Pictures of your reloading bench/equipment

DaveInPA said:
Where would I go to get the metal plates for mounting presses, etc. on to use with a track system?

Mounting plates can be made from a number of different materials...wood, aluminum, steel, or plastic. I found high density plastics work well, light weight, available in any thickness, easy to cut & drill, doesn't rust, and won't scratch bench surface. Can be found by googling the net or check the phone book under plastics.

1/2" thick plates worked well, gives you enough material to use a counter bore or counter sink.


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I hope these pictures arn't too big.
If they are too much I will take them down.
This is one of my spare bedrooms. I am trying to show all sides of the room with the four pictures.
Yes, I am single.





How long have you been using the track system and how is it holding up? Also, what type of fasteners are those?
DaveInPA said:
Would this be the right type of plastic? And do their prices look right for 1/2" stuff?

Don't recall what plastic family I used, they were scraps from work. Either Polyethylene or Polypropylene should work fine.

at2000 said:
How long have you been using the track system and how is it holding up? Also, what type of fasteners are those?

Been using this system for over a year, couldn't be happier. Fasteners are 1/4-20 button head bolts, flat heads, and socket heads. Used flat heads coming up from the bottom to mount the presses, nylon lock nuts on the top side. Holes on the bottom of each plate were counter sunk.

To attach the plates to the rails, early on I used socket heads w/hardened washers, later changed this and counter bored the holes, using button head bolts. All require an allen wrench for installation. I prefer using "T-handle" allen wrenches, no need to over tighten them.

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I ordered two 4 ft. lengths of track, bolts and knobs, and some HDPE 1/2" thick plates. I'll update with pictures of the new setup when it's all done.

I LOVE that mount you have for the Lee press. Do you have plans that you can post or send?

Right now I just have my Lee Pro 1000 mounted to a piece of 2X6 that I chuck up in my ww'ing vise. It's stable enough that it doesn't move when I crank the handle (the bench is 2X6 framing with a 10/4 oak top), but pretty it's not, and I'm not sure how I'm going to get the spent primers out short of unbolting the press.

All the best,
Sorry, no available plans for the mount, something I made up from scrap aluminum. The design is a copy of a wood mount I once had that was offered by Lyman. Not sure if they still make it or not.

Dave, look forward to seeing your bench....when you install the rails, make sure they are perfectly parallel to each other. Good luck.
Here's my bench as it is now:


If everything comes in this week, I will be mounting it to the wall, putting shelving underneath to clear up space, and adding a track system. I'll also be adding a Hornady LNL AP press and a bench vise.
Well, I've finished my upgrades on my bench. Finally bolted it to the wall and floor, and added a track system for ease of moving equipment around.

Big thanks to Rembrandt for the inspiration!





The equipment is bolted onto the white plates. The whole thing can be slid right off the track and removed from the bench when not in use, allowing me to only have on the bench what I need to use at the time:

Nicely done, that counter top looks like polished granite. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I like mine. Thanks for posting the pics.

This is an 8 X 2 foot bench. I am using about half of it for my reloading stuff.
That is an old Herters Press, but it has done the job for a little over 50 years. I won't live long enough to wear it out. I paid $13 for it when I was still in high school. (1958) The plastic file boxes are for storage of tools and components. That is the Lyman 55 Powder measure. Same vintage. I keep the tumbler out in the garage.

My first set up was in a closet on a shelf I nailed to the walls. Later it was set up in a chicken coop. (no chickens) Over the years it has been in the garage, or down the basement of several different houses. I will tell you it is nice to have it down the basement in this cold weather we are having. I have been giving it a work out this winter. I am to the point I gotta go do some shooting to get some empty brass to support my reloading habit. :D

Wow! You guys sure have some nice looking setups.
Jal5 Added two more lbs on Monday. Experimentation time of year. Sad thing is I was looking at my reciepts from 1997 and nearly everything I have purchased since building my new bench this year is exactly DOUBLE in price from that time. Same problem around here as far as supply is concerned. Primers-Non existent Powder-Very Low Bullets-popular calibers Non-existent with no Backorder Date. Bout ready to take the Haz charge not buying local hit and get a bulk order together. Just as soon as my # hits on the lotto. :rolleyes: