Pennsylvania TFL Range Report June 10th

Jamie Young

New member
I think I spent most of the day in my own little world with my FAL. As usual I always have my new experiment for the day and the Mini 14 shot 2MOA (I have two Witnesses) and my STG58 Shot 1MOA with Federal Gold Match 168gr, and I could hit a 3 ft target at 500yds most of the time :) (I'm going to scan the targets to prove it). I was glad to see a few others showed up with there FALs. Today was the first time I saw 4 FALs at one range.

"Marcus" Your 10mm was a fine weapon! That gun fit right in my hand and was very smooth. I didn't get to talk to everyone very much since I was doing so much FAL shooting. "Dead" I want to see a scope on that SAR II and see what it does at 400yds. we should get a Mini 14 vs. SAR II at 300-400yds and see what happens. "Dinosaur" thanks for letting me shoot the Kahr P9 I'll defanitely consider getting one.

Next shoot will probable be in Sept and we are going to have to do some sporting clays. :cool:

We keep adding on newcomers and today was a great day for shooting.
P.S. This range is the only range I know of where wildlife is attracted to gunfire. A few weeks ago I had a turkey walk right under the 100yd targets and today we had a deer walk right past the 300yd targets. I'm go there for deer season next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sodapop, I will have to get a Scope for that thing for sure! I will have to see where i can find a mount for it. That 10mm was sweet!!! So were those Hi-Powers.

That deer is lucky it didnt try to cross while everyone one shooting their FAL's ;) Oh yeah there is a range in upstate NY where, EVER time I have been there, there were deer on the 200 yard range. (This was during High Power Matches)

Now I just have to get a DSA stg58 :D

Wonder where is a good place to get one around here??? Wonder if I CAN get one here???

My friend will post the pics later, either that or they will send them to me, and I will post them....
I`m glad I was able to make it,I had a great time! It was a lot of fun trying out other guns like Dinosaur`s .40 HiPower (sweet!) and MK9 (also sweet!) and even Dead`s 8mm Mauser with the steel butt plate (ouch, LOL!). Next time I have to bring something that can "reach out and touch something" at those longer ranges, "Stubby" wasn`t quite up to it. ;) Marcus
I think I made an Ass out of my self with that Mauser. After I fired the first two rounds somebody asked me if I thought it kicked hard and I said NO not like my 30/06. Then the next round slammed into my shoulder because I didn't hold it down right. The last two rounds were a real torture test. Another FAL shooter showed up around 4:30 but I didn't really talk to him much. I tried to shoot my Colt 1991A1 a little but my hands were to shakey. I still want to get back up there with my FAL. Dead "" is where you want to go for an STG58.
Deer? You wanna see deer?

Come sit on my front porch. I had 16 of
em on my lawn one day!:p

I see Geoff didn`t check in yet. I hope
he made it home ok. He really needs to
get out of NY.:barf:

It was a good day. Finally put some
faces to go with names. A very
impressive display of firepower. When
the rifle line was cooking it sounded
like the Huns were in the trenches!:eek:

It was fun trying out the different
guns. Makes me want to run out to the
gun dealer.:D

I will definitely be there in Sept!
For all those that missed this meet, you missed one hell of a day at the range! We had great weather, good people, and plenty of firearms to shoot. The only thing missing to make it a PERFECT day were some hot babes. So if you didnt make it out, make a point to be at the next one.

dinosaur, while you are "running out to the gun dealer", can you pick me up a hi-power??? ;)

K80Geoff, You brought the good weather this time with you... Guess the third time is the charm huh???

SodaPop, thanks for the Link!! List price is 1800, but I recall you saying the can be had for about 900... I will have to see. I am also suprised I didnt "take out" your soda this time :p

Marcus, That 8mm wasnt that bad!!! I dont think anyone broke their shoulder, just bruised it slightly. I will have to bring a real beast with me in Sept. (Time to have a light weight 475 A&M magnum made up!! OUCH!!)

Deer figured in my activities all day. Driving to the shoot on I78 one ran out in front of me and stopped, in the middle lane. Turned and looked at me, it's antlers were starting to bud. Had to do some fancy driving to miss it.

Then I was shooting at the 300 yd target through the iron sights on my AR and that deer strolled right in front of my target! It almost bought it!

Going home I saw dozens of dead deer on the side of the interstate, doesn't New Jersey clean up its highways? What is the significance of all this? Is there some hidden message here? ( Gotta stop watching those X files reruns)

That 8MM wasnt bad, my milsurp 30-06 is much worse.

Got to shoot an FAL, SKS and Mauser, all firsts for me!

Naturally, this time I failed to bring any handguns, so everyone else bought theirs:mad:

Next time, let's rent a golf cart to go downrange. Either that or send Soda out with rations and water to change the targets.

