panic buying ?

All panic buying will create is more price gouging and shortages of ammunition, reloading components and firearms. It is a self fulfilling prophecy.

Thanks for nothing if you buy into it...yet again.
America is the greatest at many things, no argument.

America is going downhill quickly in other areas, I'll leave it there. I've seeing that we have a one party system now, and its not the pro 2nd amendment party. The one candidate that can kick the "Gun Control" can down the road a few more years can get you fired from your job, beaten up, your home burned, your flag burned, car vandalized or you could get suspended from school. Riots and civil unrest happen every few weeks. I've seen all this happen in just one town. This is multiplied all around the country.

Let us not kid ourselves, if we get the right combination of legislative and judicial branches... gun bans will come.
Yes, we are in the golden age of gun ownership, I don't believe that a panic will happen this time; everyone has bought more stuff than they need after the last two panics.
Many leaders in place now, and those eyeing certain offices, want bans. I've heard them say it.

I involve myself in lots of groups that have a different political affiliation than me. It helps me to see what we face and their long term wish lists. The goal is gun bans.

I've tried to avoid partisan politics; impossible task when talking about the gun. The gun has been in politics since the beginning.
Went to Gander late this PM - they had nothing but stupid prices on everything - no crowds is not surprising at this one. Stopped in at Dick's (which is normally even worse); at least they had some Win 9mm 115s on sale for basically $12/50 which isn't TOO bad.
We have a whole pile of new legislation coming onto the books in CA here soon, so I know it's in full swing. I know guys who are chipping in on gas and going on road trips to hit all the stores the can.
I won't panic buy, but I will buy additional ammo above what I normally carry if I see a good price on a caliber I frequently shoot. I generally buy in 1000 rd. quantities on line to amortize the freight and make the price per rd. lower.
There's no panic in upstate NY at this time.
I have been into the largest gun store in western NY three times in the past week and it was pretty much deserted each time.....

Things might change in a few weeks, but its like the calm before the storm in my neck of the woods.
Saddens me that so many people are that confident that the POTUS is all powerful when executive orders are the concern.

They almost are, but they can't do much of anything permanently, iirc.
What is the surprise?
Watching the news over a week ago revealed a clearer, higher probability that Your/our next President will be very Anti-Sec. Amendment.

But the "handwriting was on the wall" many months ago.
Maybe a knock on peoples' front doors was expected?

This moment, .223 is available (Gunbot) at .22/rd., indicating that anxiety seems provincial and isolated.
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I must be a panic buyer. I order a case of bullets at a time for my reloading. That's 3000 bullets. I buy primers at a minimum of 5000 at a time and have a stockpile of 25000 now.

Powder, I only have enough for about a year of shooting. I'll stock up more if the enemy gets elected.

I shoot about 20000 rounds a year.
avoid partisan politics; impossible task when talking about the gun.

Something I've often thought.

Particularly in the US, gun policy-making and parties have been inexorably linked.

The issues that produce violence which then make gun control a topic for legislation are a result of other policies, both domestic and foreign and so, yes: a full and exploratory discussion about how to address the issues driving gun control and thereby avoid further gun control by addressing causes, not symptoms is not easy if politics are off-topic.

But there you go: rules is rules...

All that said, I would expect some panic buying because, regardless of how true it is or isn't, the fear factor around gun legislation has been used quite prominently in this campaign and so some are likely to react.
I dread the outcome of the upcoming election. My favorite candidate was the Governor of Ohio, John Kasich. Seemed like a statesman and a diplomat with strong Republican ideals like Reagan.

James Pond/fellow enthusiasts: although the latest regulations in CA are extreme, another terrible event involving young people could mean a gradual spread to other states not normally anti Sec. Amendment.

Increases in ammo taxes/restrictions need only be a slow growth to be quite effective in twenty-fifty years. Ammo might be the subtle, guerilla insurgency, so to speak. That plus retirement are the reasons I stored 12,000 rds. of. 7.62 x39.

And on That note, most people seem unaware that the Antis can wait 20-50 years to accomplish their objectives. Leaders such as Ho Chi Minh waited decades to achieve their basic goals.

It's not "about" today, or even five years from now.
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I'll never understand how Kasich didn't win the nominations. He was my favorite with experience and success. Now we just have to see what happens.

May you live in Interesting Times.
Increases in ammo taxes/restrictions need only be a slow growth to be quite effective in twenty-fifty years.

I could well imagine it.
Estonia has pretty permissive laws surrounding firearms in Europe but I can tell you that the costs of goods (small market) and red-tape already makes it something many people simply can't afford.

Even before buying a gun, people might find themselves forking out between €250-400 just in Drs certificates, training lessons for the practical exam and State fees for gun registration. For a significant portion of the population that could be about a month's salary!! Just to buy a used .38Spl and that does not even touch on the costs needed for a hunting licence which you can only get once you've done the "basic" SD licence!

So already it is starting to make firearms a pursuit for the more well-off, and not the ordinary citizen: Even if the law does not discriminate, the wallet does.
The last two major shortages and the price increases that followed them had nuttin' to do with the Administration or new laws/taxes on ammo and supplies. It came about because of Chicken Little beliefs about conspiracies and Executive orders. Same folks asking about Panic buying today and telling folks to stock up now while they can, are the ones that caused the previous "bannics". Had nuttin' to do with who got elected.
The last couple of panics shouldn't have happend, no matter how hard people said not to panic and just let things play out. Guys just seemed to lose their minds, there were countless threads on it, ammo and component prices, where to find the best deals...

So, most gun owners started the run and by playing into everyone elses fear mongering, caused the prices to go through the roof! .22 ammo still hasn't come back down to a normal price and by normal it should be around $10 a brick. But .22 is just a small part of the equation when you look at the issue.

When panic threads pop up they should get a "relax and think before going full 'tard" before being locked. Or maybe there needs to be a sticky for people to read before posting "panic" threads? Like asking them to ask themselves what they've done to inform themselves on the issue or are they just passing along what they heard from so and so who heard it from so and so's uncle Bob...

Relax, take a deep breath and think about it. In the long run you'll probably save alot of money.
Or maybe there needs to be a sticky for people to read before posting "panic" threads?

By all means and I agree with your take on it, but how much impact does a "Panic Buying" thread on TFL affect the firearms market across the US?
Probably small effect but people don't just post here, think about how many sites they go to. Then all the people they talk to, adds up really fast.

Then think about what they get told at the local gun store from people there buying and the employees that work there. Then it all comes back around full circle multiple times, so much so that people start believing it.