Once and for all submit.......

Honestly guys, Can you really say there is a more durable or reliable handgun than a Glock?

BTW, I currently own 2 Glocks and in general like the design. ;) However, I cannot accept a premise that claims "Glocks are nearly perfect". Nothing falls into that category IMO. I am going to play devils advocate in this post and address some of the weaknesses of Glocks....

HKs are as durable (and reliable) as Glocks IMO. Polymer Rugers (P95/P97) are as durable and reliable. Sig Sauers are more reliable than Glocks IMO, but not as durable as Glocks.

I agree that Glocks are great pistols, but honestly they do not work for everyone. No pistol is going to work for everyone. Heck, I DISLIKE 1911's (which many fanatics claim is "God's pistol").

Rated as one of the top two most accurate semi's out of the box (Sig was the other one, although I think HK's should have been included in this Elite group).

I must respectfully disagree with this claim. I have shot every Glock model (except the G32 and G33), and for the most part the accuracy is nothing special. I have benchrest tested most of the models I shot. Sure, the .45 ACP Glocks (G21, G30 in particular) are very accurate tackdrivers; however, the majority of Glock models don't stand out. The G22, G23 can't even attain average accuracy (the best groups I got with the G22 and G23 were around 3" @ 25 yards--but average groups spread out to about 4.5"!). The G17 I owned (and sold) could not group better than 4" @ 25 yards. It seems that it is hit and miss with Glocks. In other words, accuracy varies between models and calibers more than any other make.

Another flaw with Glocks is inconsistent trigger pulls. One can pick up 5 Glocks, pull the trigger, and all five triggers feel completely different. For example, my G21 has a very good (crisp) trigger of about 5 lbs. My G26 has an ok trigger but it is not crisp and the pull is close to 7 lbs. The G17 I sold had a 5.5 lb trigger, but the pull feel was horrible. It stacked toward the end, and actually felt closer to 8 lbs. This same observation applies to all Glocks I have shot including rentals, and friens' Glocks.

Glock gives the best warranty and factory service out of any brand. Most repairs are done free and Glock pays shipping back to the owner. It may not be perfection, but it's as close as is being offered.

Ruger has the best customer service IMO. Glock is a very close second. Ruger rebuilt an old P89 for free for one of my friends. Additionally, Ruger has done free work for me such as lightening the DA trigger pull (on a GP 100). I just told them I wasn't happy with the factory pull and they told me to send it in. I had to pay for shipping (to them), but that was it. Ruger even payed for return shipping.

In conclusion, I agree that Glocks are a very good pistol. They are durable, reliable, and simple to disasemble and work on. However, accuracy ranges from below average to excellent depending on model and caliber. Additionally, the trigger pulls are inconsistent from pistol to pistol IMO. Thus, I must conclude that Glocks do NOT "work" for all users. No brand is going to fit every person the same!
I too was once a Glock hater. In fact until late November of 2000. When you shoot em' and experience the simplistic manual of arms with good combat accuracy not to mention the fact that they are one of the cleanest if not the cleanest shooting weapons out there, you can't help but love em'. My G23 was scratched when the night sights were installed and amazingly the scratch turned out to be only a deposit from the tool that abraded the surface. CLP cleaned it right up.

I love the size to power ratio of the G19/G23 and the way it is concealable yet could easily be used as a duty weapon. Hey we can talk ballistics all day long but 14 rounds of 180 grain Hydrashoks or 165 grain Golden Sabers backed up with an extra 13 round clip is a formidable Concealed Carry package in gang-infested urban areas. Even if you go with Clinton 10's you got 21 rounds of adequate whoop@#$.

Some of you are already softening and on your next range trip, you will sneak over and rent a G23 or G19. It's only a matter of time before you submit. Even now, The Federalist Weasel is drooling over this post fighting uncontrollable urges to fondle one of Gaston's masterpieces.

Remember the nut case on the movie FALLING DOWN: "I'm on your side". Soon you will come to the Glock Side.
Someday we'll think back and be amazed at the amount of energy expended to let the world know our opinions about Glocks. This is worse than religious wars over minor aspects of text interpetations...Swift once said something about the Blunt-enders and Sharp-ender so some such.

Before you sleep tonight you will be rationalizing the similarity of the Glock safe-action to the smoothest S&W trigger you've ever owned. Before the weekend is up, you will disguise yourself and head for the nearest range to rent a Glock and then it will be over for you. I know these things.
Will-I HATE to disappoint, ESPECIALLY since you started this topic, but...I've owned two or three Glocks--and fired many more--and never figured out what the hoopla was about. As far as "perfection", well...look into all the "product improvement bulletins" Glock put out in the late '80's and early '90's...called 'em that to avoid the STIGMA(no, NOT the S&W poly-pistol-!)of a RECALL. As far as comparing the Glock trigger to ANY well-made DA revolver, well...I DON'T THINK SO!!! If I have MY WAY, this weekend will be spent "wringing out" my new 696 and a 686 "Plus"...IF Mrs. 3-5-7 doesn't object too much, that is!!!
BTW, Will...when was the last time YOU "crossed the line" and fired a GOOD-QUALITY DA revolver??? Might be good for
the soul...ya never know....mikey357

Oh,yeah...since you "know these things", how 'bout a prediction on the "Big Game"...still time to take advantage of your sooth-saying skills and beat the "point spread"...
There now 357 an early sign of Glock capitulation is vehemently defending your current favorite. I'll bet you're a CLOSET GLOCKER.

Yes I do predict that someone will win the Superbowl. There will be no tie. You got it first.

a Glock isn't for everyone. It fits some, it don't fit others. What cheeses me off is the "oh, you must be a newbie" or "bought it because of Tommy-Lee's quote" or "if you only tried a ..., then you'd know what a good pistol was..."

I've owned and toted Brownings, SIG's, Walthers, HK's, Rossis, Tauruses, more than half a dozen 1911 variants, *&* autos, Rugers (both auto and wheelgun), Colt and *&* revolvers, AMT's, Astras, Stars, Grendels, CZ's and various clones, Berettas, etc., etc., ad nauseum. I've shot most every CCW-appropriate handgun on the market in my 4-plus years of working at a gun store. Don't tell me that "Oh, if you've only tried...", because I have tried it, okay? Glocks work for me. In a collection that currently includes Beretta, HK, and a beautiful *&* wheelgun, my G29, G30, and G33 are my carry guns of choice.

Like I'd tell folks in the gun store when they'd ask "What kind of pistol should I buy?", there is an abundance of fine handgun choices on the market today, let's find the one that fits your hand and gets your "gottahaveit" juices going and that is the pistol for you...
Oh, Tamara, Nooo...a GRENDEL??? Was it the .380 or the .22 Mag??? Don't know much about the .22 Mag versions, but...a good friend at work has one of the .380's...works ALL THE TIME!!! Biggest surprise of my life was when he ripped off about six or eight rounds as fast as he could pull the trigger...and the gun just kept on shootin'!!! BTW, if you compare them side-by-side, you can see the "family resemblance" between the Grendel and the Kel-Tec P-11...tho' I think the P-11's probably work better than the Grendels did....mikey357

Do you have a P7? I do. I wasn't too cheap to buy one.

Odd that I carry a cheap Glock, instead, eh?

Please reconsider your phrasing, as we don't like to post insulting remarks to our fellow TFLers, thanks. :)
I dunno 'bout you people. My Luger was made in 1911, and it's still shooting...About the best natural-pointing critter this side of an 1873 SAA.

:), Art
We have been progressing along smoothly with minimal flame damage. In view of all the brand-loyalty tension evident on many discussion boards due to our lack of common purpose since the fortunate political demise of the most anti-gun judicial machine in our history, I posted this almost as satirical humor.

Yes, I like Glocks but there are many armorer-grade weapons out there and I my hope is that all of you will be able to the one that gets your "gottahaveit" juices flowing and that you will then ardently defend said make in good taste as much as we Glockheads do.