panic buying ?

Then it all comes back around full circle multiple times

Well... maybe. It can't hurt.

I think the number of forum users out of the millions of gun owners is not that great: as you say a proportion of members here are also those on other forums so the number of actual online shooters just got smaller.

And shops... well a panic is good business: they won't fight another buying spree.

I'm all in favour of a little less panic at the first sign of possible trouble: it would make things like the stock market and the financial crash a little less likely.
I have noticed some of the low cost on line vendors are starting to stock out of their bottom end AR's. I guess the plan is to find a fool with money and part the two.
It would have to be a full blown panic to buy anything from Gander Mountain.....That guy buying all that powder, bullets and primers must have been ripped off beyond belief.

Plenty of everything gun related in my area. Nobody is panicking yet.
You haven't seen panic buying yet. The general public really hasn't cottoned on to the idea that they may need a gun someday. When they do, stand aside and let them by.
One guy was buying 5 boxes or primers, (that is 5000 primers) 16 lbs of powder and 4000 bulk bullets.

If he was smart he would have bought online from powder valley and had 48lbs of powder and primers shipped under one HAZMAT charge at much lower prices.

The cheapest I have bought bullets is by the pallet, around 1200-1400lbs.

Panic is a state of mind, if your action is not driven by fear and logical, you are not in a panic.

Squirrels gather nuts before winter and have since they existed (well at least the ones that are still alive the next spring) no one has ever said they panic because they know to stock up for less than ideal conditions...
no panic buying

Im not going to waste my money, Im planning on conserving what I have and go to the range a lot less frequently than normal

maybe just go to the range three times a year or every 3 - 4 months, sometimes less.

Ive seen what happens , when stuff gets banned, people stop using it, and it just sits in storage / safe queen.

when the availability gets scarce and the prices go up, your not going to see people at the range as much as before, nobody will be able to afford it.
I wasn't panic buying but I bought five 250 packs of UMC 40sw MC for $45 a pop. Yesterday I found a sweet deal on a guitar and only 3 left then. I was desperate to get it so I put up four 250 packs for $200 and they sold pretty quick.

I got my guitar and now in shipment.

I have an ammo box full of 10mm and 40sw plus some 9mm so I'm not gonna worry about it.
The police in Maine are issuing warnings about a new synthetic opiate on the streets. It's an elephant tranquilizer, just touching it can kill you. I'm almost able to grasp the desperation that would lead to trying it, I'll never understand why someone would deal it.

But the fact is that there are more and more desperate people roaming around my small quiet town, I see them all the time. So I guess I panicked. I got a new safe.
Know (No) one knows what a future ban may look like so no telling if all that money spent in a panic would go to waste.

Go to waste? Not hardly. It will all eventually be going down range. But one thing that won't be going down anywhere is the prices! So money spent now will definitely not be wasted, and possibly will be a savings in the future if prices go up.

BTW, no shortages, or panic around me. My biggest panic is now that it appears the deal is going through for BPS to buy Cadela's, their stock, and selections will go down, their prices will go up, and their house brand product quality will suffer to match BPS.
Our small town has five gun shops. One (2nd largest) has almost gone under. They jacked prices the highest and the fastest in 2012 and people remembered.

I haven't set foot in the one store locally that really jacked up their prices during the post Sandy Hook shortage. I refuse to go there. I remember.

I have not been visiting small gun shops a lot lately, but I have visited Bass Pro and Cabelas and neither seems to be selling above normal amounts as of last week.
I actually bought two SKS rifles at the shop right before the panic started for Christmas presents. The guy tried to talk me out of it. I went back two days later to pick up some stripper clips and I could see why. He had doubled the price for the same guns that were still on the shelves.

That was the last time I bought anything at that shop.