Open Carry?

I CC, but OC or CC it's the Carry part that matters.

I have a few questions for those who oppose OC:

Do you present yourself as weak (an easy target trying to blend in with the other easy targets) or do you move confidently, making eye contact, like someone who knows how to handle themselves?
If the latter, do you believe that the same thug who is aggressive enough to target an OCer would pass over you? Why?

You can't have it both ways.
You can't be an invisible "gray man" who blends in with the sheep (to the point that you'd get to use your 'element of surprise'), but at the same time, look like you have your stuff together enough that you aren't targeted as a threat.
Any criminal who is aggressive enough to shoot an open carrier first is also going to shoot ANYONE who looks like a plausible threat first, gun or not.

Would it not be better to present a strong enough deterrent that they simply decide on their own that it's not worth it?

Many OCers report that they get asked whether or not they are law enforcement. Would the thugs not ask themselves this question as well? I am in no way advocating that citizens masquerade as LEOs, but how many of your garden variety street punks are willing to test their mettle against what they believe to be a cop?

I suppose it comes down to which scenario you're preparing for.
If it's the common mugger/7-11 robber, I would think that an armed presence (be it police, security, or OC citizen) would be enough to make them reconsider.
If it's the crazed, drug addled, maniac of typical SD related gun lore, how do you know he won't target you first anyway?
OC is legal here in CO(except denver itself)
I am in favor of OC,but CC is much better.
I don't like hassles and people are stupid.
So...CC dor me all the way
I do OC when in the woods camping or hunting though.
I recently moved from VA, where I occasionally open carried a .38 revolver I had, to Colorado. Unlike what the previous poster said, OC is NOT completely legal in CO. Unless your outside most city limits, OC is a big no-no. I live in Golden and CCW is the only legal way to carry... but hey, you're still carrying ;)

If I could OC here, I would, all the time... it's just not an option.
My buddy who is really into gathering information...was telling me that here in Fl, they're talking about changing the rules a little bit about Concealed carry. From my CCW training class, they said your firearm must not show is any form or fashion. But being in Fl, 9 months out of the year, that can be a challenge with light cloths.

I wear baggies (board shorts, surfer shorts) an some form of tank/sleeveless shirt in the summer. This can prove to be difficult for concealing anything around ones waist. But the supposed new rule will allow small 'flashes' under those circumstances or minor printing. I really can't give my 100% approval on this, as I've not looked into it myself. But that would make for a sweet exception :)

But I know that strapping on your 6-shooter and boots would most likely be out of the question :D
Well, I am not a wimpy person, I like and respect guns, own several and shoot often... but I get nervous when I see someone open carry.


Well, IMO open carry offers you no tactical advantage whatsoever. If there were an active shooter situation you would most likely be the first person to die and if not... the first suspect when cops show up.

Open carry is really just a way to pound your chest and flaunt your opinions on the second amendment and gun control in general. Shooters and non-shooters alike are turned off by the idea of someone open carrying, so not only is it not a tactically sound option but it does damage to the cause.

So... when I see someone open carry I automatically assume they just aren't that bright, and I know they have a gun, which isn't a good combo.

I agree with you 100%.

I owe double on my house compared to what it is worth. So, as soon as I find a buyer I plan on moving to a safer, gun friendly state.

Well, let me tell you this! Buddy, if i wanna OC dad-gum-it I AM! AND, I'm also going to WALK everywhere I go. BUT I gotta gun though! SO There! Time for me to go down to the shoe store and get some new SHOES....
caint ride no horse, caint ride no by-sickle, but I gotta gun, dad-gum-it...
chucky.. You are silly..
I don't advocate open carry unless it's in the woods.
I'm ok with someone OC'ing but it makes me nervous,because I am CC'ing
In general population OC is not necessary in my opinion.
It only makes people uncomfortable and serves little purpose..
In the woods,yes protection from the 4 legged critters who might harm is necessary.
I am in no way advocating that citizens masquerade as LEOs, but how many of your garden variety street punks are willing to test their mettle against what they believe to be a cop?
Enough that it's a serious problem. Many police officers are shot with their own weapons.

Those officers had training in retention. They had hand-to-hand combat training. They had good holsters.

I've seen some of the folks who open carry. They don't have any of that. If someone mistook one of them for an LEO, then it'd be a bad scene.
Enough that it's a serious problem. Many police officers are shot with their own weapons.

Those officers had training in retention. They had hand-to-hand combat training. They had good holsters.

and most of these officers are attempting to subdue/restrain a suspect. which the average OC'er will not be doing.

i open carry frequently. have never had a problem. but have had many good conversations about my states firearms laws.
troy_mclure said:
and most of these officers are attempting to subdue/restrain a suspect. which the average OC'er will not be doing.
Most maybe, but not all...I remember a story from just the last year or so where an officer was targeted specifically so that the BG could get his weapon.

Aside from that, while a OC'er or CCW'er may not be trying to effect an arrest or to subdue/restrain someone, there are a lot of incidents that start as an empty-hand fight. If one's weapon is just hanging out there for all the world to see, most CC/OC'ers aren't going to have the skill to retain it (or to fight effectively in the first place).

troy_mclure said:
i open carry frequently. have never had a problem.
No one "has a problem"...until they do.
I think that is too over the top to condemn every OC as in saying they aren't bright as an example. Gunshop owners behind the desk OC sometimes, and I have no problem with that. Advocates who deal with the laws and the furtherance of gun rights(the real workers) OC, and this can be good. Also, people OC in their yards, woods, wherever. you might not have been talking about that, but OC has its place like it or not. I myself CCW, but I respect others that OC also.
There are way too many different circumstances for a generalized answer to this question. For some places and people it makes sense. People should think about whether that is their situation.
I firmly believe in OC in certain situations, I also believe in retention training, a BG would be hard pressed to capture my weapon just because he fancied it. Not trying to be an internet tough guy, but a few months of juijitsu training and im pretty sure I can get a common BG to "tap out" Not to say if a trained martial artist wanted to try and take my gun he couldnt succeed, but i know enough to erase 99.9% of the population from being a threat, and OC in my opinion is preventative medicine. Take it to the extreme, if EVERYONE carried, no one would break the peace.
Arizona guy here and I support OC, CCW, and all 2nd Amend rights. That said, I don't like to open carry because it makes many feel uncomfortable and I'm not into that. It also takes away any chance of surprise with the BG.

I have no problem when others open carry and I actually like seeing it. But it's just not my thing, especially since I have kids and all their friends are around and I just don't want to get into any discussions about it with their parents.
Here in Indiana, a LTCH (license to carry a handgun) makes no distinction between open or concealed carry so both are, by default, legal. In my experience, open carry is uncommon though not unheard of. Personally, I choose to carry concealed for a variety of reasons but mostly because I just like to draw as little attention as possible. That being said, I support the open carry movement and have no problem with those who choose to carry that way, it's just not my cup of tea.
I dont OC simply because I do not believe that it offers me any realistic SD advantage to broadcast to the everyone - that I am armed.
So you dont think there is value in the deterrent factor in OC? I'm not trying to push a private agenda or anything, hell I only OC when im doing yardwork and have snakeshot loaded. Just contemplating its usefulness in certain situations. Especially OC'ing the same weapon local LEO's use, I could see advantages being mistaken for a LEO.