Pennsylvania TFL Gathering Saturday October 5th! "Soda's 22 Cheap shoot and show 'em"

Im going to ask my cousin if he can make it. If he can I will be able to make this one. He has a few 22's and Im sure he would enjoy this. :D
Damn, I convinced myself not too far back to not get a MARLIN 81TS 22, and now this. :p

I will post a definite answer by the weekend, thanks for the invite RW 3RD. ;)

PS- We will meet before 1 1/2 years. :D Sooner than later.
We are gonna try to make it.. My father in law and myself. Not sure yet. Im bringing a Colt Cadet .22 and a MINT 30 year old Winchester 190 .. and my father in law a Ruger mk 3 and an old Remington bolt action 22

Soda, sorry -- for some reasons the dates just never work. :( Already committed to go to a friend's play (she's starring), among other things.

nvrquit: you know it's a good shooting session when the neighbors complain. :)

Complaints, the Play et al...


I'm not really sure on the complaining issue, but as I understand it there was definitely a few "questions" asked. Regarding the play, remember; don't fall a'sleep and don't forget the name of the character your friend was in the play... very important!

In any case, enjoy and we'll see you next time around!
Clarification requested...


I've noticed the posts for both the 5th & 6th of October. Which is the correct date?
I have my nametag from the last meet, trouble is it is upside down:confused:

OK So you will be there at 9AM on the 32nd of October...

Or is it 11 AM on the 5th...or 5 AM on the 11th...or 9AM on the 11th....or many numbers:eek:
There is food and drinks and coffee in the main buildings so you all can skip breakfast if you want to.

The coffee is only 75yds from the pistol range, unlike the NJ shoot where we had to drive back to PA to get a cup.:)