Personal Defense At The Range.

I wonder if the same people who will carry concealed regardless of range rules would carry in states where their CHL is not valid?

You are comparing a business's policy and a State LAW. Vastly different things
Funny you should mention that.

The gun range where I worked at (I haven't worked there since last year) had an incident. Here is how it went:

Man goes into the showroom and asks for a 9mm rental package. Which includes the following for $65.00; Glock in 9mm, 2 targets, eyes and ears, and 50 rounds of ammunition.

He shoots downrange. 46, 47, 48, 49..... Keeps the last bullet.

Chambers it. Puts the gun to his head (temple) and squeezes the 115gr full metal jacket into his head.

RO's are active or prior military. They administered first aid until the ambulance came. He died in surgery at the hospital.

He could have just as easily gone down each lane had there not been RO's who are trained and armed.

That said, I always have my own SD gun on me.
Strangers are exactly that.. and I do not get all caught up in the brotherhood that armed citizens seem to simply accept on face value. I am still guarded with information and I am always ccw while at the range. I go with my gut and if some clown seems off, I dont try and talk myself out of that impression. Stay safe
And the further on with the range suicide - the indoor range I worked at had a Ruger SP101 snub that was used in a suicide. That gun was a very popular rental afterwards. Dead serious, no pun intended.
"What they don't know wont hurt them. That's why I keep mine concealed."

So, you assume to be "better" than "them", safer than "them", or just above the rules of the range?


That's also why I keep a full reload of whatever I'm shooting in my pocket for any SD situation that might arise. I don't need to trust anyone else's level of competence or malice....I just need to know that I am prepared.
I always have a loaded pistol on my body at the range and often wear my vest...the latter mostly because of the poor gun handling I have seen. I ALWAYS wear my vest at police ranges.
I shoot several times a week. At least once a week I shoot at a public range that lets anyone into the range that signs a liability waiver. I also shoot a couple of times a week at a private range that is located in what can be considered not the nicest part of town. That range has an gate with a padlock that each member has a combination to open. The gate remains open until the last member leaves the parking lot. That means when I am on the range, the gate is open.

My feeling is that if I have an unloaded gun at the public range, I could fall victim to a maniac that decides he is Wyatt Earp or some other cowboy and wants to shoot everyone he sees. At the private range, when the gate is open, no telling who might wonder in. I always keep a fully loaded concealed gun upon my person as I do with a dual magazine pouch. As a matter of fact, it is my EDC gun. If I decide to shoot it, I will take another fully loaded 1911 and conceal it. The bottom line is that I never want to be anywhere, including the shooting range without a means to defend myself.

Am I being paranoid? All it takes is once to get caught in a situation where you needed a gun and didn't have one. Been there. Not fun.
No, being paranoid would be refusing to go to the range for fear someone will rob you, which is still a statistically unlikely event. Since it has actually happened more than one time, being prepared is not being paranoid.
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No, being paranoid would be refusing to go to the range for fear someone will rob you, which is still a statistically unlikely even. Since it has actually happened more than one time, being prepared is not being paranoid.

Perfect response.

Insinuating that we're fear driven and paranoid.... I think a lot of people are on the wrong forum.
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May I suggest not keeping any visible valuable items in your car, on the gun range parking lot.

If you are alone on firing line during a ceasefire...take your empty gun {action open, magazine removed} cased or uncased while setting up a target --- Because the robbers will case the isolated firing line for any firearms, while a shooter is downrange.
In one instance on our 100 yard AGC Barnes Range, one guy had his rifle stolen right off the gun rack, behind the concrete firing pad. He searched behind a building near the parking lot and found it.

One guy had his tool box that was stock full of reloading dies, stolen off his open tailgate of his SUV on the same parking lot.

Our 200 yard range parking lot has had a number of recorded instances where cars have been broken into; including broken in firearm lockers behind the firing pad.

On our 50 yard pistol range: One shooter had a box of 3 extra Encore pistol barrels stolen off the firing pad.
Anyine else wear a vest to the range? I go to an indoor range which is quite cool, so it's not uncomfortable. It's only a IIA but I shoot the pistol range and I've never seen anyone with a .44 or X-frame. I'm more worried about accidents than intentionally being shot.

I also believe in "concealed is concealed". Unless a no gun sign carries the weight of law I'd recommend ignoring it. Just wear your CCW same as always and conceal it same as always and leave when asked if you are made- that's legal in my jurisdiction. My range allows CCWs though so for me it's academic.
When I'm shooting rifles I always have my Concealed on me, since I wore it to the range and never took it off.

With handguns I'm always hot, the weapon holstered loaded. Holster empty is something I never do.

If I'm shooting a gun and don't have a holster then my concealed is on me because I never took it off.