Pizza Hut SD Shooting

In my past life, I moonlighted as a delivery driver when I was about to EAS from the Marines (last year). I was working as an Infantry Skills Trainer with 2nd MarDiv DTC by day and running all over Jacksonville, NC at night. I packed (a Taurus 85UL or Sig 232) on those nights when I requested to stay off base (better tips), but carried a Benchmade and a roll of nickles (ducted taped for added strength) everywhere.

My buddy who got me the job (also a Marine) and I had a few close calls and petitioned our manager to let us pack, but were told to take it on the archs if we didn't like it. We packed anyway (when not on base) because, as my buddy put it, "We've been through enough bull**** to take any stateside." I understand the liablity issue but think how much a wrongful death suit would cost. It's sad to see common sense buried in today's society.

Bravo to the driver.

If carry is made OK, you can pretty much figure a customer will be accidentally shot at some point then the store sued.

Forgive me for bluntness, but this is just silly. Has there been a single documented case of any fast food delivery driver shooting an innocent customer?

Could it happen? Yes, which is exactly why "dead employees are cheaper than dead Goblins." Thank you for proving Slamfire's point. It is precisely why Pizza Hut, 7-11 and all the rest would rather have a cooler awash in their own employees' blood than a surviving employee and dead criminals.

To infer, as you did, that some of us are hypocrites because we have 401(k) plans is not worthy of further comment.

I'm curious, are you one of these "actuaries" who actually documented how many times cabbies or delivery drivers or convenience store clerks accidentally killed innocent customers?

No, I didn't think so.

Forgive me for being a bit acidic tonight, please.
I think this was handled perfectly and played out like it should have for the BGs but I can't sit here and tell you that I would have held out as long as this guy did to pull my weapon.

The risk of being knocked unconsious is far to great in this situation. Once you're out, there's really no telling what could have happened. You may not have come out of it alive:(

This is just a clear cut situation of him or me. And you better believe . . . it's never gonna be me.
therealdeal said:
In my personal opinion the worker will not lose his job

I bet that he gets fired. If not, then that would be a major break from the company's policy, as deliverymen who have defended themselves using firearms in the past have always been fired, as far as I'm aware. :mad:

therealdeal said:
or face any kind of negative legal consequences from this situation.

Seems like a more than justified shooting to me--only a rabidly anti-gun DA would bother going after him.
If they do fire him they might/could do a quick fire and rehire on the spot just to go through the motions and say, "no guns again (wink)".
i live in charlotte. most of the people i have spoken to (some pro-gun, some not so much) have all agreed with the pizza hut employee's actions.

when the incident originally happened, the local media witheld the identities of the "victims". i told my wife "i bet they have criminal histories".

fast forward about 36 hours from the first reports of the crime, and sure enough...they reveal the identities of the guys by showing their...wait for it...mugshots.

i always try to explain to my non-gun friends that there are VERY FEW random killings. it's usually knucklehead-on-knucklehead crime. every once in awhile you get a honest, law-abiding citizen who has to shoot a knucklehead (that's my response when they start to say things like "what happens if we let all pizza delivery guys pack heat yada yada yada?")
it's usually knucklehead-on-knucklehead crime. every once in awhile you get a honest, law-abiding citizen who has to shoot a knucklehead (that's my response when they start to say things like "what happens if we let all pizza delivery guys pack heat yada yada yada?")

Once in a while?

Might be that criminals often prey upon themselves, but many thousands of good decent people are preyed upon also--just in the course of a year. Some of the very worst of criminals specialize in ordinary citizen depredation from carjackings to home invasion, burlaries, and robberies of businesses as well as individuals.

I wish it was just "once in a while". If it was, then 40 states (or about) wouldn't have adopted shall issue concealed carry since Florida led the way in 1986.
As for companies being "evil" and more interested in the bottom line, who here has money in a 401K or other retirement plan? The money your account makes primarily comes from company stocks

Hey, how is your 401 K doing? Mine not so well. BBC says that if you put $10 K into the stock market in the year 2000, it would be worth $8K today.

Apparently a number of profit maximizing "benevolent" :confused: corporations drove the world into recession around 2008. A couple of names come into memory, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc. A list of the surviving “benevolent” corporations that were too big to fail are at this link.

