Once the arsenal of democracy now the home of tyranny

The Rights Enumerated in the Constitution are most certainly not to be "regulated". Yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater DIRECTLY infringes the rights of others; so your rights are not "regulated" there; mine are simply affirmed. My ownership of firearms infringes no one else's rights directly; nor does my decision as to use of seatbelts; nor does my decision as to what I put in my body. To the extent that I might use any of those items as tool or excuse to infringe another's Rights, then and only then, should I be sanctioned...because, up to that point, everyone's Rights are intact.

Quite simple and elegant....but, then, the Constitution is nothing, if not simple and elegant.

As to children, women and blacks voting....I think the Framers had the right idea, but some incorrect vehicles for a successful Constitutional Republic. Personally, I think there should be a means test to voting: If you are accepting any form of Public Assistance, you probably shouldn't be voting on questions of how MY money should be spent.

When those who do nothing but take have the right to vote, you have Democracy. When you have Democracy, you have Socialism right around the corner. When you have Socialism, you generally quash individual incentive for greater achievement.