Panic shortage


New member
Just wondering what's everyone's opinion... Is the presidential election going to cause another panic shortage??? I sure hope not. I have been enjoying plentiful gun, and ammo shelves. I do have a decent supply of ammo, but would hate to have to ration, horde, and stop shooting again

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Maybe... I think people are in a wait and see pattern.

If something is on your wish list, get it now. Otherwise, don't worry.

I'd have two years of your favorite ammo on hand tho.

If Secretary Clinton wins, we are in for a long haul of antigun legislation on the state levels, because the SCOTUS will not overturn any bad gun law.
People will lose their damn minds and buy up all the .22lr. Oh wait, that has already happened...

I don't see a stockout of ARs happening again like in 2012. The market is super saturated right now. Some deep pockets would have to come in to get it up to 2013 prices.
The paranoid / highly reactive crowd will (again) pay premium prices for ammo, while the methodical and knowledgable will not.
Old Bill Dibble said:
I don't see a stockout of ARs happening again like in 2012. The market is super saturated right now. Some deep pockets would have to come in to get it up to 2013 prices.
I think the same goes for 10+ round 9mm/.40 full-size semi-auto pistols. Like ARs, it seems like everyone who wants one already has at least three.
A panic will depend entirely upon who wins the election. Trump, no panic buy. Hillary, very likely some panic buying.
rickyrick said:
If Secretary Clinton wins, we are in for a long haul of antigun legislation on the state levels, because the SCOTUS will not overturn any bad gun law.

Primarily, that's not what I am worried about. I am far more concerned with the top (Federal Government) to bottom (States) repercussions. Although the House/Senate could do stuff like pass a few more Assault Weapon Bans which are permanent, that would still most likely leave a *lot* of guns in private hands. I suspect unelected Bureaucrats and Judges to be the greatest threat to private gun ownership. Stuff like pay more through Obamacare if you own gun(s), collect less through Social Security if you own gun(s), etc. Financial ruin for all but the most wealthy/elite if you own gun(s). Judges gleefully rubber stamping the decimation of the 2nd Amendment. Mission accomplished.
I suspect unelected Bureaucrats and Judges to be the greatest threat to private gun ownership. Stuff like pay more through Obamacare if you own gun(s), collect less through Social Security if you own gun(s), etc. Financial ruin for all but the most wealthy/elite if you own gun(s). Judges gleefully rubber stamping the decimation of the 2nd Amendment. Mission accomplished.

Don't under-estimate the threat posed by your voting neighbor.

In a sense every judge is elected by someone, and that someone is likely to respond to voter pressure. If a clear majority of voters found policies in contravention of the text of the 2d Am. as vexing as you and I do, judges and bureaucrat legislators would have the leeway they take.
Most folks that cried "the sky is falling" in the previous two elections are already stocked up. Most of us that reload, now have years worth of components as compared to the weeks worth we used to keep on hand. Ammo companies, gun manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers have upped their production and inventories to address the demands during the previous shortages. I doubt that we will see shortages like the previous ones due to election results and the resulting social media induced panics. Much of the shortages we still see are retailer induced(keep shelf stock low in order to keep prices up).
Panic sets in with Gunmageddon in California

Already ARs are flying off the shelf in California. Ammo also.
I see no panic buying or shortages. .22lr is on the shelf at my local hardware store for the first time in about 4 years. I'm finding good prices regularly on online auctions. Other ammo is in stock at reasonable to low prices. Most everybody who wanted a gun or guns appear to have stocked up during the current president's two terms.

California is a different situation with their recently passed draconian gun laws.
After Sandy Hook, I started gradually building up my stock to a comfortable level and I keep it there. If I shoot 100 rounds, I buy 100 rounds. I have a pretty good buffer against the next round of shortage/price gouging.

Shortages don't happen just in election years. Be prepared.
Trump = no panic. Clinton = yes panic. Also, as the election nears, there will be a panic. Post election is anyone's guess right now.
Possibly a panic situation especially if Hillary get elected. I have slowly been stocking away on all my reloading supplies. Without buying anything new I have enough to keep shooting for about 3 years.
Don't listen to others. Keep abreast of the world's situation and the economy. Then use your on intelligence to make the decision on what is best for you. Your situation is unique to you. It is different from mine.

I am comfortable with my situation. Make yourself comfortable with your on.

If you can afford more, then go for it. Do not go into debt for things that are not essential in your life. Do not steal from your savings and retirement planning to splurge on non-essentials.
I just panic bought a bcg for the lowest price I've ever bought one.....

Actually I'm building and needed it... It's fun to say.

If Secretary Clinton gets elected, I'm having a boating accident. They fell in the ocean
The AG in Washington state is running for re-election, and proposing a ban on assault rifles and magazines. If you own one, you're grandfathered, but you can't sell it or transfer it, that kind of thing.

So I expect some upturn in AR sales here this fall.

The AG is also under an ethics complaint, it appears he is using his state office and resources to aid his campaign, but he can probably lie his way out of that.
Is the presidential election going to cause another panic shortage???

I don't think so. There seems to be plenty of panic to go around and besides panic tends to be self generating.