(Please Help!) Where do these infernal particles in my barrel come from???

Just wondering. i thought it might react with the carbon or something. I'm somewhat worriesome about my firearms, even if it is a $75 rifle. Sorry for all the questions.
Hi MO,
I have seen this before, in my case it was bits of the cloth patches coming apart in the bore. It could be other crud too as others mentioned but I wanted to share my experience as well.
So, just be more careful with he cleaning rod ( I honestly think it's just rubbbing against something), do a heavy day of cleaning with Barnes, or soak the bore in kerosene, or the Bore paste? I'd probably use the bore paste along with a heavy cleaning regimen.
The Barnes stuff should help, kerosene is a universal de-ruster but can be messy to deal with, the JB paste is easy.
Your choice.

When you say "surface rust", you mean on the outside of the gun or inside the bore?

Are the particles hard or soft?

Take a pin & poke a couple of 'em on a hard surface.

That'll tell you if they're cloth or a harder substance.
If they break up, probably some form of carbon residue.
If they're soft & appear to be cloth particles, they're from the patches (in which case quit worrying about them).
If they're not cloth lint & don't appear to be brittle like carbon flakes would be, they may just be from scraping your rod.
They come out in little spiral- like things. The feel semi-brittle and you can kinda roll it up in your fingers. I'll try to crush one with a punch or something when i get home.
If they're semi-brittle & spirals, most likely shavings from the coating on your rod.
Not cloth, and carbon residue doesn't do that.

You have a non-coated rod you can use?
I have a Stainless steel with a brass extension that fits. I also have a jointed Swiss cleaning rod that might work, the joints are covered with brass segments that act as a bore guide. I've used the stainless steel one on my Mosin a lot before. I like it. I stop using it after i heard having more than one section on a rod could hurt the rifling.
Running endless dry patches through any barrel is a waste of time and money. You need to give the solvent time to work.
Put a rubber stopper in the muzzle, fill the barrel with solvent and leave it there for a few hours. Dump the solvent into something that is NOTa drain and clean as per normal. Repeat as required.
Jointed rods can wear throats & crowns with extended use, not recommended.

Let's just try this.

Run a couple dry patches through the bore with your STAINLESS rod, to get out whatever particles might be there.
Then run a couple lightly oiled patches through.
Then one more dry patch.

See if you're still getting particles.
If you're not, I'd say your particle problem is your coated rod.

If you DO still get particles appearing, you might try T's method.

I like to use the simplest approach to a given problem first & then escalate if necessary.

The only time I've ever gotten shavings, which is what your particles sound like, has been with soft aluminum rods, and they came out (as shavings tend to do) in small spirals.

On occasion, I've removed severe lead deposition in strips & flakes, but those are quite obvious.

In all the military surplus rifles I've gone through over the years, including several Mosins, I've never encountered spiral particles like you're describing.
They don't sound like carbon or corrosion.

If they're semi-hard, spiral, and of the same color as the coating on your rod, my guess is your rod as the cause.
If you show corresponding wear/scrape patterns on your rod, you run the patches I suggested with a stainless rod & the particles disappear, I'd think the problem with particulates is solved.

You can stick with your coated rod & not worry about it, or switch to a one-piece stainless rod & not worry about it.

And you can still try any of the bore cleaning methods discussed if you're getting rust out of the bore.
If you use a bore guide {I use a bore guide only for brush work} buy the longest 30 caliber rod you can buy, especially for the Finnish M91 {which I'm also a proud owner of one}.
Considering how obsessive you are with your Mosin, I dread the day (on behalf of your parents) when you discover girls.......... :)

Let us know on the particles.
Considering how obsessive you are with your Mosin, I dread the day (on behalf of your parents) when you discover girls..........

I was also thinking something along those lines - except it involved a "substitute" for the girls. :cool:
Okay, so I got all the crud out of the barrel. after about a dozen patches I stopped and just shot off 6 rounds. That blasted all the stuff out. I stopped using the stainless rod, because the joint was audibly scraping against the bore. Me no-likey. So i switched back to the Dewey, was a bit more slow and careful. and finished up with spraying some Rem oil down the barrel. Now it's squeaky clean! :D

Doyle, ah. No. Whatever you had in mind. No.:confused: