm carrying in a Bob Mika pocket holster, in the front right pocket of a pair of jeans I carefully sought out they it had a nice big pocket and was relaxed fit. The only problem is, this is what my setup looks like from outside the pocket (click on images to enlarge):

I feel that this isn't how a pocket carry setup should look. One can clearly see a definite bulge, does it look unnatural or does it shout "gun", or does this look okay? Is bulging acceptable with pocket carry if there is no printing of a "gun" shape? And is my gun printing a "gun" shape? I bought a S&W M642 under the impression that it would be great for carrying in the pocket, but I'm not sure I'm getting good results with it!

I need some recommendations on what I should do. I have carried this way a couple times in public but with a large flannel shirt that covers the pocket pretty well. I am afraid of going out with just a T-shirt on as it's getting warmer outside but I don't feel comfortable doing so yet.

Please critique how bad this looks and give me some advice as I really am not sure how this should look at all. Thanks for your time!
Doesn't look bad at all.

Being new to ccw, you'll find that you notice your bulge more than anyone else. That's a normal feeling that will go away after awhile.
Nobody is looking at your crotch.. and if they are I'm sure they're not trying decide what you're packing. Ok that came out wrong.

Just relax, the more you worry about it the more your body language is drawing attention to your pocket buldge.

I know guys who carry a bigger wallet than that in their front pocket.
Being new to CCW you feel everyone is looking. No they are not. You are good to go. Just practice some dry fire removing gun from holster. Use unloaded gun.
Honestly, it looks like a gun is in your pocket. Granted, 99% of the population simply won't notice, but to me, my 637 felt too visible for pocket carry so I don't carry that way any longer.

Again, most people simply won't notice so relax. If you don't like to print that much, try an inside the waist band holster or a smaller gun like the Ruger LCP.
I pocket carry a 642 in my pocket. It looks similar to your set up. However, in my other pocket, is my keys, pocket knife, and change. The non-gun pocket stands out more then the one with the 642.

A little story about my pocket carry and printing. My wife and I square dance. I also teach a Ladies Firearms class.

Last year two ladies whom we have been dancing with for over ten years signed up for my class. It was in this class they found out, after our dancing together for 10 years, that I always had this gun in my pocket. They were somewhat surprised they hadn't noticed the revolver before.

Most people are so self absorbed with their own life and problems they wouldn't notice if you carried a mortar tube in you pocket.

The longer you carry, the less you'll worry about if the gun prints or not.
I really think that most people wouldn't even notice if a person was open carrying a neon colored gun. :D

I completely understand the 'printing' paranoia that accompanies the first weeks of CC. But with time I found that it went away to the point that now I really couldn't care less about printing.

Most guys carry things in their pockets. How often do you stand back and try to guess what that guy over there has in is front pockets? "Is it a smart phone? Maybe its his keys, some spare change and a lighter?"

It looks just fine to me. The S&W 642 is a classic pocket gun.
I live in the hot, sweaty South West U.S. I wear shorts and a t-shirt almost every day. Because I can!

I carry a 642 or 340 every day, in either a DeSantis 02 leather pocket holster or DeSantis' synthetic pocket holster, with the "grippy" outside surface.

They conceal very well, especially with that leather holster. The leather holster has a very broad, pretty flat surface facing outward, and minimizes any printing from the frame and cylinder. Tighter pants and/or smaller pockets can be a problem, but dress pants or looser casual clothes are fine.

The grip on the gun can make a big difference, though, so I use an Ahrends finger grip set and it carries perfectly. That grip is tiny, and it takes some training to shoot it well.


My guns don't print nearly as much as yours seems to, as best I can tell from the pictures. I suspect your pants are less relaxed/baggy than mine, or you're using a different holster, or longer grips.

You don't need to concern yourself with concealing your gun from people who aren't looking for it. They don't care. The challenge is to conceal your gun from those who are looking for it. A good LEO or a seasoned criminal is going to look at you much differently than Joe Lunchbox. You don't want them to think you are carrying a gun, or maybe a canned ham in your pocket.
does it shout "gun", or does this look okay?

I've been pocket carrying for years and one of my favorites is the 642. From your photos, the weapon is completely concealed. Yes, you have something in your pocket. No, 99% of folks you encounter won't even notice. And of that remaining 1%, few will think "gun."

But I know what you're feeling. It's very common among new concealed carriers. Over time, you'll definitely become more comfortable and less self-conscious with it.
You're good to go. As stated by others, nobody is going to be staring at your pocket unless there is something sticking out of it. Looser pants will compensate for some of the printing, but totally your call for what's comfortable. I carry a 642 but use a Uncle Mike's # 4 holster- it's a little thinner material than the Mika.

While not immediately identifiable as a pistol, the bulge looks awkward & IMHO draws attention (folks will be tninking: WAHT the heck has he got in his pocket ? ) - which can be both/either a good or bad thing, depending on the situation.

That's why I use ThunderWear under the front of my pants when I wear tighter pants (ILO looser slacks), and/or for warm weather/Summer CCW, when I'm mostly down to wearing shorts & t-shirt (an eye-boggling sight, to be sure ;) )

Drawing from ThunderWear is just as easy as a pocket draw.

I use the ThunderWear when I CCW a 6-shot Colt DS, which is just a little bit bulkier than a S&W J-frame.


It looks like you have something sizable in your pocket, but it doesn't look like you have a gun in your pocket.

How well do you draw from there?

If the answer contains the words "poor," "slow," or "awkward," or if you just want your britches to look better when they are on, there are lots of IWB holsters available.
“You wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”
― Eleanor Roosevelt

Looks just fine to me. .341 seconds thinking that guy has stuff in his pocket, now back to sticking my face in my smartphone.
I've carried an S&W 042 in my left front pocket for years.

It bulges. Nothing's going to change that unless you start wearing parachute pants or a mumu.

But only twice have I ever been asked what I have in my pocket.

The first time was by someone who also carries a gun and knew exactly what he was seeing.

The second time was by someone I sat down next to at the dog park. I said "insulin pump" and let it go at that.
Well I tried a new pair of jeans today, some Wrangler relaxed fit style. They made a big difference in how this looks and seem to hold the bulk of the gun closer in, so there is less printing all around. I am quite satisfied with this! Also I have a pair of S&W dymondwood service grips and some Tyler T grip adapters coming that I have heard make a nice setup for pocket carrying as they don't print as bad as some of the rubber grips can. I have the stock rubber S&W grips on this gun and I think they might be printing a bit more than they should.

Thanks all for the help, still open to suggestions!
There are a number of pocket holsters that have an outer "shield" that makes the object in your pocket look like a wallet and completely block the outline. The Smith is I think small enough for these to work.

I have some I get at the Crossroads gun shows, they have a little holster with a velcro/detachable shield. If I can't get the whole shebang in my jeans pocket, like with my LCR, sometimes I just drop it in with the shield part, skipping the holster.

In any case, people who notice would see no gun as far as I can tell, just a somewhat fat wallet they won't notice duplicating the one in your BACK pocket....
Thanks for the replies everyone. I went to the ol' Wal-Mart today and tried on some different jeans. I bought a pair of Wrangler relaxed fits, and this is now what the same set up looks like in the pocket:

I like these jeans because they are more comfortable and I prefer the color. Does this look like an improvement over my original pics or should I go back to my old jeans?
