Once and for all submit.......

Will Beararms

New member
No one who is a regular needs to be reminded that the passions have run high this week. For the sake of all that is right and good, it is time for all to admit that Glock is the finest handgun ever produced. Repeat after me: "Glock Perfection....Glock Perfection.....Glock Perfection...." There now, I bet you feel like a ton of bricks has been removed from your chest. :eek:
They say if you repeat something often enough it will be believed.Will maybe if you repeat it about 1,000,000 times one or two people will believe.
Buzz, You so funny!!!!!! Not a bad line either Ledmeister!

Hey, we all have our favorites, if it shoots when you want it to and not when you don't I'd say that's the best! I love 1911's but I have a MarkIV that is so finicky I don't trust it except on the range, also have a tripped out custom that is the same way. But...... my Colt Defender hasn't failed in 1000's of rounds, weighs 23 ounces and hits whatever I point it at. I use it for carry and for IDPA. I don't own a Glock, and may try one some day but in my book the finest is the one that does what it is supposed to do EVERY time!!
Sigh, another one of these posts.

I said it a 1,000,000,000,000,000² times, yet I find myself thinking, "Steel + wood = better" :)
Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...Glock perfection...

Aw nuts Will Beararms, the only thing I'm getting is carpal tunnel (sic)! But my typing teacher would be proud.
Gluck perfection??? Naawwww, no way...not even CLOSE!!! Sig perfection, maybe...H&K perfection, I might believe...S&W perfection...now, that'd make a GREAT TATTOO!!! I might even believe Beretta perfection, but...Gluck perfection???? No, not likely...especially when they look like the rejects from a Tupperware party!!!....mikey357
Airtech--no, no envy...you're the junior member, after all...Yeah, the S&W autos are much-maligned...by close-minded individuals who wouldn't know a third-gen gun from the old Model 61. The fact is, my Model 915--"value series" double-stack 9mm--is one of only TWO autopistols I've owned that HAS NEVER MALFUNCTIONED...and I've owned two or three of the polymer gizzies, too. Now, lets talk "round guns"...the S&W can't be beat!!!....mikey357

[Edited by mikey357 on 01-27-2001 at 12:01 AM]
Jesus, is this getting old, or what?

There's been something TRULY Clinton Administrationesque about this board today...

Lots of bad manners, tantrums, name calling...

Next thing I expect to happen is someone trying to pry all the keys from our keyboards, with the exception of the C, G, K, L, and O keys.
Mikey-Resorting to name calling?
That's not very nice. Junior member? Maybe in this forum, but so what? Your the one that started the Glock bashing. Sellout&Wornout? I don't think they cross too many minds where perfection is a consideration. I have owned a couple of their semi's. Not much to brag about. I will give it to you in the wheelgun department-They have made fine ones. I'd hang on to them if I were you, they'll make nice collectors items.
