Once the arsenal of democracy now the home of tyranny

Yes, I'm talking about my State, where I live. :barf:

Once upon a time the people of this great state stood their ground against a tyrant from England, King George III. They risked their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor, laying everything on the line, for freedom. Now in this same state, the state where Liberty had, in part, its birth, Liberty has died.

In my state (like all others) your right to free speech ends 30 days before a primary election and 60 days before a general election. Your right to keep and bear arms may be taken away simply because your neighbor "feels" threatened by the presence of the evil guns in your home. The "right", now nothing more than state granted privilege, can be removed just because you're getting divorced and the judge stamps out a boiler plate restraining order against you. The state's private army is quartered among us (resident state trooper program) and each town and many cities endure this occupation silently. The third amendment to the bill of rights died here and no one even noticed. Need I mention the rags of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th amendments that were lost the day after the USA Patriot act was signed into "law" (color of law) putting the final nail in a coffin long since sealed for burial. Has anyone seen or heard of the 9th amendment, as far as I know there isn't a judge or lawyer in this land who can tell you what protections it offers. Oh, and then there's the 10th amendment, but lest we forget that state's "rights" (powers) end where any form of activity even remotely resembling "commerce" begins. If "commerce" is involved, the federal government has declared themselves supreme.

Where are the real patriots, the minute men, the heroes who will restore our Liberty? Where are the men (and women) who will stand up against this evil tyranny?

The final nail in Liberty's coffin, recently nailed home, the town of Norwhich, CT, under the auspices of eminent domain, has sought to confiscate the homes of our countrymen and award them to another citizen. The cause, the justification, so that he can build a SHOPPING MALL! Private property taken so they can have more stores for the bliss ninnies to graze in, bleating helplessly whenever they get scared. "Baaaaaaaaaa help me master, baaaaaaaaa I'm scared of his big evil gun, baaaaaaaaaa." Oh yes, lets not forget, the few, the brave, who did bring this issue to our beloved "supreme" court hoping that liberty's light had not completely failed. It was discovered that it was they, the "supreme" cowards, who held the handle of the hammer that they used to pound in the last nail into Liberty's coffin. Bang... Bang... Bang... All the while Liberty, trapped inside, yelled to be freed.

Don't think for one moment that you can sit by in Texas, or Wyoming, or Montana and think that this hasn't affected you. This is now federal, NATIONAL, "legal" (I keep thinking of the line from Star Wars I "I will make it legal") precedent and now your states can do the same to you. Let this be a warning to all those who live in areas suitable for the building of shopping malls and hotels.

If this is not the final line in the sand that has been crossed, what is?


"So this is how Liberty dies, to thundrous applause?" Natalie Portman - Revenge of The Sith
+1 to American FreeBird.

I too lament the loss of freedom in my home state of Massachesetts. Who would have believed that the state where the "shot heard round the world" was fired, home to Lexington and Concord, birthplace of the revolution, would turn into the socialist state that it is now. I weep for my family who still live there.
You are free to take the lead Freebird and "fire the first shot" instead of talking about it...

And will you be there as well, or will you leave him out there on his own to see what happens. To see if the first person who takes the stand gets washed out in the infomedia as a 'radical extremist who was shot down while trying to comit a crime! I remind each of you of this one sobering thought... " We must all hang together, or surely we will all hang seperately".
Remember what they said about Boston-they should have kept the tea and thrown the city in the harbor.
Ah Bravo25 thats the quandry is it not? When and if the time comes I will be on the baracades how bout you?
I love America and the IDEA of what it stands for. We are faced with a large and deep rooted problem indeed. In oversimplified terms, Americans of prior generations have understood sacrifice, courage, blood, sweat, and tears, labor, hard work, and fighting for what is right. However, America is a shadow of what it should be and could be and it troubles me. I blame the majority of the problems on liberals and democrats who have sold our economy down the river decades ago, created an "entitlement" society, and stirred up many social problems that were a natural evolution and would have cured themselves, and a left wing that holds the American public hostage and gives the American public false images via the media, movies, and television. The left wing has sold many of our basic freedoms down the toilet, including attempts at killing the 2nd Amendment.

Contrast that with modern Americans who have been/and are (generally speaking) the products of untold wealth and luxury for little true hard work (thanks to corporations and the stock market), lazy, overweight, and not as smart as we should be for the wealth of information at our disposal. Americans have been sold into the slavery of complacency with our luxurious and simple lives, complicated only by which color BMW, where to take the next annual fantastic 5 star vacation, and who cares more about a lousy basketball team than things that REALLY matter, like the election of a president or congressmen.

I'm fearful that the only way this will get corrected is through some terrible event... and then it'll just be a "blame game."

Edited to add: We, as Americans, are bred to value wealth and materialism above all else. We reward deception, controversy, lies, climbing the corporate ladder, drama, and ill-gotten fortune, the 'easy way,' and the 'blame game.' We don't take responsibility for our own actions and we regularly want others to come to our rescue because we are helpless and pathetic.

Please note that this above generalization refers not to any specific people, but the 'mentality' that I see portrayed by my average classmates in college and lawschool, my fellow co-workers, the female dating pool, and an uncomfortable number of men and women that I interact with daily.
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However, America is a shadow of what it should be and could be and it troubles me. I blame the majority of the problems on liberals and democrats who have sold our economy down the river decades ago, created an "entitlement" society, and stirred up many social problems that were a natural evolution and would have cured themselves, and a left wing that holds the American public hostage and gives the American public false images via the media, movies, and television. The left wing has sold many of our basic freedoms down the toilet, including attempts at killing the 2nd Amendment.

I would have to agree that America is like a shift slowly listing to the left, ready to start taking on water. Still, I think the tone of the country is slowly tilting towards getting the situation righted. Everyone, even the people who received government handouts, realizes that we have only gone down the path of self-deception. However, nobody has come along to right the situation, and our rights have continued deteriorating. We need to stick together and continue to pressure our elected officials into 'seeing the light.'
LeadCounsel said:
Americans have been sold into the slavery of complacency with our luxurious and simple lives, complicated only by which color BMW
That's really insulting, probably because it's true. Americans are forgetting what is really required to be tops of your field in a Free Market.

AmericanFreeBird ~

I join you in deploring the general trend toward less freedom in America, and the specific cases you mention.

If the "line in the sand" has been crossed, though, that means you are willing to pick up your gun and shoot other human beings and possibly kill them. That you would be able to look someone's mother, sister, brother in the eye and tell them the person they loved isn't coming home, because you deliberately killed that person. That you are willing to risk killing someone who really is innocent and non-political, just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It means you are willing to do these things even if no one else joins you and regardless of what the outcome may be -- because life itself, your life and the lives of others, is of less value than the freedom you crave.

Is this really true, for you?


It is well that war is so terrible, lest we grow fond of it. -- Robert E. Lee
Ah Bravo25 thats the quandry is it not? When and if the time comes I will be on the baracades how bout you?

As I extended an open invitation for anyone from this forum, and the sacred NRA to come to my town, and challenge city hall, and even volunteered to lead the march, I would venture to say that I would be there. But for all of this I am still waiting for just one person to point out when the talking stops, and the action starts. Just one. Then we can see who will step up to the plate.

There have been million man marches, and million women marches on capital hill, and I would venture that for all the typing, and talking, we would have difficulty getting 10,000 gun owners to walk up those steps, and say enough is enough. Even though everyone here knows what is at stake.
Im too fat to climb the barricades, can I just load clips and plan my November cruise (which will entail me being disarmed and getin even fatter)

"Once the arsenal of democracy now the home of tyranny "

{{{Hal mutters something about doomed to repeat history}}}

"That question, I said, is easily answered: the four governments of which I spoke, so far as they have distinct names, are, first, those of Crete and Sparta, which are generally applauded; what is termed oligarchy comes next; this is not equally approved, and is a form of government which teems with evils: thirdly, democracy, which naturally follows oligarchy, although very different: and lastly comes tyranny, great and famous, which differs from them all, and is the fourth and worst disorder of a State"

- Plato - The Republic 360 BCE.
If it's so GD bad and all are freedoms are being eroded away, why are thousands upon thousands of people want to become citizens of this country from all over the world?

Yea, as Americans we sure got it bad around here.

Some of the rhetoric spewed here is real ill.

If it's so GD bad and all are freedoms are being eroded away, why are thousands upon thousands of people want to become citizens of this country from all over the world?

Can you say "Government Handouts". It used to be a hand up, now it is a handout, and a demand right!
They come to this country the same way must of us go the the election box. The lesser of two evils.It's pretty sad to say the winner of the election is often the person with the most money.I find amazing to read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and see how it was so simply written.No 1000 pages bill here folks,just a few pages that said it all, point blank and would stand the test of time except for our goverments editing.
Im too fat to climb the barricades, can I just load clips and plan my November cruise (which will entail me being disarmed and getin even fatter)


At least I have always remembered to bring those little lemon-flavored hand wipes when I go to the barricades, so I don't get KFC-brand lube on all the cartridges.

I have only 2 fears: 1) that I will stand up to see what's going on, and 2) that somebody will figure out that my carcass makes excellent cover for a reinforced squad. Put me, WildAlaska and SpacemanSpiff together and you probably have all the barricade you need. :p

On a serious note - there are times I think we are in the proverbial handbasket on our way to the proverbial destination. The saving grace so far is that in spite of how bad it is, it is waaaay better than any other available alternative. That does not mean that we should just sit by and let all this happen. My own rule is that if I have not told the candidates why I will or will not vote for them, have not contributed time or money to the candidate I support, and have not reminded them once in office of the "promises" they made but have not kept/are breaking, then I have little right to complain.

The Founders were pushed pretty hard before they decided that there was no other way. They endured as much and more than what we are while trying to resolve the situation within the existing system. The "Shot Heard Round the World" was because a bunch of folks did not want the British Army to take back its own gunpowder - that was a symbol for disarming the populace who by law were required to have IIRC 5 pounds of powder and 2 pounds of shot on hand anyway. I'm not sure what it will be that sets off the next revolution, but it almost seems inevitable that it will come. When it does, I will do what I can.

stay safe.

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Some people come to this county to get the benefits of our 'minimum wage' society. I personally have met several folks from Africa who have come here, gotten jobs that pay about $10-15/hr, and send the majority of the money home to their families. These guys live in apartments together, share a car, and basically have few expenses. I have also met people who came here specifically for an education, and then return home. Honorable? I guess so, since they are loyal to their homeland. However, it does our country no good. People worldwide view the US with disdain. Face it, Americans are not very popular, unless we are spending cash on tourism. The way I see it, these foreign workers are merely using our system, which guarantees a decent wage, to their advantage. They could care less about freedom or rights in this country. If TSHTF, they would go home.

There are also people who do migrate to this country to live. There are still many economic benefits to this, both in government handouts and guaranteed wages. However, ask most of these peopl if they consider themselves Americans or the nationality the emigrated from, and you will rarely get the answer of American. I just read a lengthy article on this topic, I will try to find a web link. I don't think many people have 'settled' in this country, I think that people today relocate here physically, but don't buy into our democratic system - it is purely for economic reasons. They have no emotional attachment to America - and this leads to a further apathy and more problems.