Everything was great, untill I got back in NY and the traffic :barf:

Geoff Ross

Deer figured in my activities all day. Driving to the shoot on I78 one ran out in front of me and stopped, in the middle lane. Turned and looked at me, it's antlers were starting to bud. Had to do some fancy driving to miss it.

Then I was shooting at the 300 yd target through the iron sights on my AR and that deer strolled right in front of my target! It almost bought it!

Going home I saw dozens of dead deer on the side of the interstate, doesn't New Jersey clean up its highways? What is the significance of all this? Is there some hidden message here? ( Gotta stop watching those X files reruns)

That 8MM wasnt bad, my milsurp 30-06 is much worse.

Got to shoot an FAL, SKS and Mauser, all firsts for me!

Naturally, this time I failed to bring any handguns, so everyone else bought theirs:mad:

Next time, let's rent a golf cart to go downrange. Either that or send Soda out with rations and water to change the targets.

Everything was great, untill I got back in NY and the traffic :barf:

Geoff Ross
Geoff how about I drive down with my van and charge you $1 for every target I change for you? I'm the only one that had the guts to run down to 500yds change my targets and run back. I drove the second time around ;) I think I actually brought too many guns. I didn't get to shoot everything. Dead which rifle were you using to shoot clays with? You and your friend did pretty good with open sights. I went up there to set up all the clays and and the next thing I knew they all got picked off. Although I shot the last one :D

ArmySon when are you going to come to one of these?
Oh boys! You should have been with me today.

I went to Boyer`s, which is a hardware store in Slatington. Never been before.

Marcus, Remember the Naval Luger we talked about? Shoulder stock in the wood case. $11,000!

Dead, You want a HP? Never been fired, shoulder stock and paperwork, $1900. I might go for that one myself.:eek:

Lots of surplus rifles. They had 3 used M1 A`s. One with a camouflage job and one that was a "squad weapon"? $1100 ea.
The other was made in the USA but I couldn`t check it real good. Either $600 or $700. I forget.

A 1911 .45 with stag grips. Not bad but the barrel looked worn. $600. Also a Colt Double Eagle. Never saw one. Ugly grips. Don`t recall the price.

Soda. They had a P9 for $519. Not a bad price considering they went up June 1st. Nite sites included.
SodaPop, SAR2.... Had the sights set to 300 yards for the first 20+ shots, then dropped it to 100 yards, and then one shot = one broken clay :) I think I only need to bring SAR2 with me, that is all. Oh yeah and about 345,254 rounds.

dinosaur, that HP a C&R?????
The Luger was Artillery, not Naval. Ooops!

The HP must be C&R with a shoulder stock, no?

Slatington is about a 15 min. drive from exit 34 on the tpk.
Dinosaur, that Artilery Luger sounds cool but I could buy a Lee Jurras custom .44 Automag with shoulder stock for that much! :D I have to bring more rifles next time, I missed out on the FAL fun. FAL,hmmm I better start saving up. ;) Marcus
Geoff I have a funny feeling that deer saw you shooting out to 300yds and was kinda taunting you :) How did you do ? I don't think I saw your results the second time you shot down there? I think I was shooting clays with everyone else.

Marcus what other kind of rifles do you have? I think next time we should all run threw all the Military rifles one by one and test them all out. Dead bring the M1 Garand next time, the Mauser was a real treat. Thats the first time I ever got to shoot one. My buddy has a British Enfield I'll try and get him to bring it. He's one of those people that disappears when he has a girlfriend and he's hard to hang out with :( I have to beat some of my friends up to come.
Lets see if we can get one each of M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, Model 1903 Springfield, AR15, K98 (M48) Mauser, Lee-Enfield, AK47 type, AK74 type, Stg58, Swedish Mauser 6.5mm, HK91, etc etc...

That would be a pretty decent sampling of "Military" rifles. ;) Oh yeah do they allow black powder up there?

Gonna ask some of my freind's from up there if they are going to come out to the next one in Sept. Should have AR's everywhere then.

Oh yeah are there any Big 5's out there in PA??? I keep hearing about them, but there is nothing like that in commi land.. :(
I don't know anyone that has a big 5. I don't know if you can shoot them at Water and Wings. ACK I scanned my targets but It won't load ARRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH :mad: I have to get a digital camera probable easier to use. When are you going to get those pictures Dead?
Gotta wait for the email... I just hope my friend didnt send them to my work email... Ugh!!! So as soon as I get them, I will pick some out and post them.
Can anyone get there hands on an M1 Carbine, P08 or P-38? Geoff has a Makarov and I have a Colt and a Beretta. What other handgun do we need?