Open Carry?

A lot of us Fudds carry openly quite a bit, depending on the season. If I step out of my pickup truck, throw a rifle over my shoulder and go hunting, is that not open carry?

If I need work done on my shotgun and I drive to the gunsmith on Main Street, park four doors down and carry my shotgun to the shop, is that not open carry?

I don't see the big deal.
As others have said -- in my state (LA) we can open-carry. Few do. I certainly don't.

Those who espouse open-carry can often offer some reason why they think it's a good idea. Their reason usually related to the concept of "educating the public" or that of "exercising my rights." I can think of better ways to do either of these.

I won't reiterate them here (because this has been beaten to death on multiple occasions), but suffice it to say that there are many good reasons to keep your weapon concealed.

Presuming one has a permit, concealed carry is (tactically) a no-brainer.
I OC when the weather get warm most of the time. I've never insited a panic or been approach by LE. I have had some educational conversations with a few people. Some have advised me I could be arrested for brandishing a firearm. LOL I had to educate them on the law in Pa.

Most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to worry or even notice I'm carrying a gun. I think most people just think I'm a LEO or something if they do notice. I think you'll find most people really don't care. The ones that would, probably don't like anything and just like to bitch about everything...:p
... open carrying here always gets too much unwanted attention....typically leading to a long talk with the local police...nothing happens...
from post #7

what is there to talk about?? Maybe what you carring and where do you shoot??
{A lot of us Fudds carry openly quite a bit, depending on the season. If I step out of my pickup truck, throw a rifle over my shoulder and go hunting, is that not open carry?

If I need work done on my shotgun and I drive to the gunsmith on Main Street, park four doors down and carry my shotgun to the shop, is that not open carry?}

Nope, not in the everyday meaning of the words. However, consider it as you will, but I doubt that is what the OP meant.

I believe that many who are allowed to do so don't, despite all their bluster about 2A and constitutional rights, because they're uncomfortable about it or afraid someone will take their gun away from them.

To each his own.
Pyle I can open carry in KY. but rarely do and never away from my house or atleast in veiw of my house. Reason being is simply this I have had a person decide they were going to threghten to take my gun and shoot me in the ally behind my house just because he could see it. Now in fairness he was drunk but in my mind that just means he was more likely to do something stupid. In the end I changed his mind without a physical confrontation but it tought me regardless of your suroundings the sight of your gun can invite trouble..... the who is more hard core mentality. As for changing your normal dress habits you really dont have to in the winter a sweat shirt does the job in the summer a short sleve button up untucked does fine just buy a size or 2 larger than you normorally would I have several I bought just for concealing my gun. I carry outside my pants at my 3'oclock and just let my top shirt hang over it. And I carry a full size not a compact or sub, easy access and out of sight
In my neck of the woods, there isnt anything that prohibits open carry but its just not what I want to do. I prefer to carry concealed as it goes better with my idea of self defense strategies.
We seem to have a lot of discussion about this up here in the Northwest,with me saying there is a tactical disadvantage to OC.
One now the bad guy knows you have a gun and can formulate a plan to get it.
There is always someone faster than you that may see the gun as theirs
And the cops always seem to want to talk to you about OC and don't seem to actually know all the laws pertaining to OC
It scares the locals and makes you(and the rest of the gun community) look like "Cowboys"

Personally,I don't need to show off the fact that I have a gun on my person.That isn't anybody's business but mine,as long as I am doing it legally and safely.
In California

It is legal to open carry. However, you must comply with the following:

1. The gun must be unloaded. No rounds in the Chamber, and no rounds in the magazine.
2. It used to be that the gun was considered loaded if you had a live round anywhere on your person. Fortunately, the courts have decided that is not the case and you can have loaded magazines on your person, but not in the gun.
3. You cannot carry within 1,000 feet of a school. Now, if you have ever looked at a map of your town and drawn a 1,000 foot circle around ALL of the schools, you will find that 98% of the area is a no-carry zone.

