Parents and Guns (my mom found out)

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Wow....I didn't think I would get this many responses so fast ! First off, I would like to thank ALL of you for your responses. I'd list you all individually, and the insight you have given me, but it would take up way too much space. Needless to say I was impressed with your advice and support . Someone gave me this line...

"Mom, Dad, I've always listened and respected your opinion. But in this case we disagree. I'm grown now and have to make my own life. I've decided to buy the gun. I think its the right thing to do. I'm sorry if you disagree but, its my choice, not yours. If you don't want me around because you don't agree with me, then that's it. I won't bother you anymore. Good bye."

and that is essentially the stance I ended up taking. My Dad has turned around somewhat, but is still "disappointed" in my decision. I didn't grow up in the country with guns, I'm not gay (How the hell did that come up ???), and I don't live at home, moved out when I was 18. I know the lie/not to lie debate was a tough one, my attitude was as long as it was kept away from them and entirely in my control, they didn't have to know. My sister found out through a close friend who wasn't thinking. When my parents asked, I was honest about it. They have finally aquiesced after about 10 hours of conversation. My father, a Vietnam vet, still had a hard time trying to remember just exactly what a 1911 was !!! He's an old hippie, I forgive him ;) .

OK, I'm tired and starting to babble ...Thanks again, you don't know how much your insight and experience has helped. I hope some day I can return the favor with my own sage advice . Have a great Thanksgiving !
OK i'm 21 and I live at home. My mom is anti. last nov. while she was on a trip, i bought a AR-15. when she found out she flipped. I talked to her about it, showed her how it worked, and told her the safety measures I intended to take. since a safe was not practical for just 1 AR, I lock the case
although she wasn't happy, she was glad that I took the time to show her that it wasn't just another random purchase and that I had thought things through. Since then i have picked up another Ar, a 1911, and a 10/22 she always gets mad at me when she find the reciepts in the rooms. but She realizes that I am responsible now. maybe you should ask your mother to come over to your place and show her how the whole thing works, and take her to the range. A lot of people have been swayed at the range. just at though. but I am definately against lying.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?

One last comment:

Just my opinion but if you don't live in a gun-friendly state, try to move to one now while you're young and fairly mobile. The longer you let roots dig in someplace, the harder it is to move later.

One example: In Konnecticutt now apparently someone can call the cops and say you have guns and you're a threat to society and whammo they come lock you up. I'm sure Kalifornia legislators are thinking "what a great idea that law would be here!". :(

Muscles I think you should borrow a pre ban AR with bayonett and dress up in BDU's and face paint and show up for thanks giving with your cleaning kit. If anyone says anything tell them to shut up and sit down, that you got a few things to discuss, sorry maybe that's a little to hard for their liberal minds right now. Just my thoughts.

Dont ever let your bench fall under 405lbs!
Hello to Mr. Muscles Mc Gee. As always, the best is saved for last; hence my post here, at the end of the thread. I'd better put a smiley face here, !:^o) and run for my flame proof suit!

My 2 cents worth, I like the idea of the
phony reciept or even if you have to do two
registrations to make it a real reciept. Most
gun shop owners would probably go along with it if you explain it like you did here.

ALSO, I would take the training one step
further and join the NRA and become an NRA Certified Pistol Safety Compentency and Marksmanship Instructor as I did when faced with a Very similar situation. I actually ended up training my whole family and opening up a gun shop. The NRA certified pistol safety instructor course cost me 110.oo and 8 hours of my time; but that was back in 1986
so dont be suprised if it costs closer to $200.oo now. I get $100.oo per student for teaching a one or two person private course
at the student's time frame convience. The student makes the schedule for the lesson and does not have to be at class at any time not convient for him.Classes run 10 hours of training & then I take them shooting ,both a pistol and a revolver, for about an hour. I
provide both the guns & the ammo. They are limited to 30 rounds for each unelse they wish to purchase more ammo,which they usually do if they & I, have the extra time. THE POINT IS THAT THE TRAINING PAYS FOR ITSELF IN THE FIRST TWO STUDENTS THAT YOU TEACH. AFTER THAT ,IT IS MOSTLY ALL PROFIT. It will cost you $25.oo to join NRA for a year and ask about getting an extra suscription to the American Rifleman sent to your parents house.
As they read the magazine, their point of view will shift.Once you become an NRA Certified Instructer, you can tell your parents that you teach the safety course that
others need to take before they can get their guns.whooee!! And that you are making a handsome living at it ,too! You can charge any fee for the course that you want.$40.oo is give away dirt cheap,60.oo ,the same; most
instructers in Conn. get $100.oo,125.oo & 150.oo If you do not open a gun shop, you can
give the lessons from your home. If you are renting, you may or may not need your landlords written permission,I am not sure;
prehaps NRA can tell you.To give the course,
you will need a state pistol permit,a nra membership, an NRA Pistol Instructor Certification Certificate and course materials and two handguns, a revolver and a
semi auto pistol. NRA phone # is 1-800-nra-3888----hours are 9am to 4:30pm--
Mon thru Fri----Education & training Dept is
1-800-672-3888ext#1481 or ext#1470 or
If you want to open a gun shop, you will need a commercial store front approved by the city you are in as a gun shop and a Federal firearms license that costs $200.oo good for 3 years, as well as a state dealers license that may cost 100.oo, good for 5 years and commercial libility insurance that runs 1200.00 to 18000.oo yearly. Also, some funds to lay in a small stock of firearms and ammo.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited November 18, 1999).]
Turkey is Over Rated...
A Kimber Custom is one FINE Pistol.

I would pick the Kimber.
As for Wills. Keep the gun, or you may not be around long enough to worry about some one elses will.

Tell your family that you take your safety very serious, and are taking some training. Ask her to respect your decicion to take control of your own safety and welfare.
Buy a copy of Best Defense and give her some true stories.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
UNless your mom os going to come over, and swat off the bad guys when the SHTF then I say get the kimber. Tell the family, that you have the right to defend yourself in your own home. and if they dont like that, they dont have to, because they dont support you.

When you moved out of your moms house you cut the apron strings. you need to live your own life tell them If they are going to try to make trouble for you because of your belief's then you will no longer have any kind of contact with them. that usually works, if they are really concerned about you.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best
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