Owner of broken rifle surrenders for 30-month sentence

Stagger Lee said:
The reality is--and always has been, and always will be--that our government is whatever we, the people, make of it,...
True, insofar as "we" seem to always vote back into office, the very same critters that we were mad at to begin with.
Stagger Lee said:
The reality is--that there is no huge conspiracy to disarm and enslave us all,...
While it may not be a "conspiracy" in the legal sense of the word, you must admit that all governments tend to garner more and more power unto themselves. This, always at the expense of the liberties of those that are governed.

While many here will recognize the following...
We're after power and we mean it ... The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
Few will recognize this:
Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
The former was published in 1957 and the latter was part of a speech from 1790.

I post these quotes, as a reminder that controlling ones government is a difficult task, at best. Nigh to impossible, when the citizens, by and large, no longer care.
Stagger Lee said:
The reality is--that the people who stroke off dreaming about how one day they'll be surrounded by the dead bodies of the cops who came to take their guns are the real cretins and cancers on America and a greater threat to liberty than any law-enforcement agency is.
Like to paint with the broad brush, yes?

While there may be some that actually "dream" of this, I would posit they are few and far between. Even here on TFL. Like some others (in any minority), they simply screech the loudest.

Though you have made a distinction, two paragraphs earlier, that there are merely several, the implication of this last is that there are more than several. If you didn't mean that, then you should have qualified that statement. As it stands, it is a broad brush you paint TFL and its members with.
"Deceit is routine among those in government and often in law enforcement."

Routine? I don't think you know the real definition of routine. Do you have any proof of your assertion?

Please note that you didn't say "among SOME of those in governemnt", you said "among those in government."

Maybe you simply have a poor command of written English. Maybe you tend to exaggerate. Maybe you're just wrong.