So, I only carry on my property. Open carry in the front yard gets too much attention, so CC is the way to go. But, I live withing 1,000 feet of an elementary school and a high school so I cannot set foot off my property while carrying. CCW is impossible to get in Riverside County CA so I must go about armed with just a 3 inch folding pocket knife.

California laws allow carrying unloaded, locked guns too and from your car and to the range so no problems there. I always carry my guns in locked cases and the ammunition in a seperate locked case and put these in the trunk of the car. Since LEOs can inspect the guns if they stop you (no warrant needed, the law states they have the right to inspect any weapons you are carrying) I make doubly sure to comply with the locked, unloaded, and ammunition in a seperate locked case provisions of the law.
OC is legal in MO (except in certain municipalities)...

That said, I don't do it 'cause I think it's dumb to advertise (regardless of the fact that most people are oblivious).

If one wants to open carry, so be it...but I think it would be STUPID to open carry if you don't have a decent level of competence in weapons-retention. Unfortunately, I think most OC'ers would be easy-pickings for someone that really wanted to get their gun.
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a blitz attack from behind is hard to defend against...

I will add my two cents & say I think it may be a bad idea in most case. Even if you can handle yourself well, a blitz attack from behind is hard to defend against. Why advertise it. Also, there is the issue of why set yourself up to make comments like I have heard addressed at some oc’s like that person acts like a “cop-wanna-be”, “cowboy”, or “thinks he is Doc Holliday” and some of those comments. I lived 40 years in Iowa. In the country, you are probably good to go. If you OC in Iowa cities a few times, I would expect you will thinking more highly about carrying concealed before too much time passes. In a really bad area (not most places in Iowa), it could get you shot…..
Aside from the advantage of nobody knowing you're armed with concealed carry, open carry gets you funny looks. Unless you're just going to the woods or on your way to shoot, no sir.
{A lot of us Fudds carry openly quite a bit, depending on the season. If I step out of my pickup truck, throw a rifle over my shoulder and go hunting, is that not open carry?

No. Open carry, as a general subject, referrs to carrying pistols. Also as far as many laws are concerned.

It's already established that you'll be hunting with a rifle that isn't stuffed down your pants, and that it will be visible.:p

What would happen if you walked into a store with an "open carried rifle"?
WW2 sorry nothing against you or any other 2A believer who lives in Cali but I simply cannot tolerate such bogus stuff. If I were in your shoes I would pack up my life and move elsewhere.

This is exactly the reason why I try to not buy any products from Cali, sometimes it cant be avoided and sometimes you have no way to know but I make a effort to do so.

Its not that I don't want to support you WW2 and people like you but for the rest I cant even imagine how they live.

Sorry it isnt different, but thats whole system is totally unacceptable.
Our new governor here in Oklahoma has an A+ grade from the NRA,,,
So when the person who initiated the open carry bill that Brad Henry vetoed reintroduces the bill,,,
I hope it gets passed just because it makes the brandishing laws a completely moot point and I won't need to worry about printing.

It is up to the individual DA as to how strictly the brandishing laws are interpreted and enforced,,,
In Payne county if your gun prints through your clothes and a cop sees it,,,
Our DA has instructed them to cite you and he pushes it hard.

As you can imagine,,,
This sucks.

An open carry provision will take this accidental showing of your gun off the law enforcement radar.

So, I hope we get it for that reason alone.

I doubt I would carry openly though,,,
I prefer the strategy of being invisible in pubic.

I can and do. Never had any issues and in my case, it makes sence for me. In a wheelchair, access to a hidden gun can be problimatic!


Notice the P11 sticking out of the top of my bag.

Open Carry would be fine... if more people did it. If out of 100 people in a restaurant, fifty were open carrying then it would be unlikely that you would be picked to take the first bullet in a potential robbery. Of course who is going to rob a joint with fifty armed people inside? But if you're the only one? Might turn out badly. Of course there are exceptions, such as wheelchair bound, etc.