physics question about bullets

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I like math

Momentum and sectional density are responsible for penetration

But this is still true for handgun bullets.

We assume adequate construction, sufficient velocity, and careful aim :D
And how many elephants did you kill to come to this conclusion? Your bogus article debunks nothing and it yet another prime example of how the typical idiot takes TKO out of context with the baseball example.

How many do I need to? :rolleyes: Do Elephants have magical properties making them immune to the laws of the universe which govern us all?

Since we are at the point where you are openly calling me an "idiot" (or the writer of the article) ... I have to conclude that we've reached the point in the discussion where you've got nothing left but name-calling.

That's where we part company.
How many do I need to? Do Elephants have magical properties making them immune to the laws of the universe which govern us all?
Then show me the formula that indicates how bullets work on elephants and how it's more relevant than the results of actually shooting elephants. Your arrogance is astounding.

I have to conclude that we've reached the point in the discussion where you've got nothing left but name-calling.
Nice try but you don't get off that easily. That wasn't name calling, that was in reference to the article you linked to. Yes, I feel very comfortable characterizing anyone who uses TKO to compare baseballs to .22-250's to "debunk" the formula as an "idiot". Because they clearly do not understand TKO, why it was devised or what its proper use is. This is exactly what I mean by taking it out of context and it happens every time the subject comes up. Would you use a Corvette to pull a horse trailer?
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