Corporations are amoral in the pursuit of profit. Though a corporation may proclaim lofty long term lofty goals, it is truly only interested in its immediate gratification. Which turns out to be “profits now”. Of course it is never responsible for its actions, totally self centered, has a grandiose opinion of its own self worth. People, things, the world, are disposable objects for attainment of its goals. It is highly manipulative, and can only have a Master/Slave relationship with others. “Compromise” is viewed as weakness, so is compassion: there is no empathy for others.

Guess what, human psychopaths have the same behaviors. And until you recognize that when you are dealing with a corporation that you are also dealing with a psychopath, corporations will continue to successfully manipulate you for their own ends.

Which explains why Dead Employees are preferable to Dead Goblins.

Nothing personnel, but it is all about the profits.
well, i agreed with ya that it's more than just "once in awhile"


i guess what i was getting at is that alot of the "victims" you see on television are career criminals who lost their lives "while on the job" (if you know what i'm sayin)

it always amazes me that whenever someone gets shot, their mugshot is shown. if i got shot right now, you will find plenty of pictures of and my wife on vacation, me and my nieces and nephews playing in the backyard, me at church functions...but none of me in an orange jumpsuit!!
Thanks for the replies.

I know these kinds of threads can have a short life. I normally don't post about shooting articles but this one was local and I wanted to see any comments. It certainly has made me stop and think about my daily carry habits. I will post again if they give news about the disposition of the delivery mans job far no news.

PS: So far the local news comment is in strong support of the delivery guy. The only official statement from Pizza Hut was basically just to say they are reviewing.
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Unfortunately, Pizza Hut is known to fire several employees a year for use of a firearm in self defense. The accounts have been posted on this and other boards, so if you are so inclined, you can do some research. The guy will most likely be fired.

Now that the tide is changing WRT use of firearms for self defense, I wonder how much longer PH is going to keep this policy. At some point the public is going to become so incensed about it and cause a major boycott. I wonder if someone were to compile a thorough list of firings as a result of self defense if that would spark some outrage. Maybe this is a good project for the SAF or another small gun rights org.
tet4 said:
Unfortunately, Pizza Hut is known to fire several employees a year for use of a firearm in self defense.

True, but they have been very quite on this incident. I think the local opinion has had an effect. Usually they respond fairly quickly to fire an employee, but so far no action. The only public statement ( I know of) has been that they are conscious of public safety etc.

I have been checking daily, but so far no news.

PS: another influence might be that his area is gun friendly. Charlotte is on the border, so a large number from SC shop and eat in the Charlotte area. There is not one store I can think of in this area on either side of the border that has a sign restricting CCW, and believe me I know, my wife takes me to every store in a 50 mile radius.:)
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Hopefully they are starting to see the light that this policy is costing them big time. I know I haven't bought a pizza from them in quite a few years.
tet4 said:
Hopefully they are starting to see the light

Could be. Another incident in Raleigh NC in January at a Domino's had a different outcome. The store (un-armed) manager was locking up at night and was beaten to death by two thugs using a baseball bat. They have recently been arrested, but it's a good contrast to the outcome of the incident I posted on.
Slamfire... you is da MAN!!!

Awsome analysis. "Corperate behaviour if exhibited by an individual, that individual would be considered a sociopath"

WOW!!!... Now those are truely words of wisdom. If you dont mind I'll be spreading that information where, and whenever I can.

I have a buddy who's son is a major talking head (conservative type), and I'm going to pass it along to him.

Once again Slamfire... If you hear that statement on FOX... know that you started it.

Glenn D.
I was hoping that this thread would stay open until we could post about the Pizza Hut delivery mans job status. That may not happen. So maybe I will post a new thread if Pizza Hut makes any new announcements. However, it appears that there may not be any new information forth coming.

I think Pizza Hut might just leave this stand as is....not fire the delivery guy, but not come out and say they support having armed employees.
As long as he's not fired that's a good thing. He most likely saved everyones life. I'd love to shake his hand.
besafe2 said:
As long as he's not fired that's a good thing.

Yeah, it looks like a case of a lot of news coverage helping. About every local news outlet and citizens came out in his support. It looks like Pizza Hut thinks good PR is worth a lot these days.:)

People that carry do eat pizza at times. This area is fairly gun friendly. There are lots of CCW's and more coming.