Pictures on targets, what do you think?

There should be no picture's of any human on targets. In fact I don't even use target's with animals on them. My feeling is doing so just cast a bad image of shooter's for non shooter's that may be sitting on the line of good or bad. Shooter's are their own worst enemy!
Since a lot of shooters are also hunters, what's your beef about animals?

The BEST way to prepare for a hunt is to shoot a life-sized animal target at the distances you'll be hunting. Deer don't run around with bright orange bullseyes on them.
My targets are usually just smudges of ink or crayon on paper and I personally don't like to even shoot at silhouette targets, but I have no problem with others doing so, nor with pictures, as long as it's not my picture!
A generic target with human shapes, even faces is OK. In the case of Osama Bin Laden targets, or possibly other known terrorists I'd even make an exception.

But targets with the faces of celebrities or politicians, even if I strongly disagree with them, are off limits.
I usually use a paper plate with a dot on it but see absolutley nothing wrong with a face on a target. Key word there is TARGET nothing more.
If you dont like it dont do it.
Personally I think we should use the faces of all the anti gun/Trump politicians.
Other than range safety, I'm usually so focused on my range time that I don't even notice what others targets look like. As for me, I vote #3, but I don't use people targets. Closest I've used is the torso silhouette.
I don't care for the practice myself. But if the image on the target carries the likeness of someone you don't mind the US military or LE shooting at it seems a bit foolish to object.
when "sensitivity" is called for I use Bianchi Cup targets AKA NRA D-1 targets

as an aside I actually learned how to shoot on these. Ray (Chapman) had bunches of them left over from the Bianchi Cup matches. So if your class was after the match chances are you shot these.

I really have no problem putting my best foot forward when the Press or people with "views" are around.
The State Dept issued tgt is the “Izzy”. Its a picture of a generic Iraqi guy, complete with a bushy mustache holding an AK. I cant count how many rounds ive put through Izzy.

If training to shoot people, it just makes sense to shoot people looking targets.
The State Dept issued tgt is the “Izzy”. Its a picture of a generic Iraqi guy, complete with a bushy mustache holding an AK. I cant count how many rounds ive put through Izzy.

If training to shoot people, it just makes sense to shoot people looking targets.

He looks like more of a hungover /sleepy guy to me than 'al irhabi'.
I don't think pictures of real people should be allowed as targets.

If its your range, you can make those rules.

Otherwise, you don't.

Poor taste? Often. Freedom of Speech? maybe. Credible threat?? possibly..

Shoot zombie targets and people will just think it juvenile..

Put your Ex-wife's picture on a target, and you better have a good alibi if something ever happens to her...

Put the President's face on your target, and you could be talking to those nice folks in the Secret Service, and you better have a lawyer handy...
and be prepared for an extended stay away from home...
I don't use those targets myself. But I have no problem with people using those, except it is face of a president. Any president, past or present, whichever party. It is simply because I am an American, and I respect the office of my president, even it is someone I didn't vote for. It is as offensive as putting an American flag as a door mat.


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I've seen targets with the current (at the time) President of the United States. Totally unacceptable, and I disagreed with most everything the then current President said or did. I came real real close to saying something to the guy, but didn't want to start problems.
There are many variants of the “human faced” targets, some with unarmed people, pregnant ladies holding a child, older ladies who look like aunt Bee pointing a gun at you, and some even of cops.

The trouble was the 'no shoot' ones too often looked like victims out of central casting - church pastor, woman with baby, old lady, etc. More recent ones have stick-on inserts that force you to actually look at what they are holding/doing.