P365 vs P365XL accuracy

The XL is almost the barrel length of the G19/PPQ/VP9. The P365 that I have is the barrel length of the CM9.

The barrel on the XL is a tad over half an inch longer than the standard P365.
Reference "Wiping down a carried pistol" my cleaning regime, clean my Glock 19 4th Gen.
Light oiling. Then wipe it all off. Carry every day, it is sitting on my night table right now, shower and get dressed. Holster up.
Not a mark on the pistol, no scratches, no dings, spotless. The finish from Austria, great.

A nice advantage to the G19, carry with the 15 round magazine in place, 16 rounds total, spare magazine, a G17 one, most likely adequate in the way of an emergency pistol.
When I competed in IDPA at my Gun Club, I never had a malfunction of any nature!
Winchester White Box. Carry 147g Federal HST Hollow Points. Good reports on it.
Had a couple of almosts! Over the years, but never fired in an actual confrontation.
Whereas the G19, VP9, PPQ is the standard sized "target/range" size...check out the XL being basically the same size:


You’ve brought up that website before. While it’s handy, I can tell you from owning both that they carry and shoot noticeably differently. Will that be true for everyone, I’m not sure. My point is exterior measurements don’t give you all the information.

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While it’s handy, I can tell you from owning both that they carry and shoot noticeably differently.

Not really. Yer talkin a half inch more barrel. With a twelve round mag in the standard P365, ain't a whole lot of difference between the two pistols.
Not really. Yer talkin a half inch more barrel. With a twelve round mag in the standard P365, ain't a whole lot of difference between the two pistols.

I disagree. The P365XL feels noticeably thinner to me (the width measurement on the XL is usually at the bottom of the grip where the magazine well flares, but that isn’t the thickness for the great percentage of the grip nor the slide). The difference in height is still noticeable to me because of where the back of the grip on the XL ends and how it is shaped. If you don’t find the same fair enough.

Glock 19 Gen 5 vs. P365XL

Glock 19 Gen 5 vs. Glock 26 Gen 3 with +2 base pads vs. P365XL



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Tunnelrat, you think the P365XL is thinner than the P365 standard? The two pistols I was comparing were the P365 and the P365XL.
Tunnelrat, you think the P365XL is thinner than the P365 standard? The two pistols I was comparing were the P365 and the P365XL.

No I was talking about the Glock 19 vs. the P365XL, which is the comparison wild cat mccane made that I was responding to (hence the quote in post #24).

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All I can say is that they both pinch my finger for reasons I can't fathom. I bought the 365 and swapped in the Sig straight trigger, hoping it would help. When that didn't eliminate the problem, I borrowed the 365XL hoping the slightly different dimensions might help. Nope. Ended up selling the P365, which I regret because I really like the gun. I now have to make due with one of my three S&W Shields, one in each caliber.
I like to tinker, but I've decided it isn't worth selling the P365 to get the XL and P365 grip.

Wild Kitty, so you don't like the feel of the extended twelve round mag when attached to the standard 365? Maybe save yourself some bucks and get an aftermarket threaded P365 XL barrel and slip it on to your standard P365? All your problems solved! You may thank me later. Happy days are here again...
No, no.

I like (my) original P365 pocket-ish size. I was asking if buying an XL and taking the XL FCU and putting it into the smaller 10rnd grip would benefit the accuracy with the increase from 3" to 3.7" XL slide while keeping the small P365 size. Doesn't sound like accuracy increases are there between the P365 and XL.

I kinda thought so as I see the my 3" P365 as accurate as some of the standard 4" guns. Wanted to ask those with experience though.

A quote of a person best known for being one of America's most recent racists that there isn't much of a difference.

Actually in his last election for governor he carried the "black" vote by a overwhelming majority. Don't believe me google it, check Wilcox, Sumter or Greene counties all 75% black . He was not a racist in his later years. He was a "state's rights" believer. The University of Alabama stand was politically motivated not that it was not racist.
I was one of the first to chop my glock 19 to a 26 grip (right when they came out with the original glock 26). At that time, Kahr also offered their "long slide" covert models. All incorporating the idea of a longer slide or original slide size with compact grip.

But these days the market is going in the opposite direction with the Glock 48X, the glock 43X, the Kahr "new" Covert model with the P9 grip length on the PM9 model barrel.

In fact, I had also imagined that in one of my old posts here saying that an ideal mod would be the Glock 19 grip on a 26 length side frame....about four years ago! Because I had just remodeled my chopped 19/26 glock back to it's original 19 grip length and found out how to add length back to the plastic gip frame.

Short of it is that I don't believe the difference of 1 inch is sight radius is going to make a whit of difference in a SD pistol, and muzzeld flip is much more affected by a strong grip hold than the weight of the extra barrel length.

I like options, so I made a 3d printed sleeve for my Kahr PM9 to make it the grip length of the Kahr P9 and now I have the best of both worlds.
Yes! The Kahr Covert is exactly the idea. I did that with a P9 before the CW9 was out. Exact same idea.

Thanks for the reminder on that trip of grip cutting :)
Updated...Ended up buying (online) a P365X today. 12rnd grip, red dot optic, and straight trigger. Cost under $550, so I thought it was worth it.

Three tasks now: I will be changing the grip to a grey 10rnd standard grip,
need to find some mag bases to make the 12 round mags fit,
and buy standard 10rnd mags.

If you’re changing the grip to the standard size anyway, what does this add over your standard P365? Just the optic? I was under the impression you didn’t use pistol mounted optics.

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Great question :D

I don't know if I care about the straight trigger that comes on the XL and now the X that I bought. But getting that with the coming X.

On the plate, I think it makes this P365 more future proof if I do end up getting into red dots. I'm not against them, but kinda see their function being more suited for these smaller barrelled guns than standard sized. What's the point of the longer barrel sight radius at that point...

I just sold my regular P365 for $10 more than I bought it for in under an hour online locally. Can't beat that (or understand it).
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