Open Carry concerns???

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Open carry is legal here, but I don't do it. Calling attention to oneself that way is a bad idea, IMO.

Most of the open carriers I've seen are the Rambo wannabe/ in your face types.

To each his own, but I trained/ paid for and prepared for CC - so that's the only way for me.
I find it hard to believe you think anyone is really paying attention to any of you? Open carry and see just how many others are noticing. But that's just me I think that most people are so self absorb they walk off a cliff.
Listen to this.

Now we have pro gun folks not only bitching about open carry but about the type of holster being worn.

and you wonder why we're in the state we are.:rolleyes:
You and your wife have a legal and moral right to have sexual relations. But would you do so on a church pew or in the mall?

You have to admit, it would be a novel way to increase Sunday attendance...
Lol. This has stayed way away from the question. A lot of funny/corny posts now. Good overall to see different views but some believe one way , others another. (Different people think different) not wrong way or right just different.
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