Open Carry concerns???

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rajbcpa said:
Some larger guns are not suitable for concealed carry.


rajbcpa said:
I believe OC is a wonderful option and it often does not cause panic.

rajbcpa said:
Concealed carry is sneaky. If you are carrying a gun, why do you need to hide it while you are in public?
Let's be honest, CC has some tactical advantages, especially when carrying around people who are not as gun friendly as others. Both styles of carry have their place for different people.

Can we please not bash people for carrying a weapon legally and safely? If they are doing something boneheaded (carrying a 1911 cocked, safety off, round chambered, in their pants with no holster aimed at their junk, for example), then let's educate and correct. Otherwise, leave them alone. Please.
I live in WA. We are an open carry state. Sometimes I do. sometimes I don't. It has not affect my awarenesss either way I carry.
If the OP noticed open carry at Walmart he is more observant than 95% of the people at the store. other then that he is just someone complaining becuase poeple know and understand the law and they do what he does not want or like to do.
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I dislike the idea of open carry. It's a distraction and can cause panic. I think concealed carry is a better idea all around

That's the thing. It shouldn't be a distraction or cause panic. If more people open carried then others would get used to it and it wouldn't be a big deal. We want people to understand that every time you see a gun doesn't mean some one is about to get shot or robbed.

So, I think all of you should open carry as much as possible. I'm still going to conceal mine for all the reasons stated above, but you all should open carry. :rolleyes:
We cannot carry in Canada period.
It is however legal for me to carry either openly or concealed in Vermont without a permit.
I have not yet done so but if I chose to in the future it will be concealed.

I believe that open carry may leave you at a tactical disadvantage in some instances.

By carrying concealed you do not become the person to be taken out.

I at the same time have no objections to those who want to open carry.
it is their right to do so and I am not in a position to be telling others what to do.
At the same time I can tell you that in the hundreds of times I've been to Vermont I do not remember anyone open carrying.

At the same time why does it matter if they were wearing cammo, plaid, or even a pinstripe suit?
That's the thing. It shouldn't be a distraction or cause panic. If more people open carried then others would get used to it and it wouldn't be a big deal.

The problem is that "other" wont get used to it. I dont see the general public ever becoming desensitized to the sight of OC. Its not a common thing to see and I seriously doubt it will be in the foreseeable future. I am a vehement 2nd Amendment supporter, but I will likely never OC in a public setting with large crowds.

Here in VA, OC is legal, but it is still not a very common sight. And each time I see it, most OC'ers are using non-retention holsters, which just reenforces my personal dislike of OC. Especially when I see knuckleheads standing around in stores with both hands otherwise occupied. There have been a few occasions where I stood right behind a person who was OC'ing. Each of those times, I was disgusted at how easy it would have been for me to have disarmed them...simply because they had poor situational awareness and didn't notice or care of who was in their proximity.
Much ado....

If you live in a "open carry" or 2A supporting area, I'd say live & let live re; holsters/carry options.
I don't really get how some license holders & armed citizens fret over other people's weapons/holsters/gear.
Some systems or methods work better than others but Im not going to be a safety nazi over it. :rolleyes:

Years ago, while working on a armed security detail at a chain hotel in a urban area, I had a major call that required several sheriffs office deputies.
As I turned & followed 2 higher ranking sheriff's office supervisors, I heard a young rookie patrol deputy yell; "WATCH OUT". The 2 seasoned, veteran cops turned around scowled at the young deputy & their facial expressions were like; "REALLY?!?" "Are you serious?".
Thinking of that event always makes me grin. :D

For the vast majority of people the decision to carry a firearm is a fashion choice. And thank goodness for that.

People that open carry are just more fashion forward.
I C.C. full size auto's most of the time,has nothing to do with fashion its what I prefer.I work in the public & feel sure sometimes people may get a peak but myself dont think its a big deal.
O.C may be ok but it does draw attention you may not want,and that takes attention away form ME & thats good for my team.:D
Why does it bother you, are you paranoid someone else is going to run up and disarm them for the $50 in the register? When you scan your surroundings you use more peripherals anyways, otherwise you look shifty and nervous(that's what draws attention). Camo? I wear camo all the time, I'm also in the sticks alot and frankly the jackets are much warmer. I agree with JimmyR on this one, stop being so judgmental. As a gun owner you should feel more comfortable in a well armed room. Next time strike up a conversation on what they carry. Who knows, you might make some new friends:D
I was in one of my local Wawas last week. I saw a guy OCing. It was fairly cool so I had a jacket on. I just stood back and watched him and the other patrons.
As far as I could see, I don't think anybody even noticed him. I only noticed because I'm always looking around out of habit.

I don't understand the stigma about camo. Up at our club, there's always a half a dozon guys wearing camo jackets or pants. Maybe some of you only reguard camo as tactical wear. When I was younger and really into hunting, I wore a camo jacket quite often.

You know, we're all in the same fraternity. We should be sticking together. I guess some of you would be applauld at one of our open carry dinners.
In my opinion, these folks, the open carry ones are most often doing so for the attention and to achieve the "shock and awe". Add the camo clad factor and I see it even more of a "look at me" need for a testosterone boost.
I conceal carry while I wear camouflage. In the cheese state it is so common for people including women and children to wear camouflage that no one
notices or cares. I have also seen open carriers and surmised that nobody was screaming or frightened so with me it is a live and let live situation. I accept the fact not everyone approves of open carry but I find it no more objectionable than same sex couples holding hands in public.
At the same time why does it matter if they were wearing cammo, plaid, or even a pinstripe suit?
You must be joking, What kind if man open carrys wearing a pin stripe suit. That just ruins the whole look.
I don't open carry, but I don't have a problem with those who do.

Besides, who is going to try and snatch a handgun from the holster of a guy who is with a GROUP of armed camo clad buddies?!?

Walk up to a squad of soldiers and try to grab one of their weapons.
Let us know how that worked out for ya.
I know a few people that open carry I always though it was stupid, mostly because is Wal-mart parking lot really that dangerous? I could see open carry in Colombia, El Salvador or other extremely dangerous places where the odds of having a shoot out is high but in the US?

Like a guy carrying a machete or a shovel in NY city because their is so much dirt and vines?:rolleyes:

Seems like more of a fashion thing.
My only concern about OCers is that many business owners see it as some sort of activism and if they dont like it, post NO GUNS ALLOWED signs which ends up effecting even the CCWer. We have all seen this happen
As long as they're carrying a Concealed Weapons Permit badge on their belt, what's the big deal?

For the question that have benn posted..

Having CPL'ed since the 80's.
Having read John Bianchi's book, where he stresses control and retention of sidearms.

I am not biased against any carry which presents POSITIVE attitude/picture.

There was no open night hunting season at that time.

I have "camo" for archery and turkey hunting, if I wearing any other time is because its retired to "grungy / dirty" work around the house.

The OC that I observed was on the thigh and I DIDNOT observe and retaining device employed, original holsters from the late 1800's had either hammer straps or like the "slim jim" carried in a deep holster.
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