Olympic trap shooting sweeping everybody

owning an o&u isnt because shooters are lazy, they just dont want to pick up hulls or have a gun break in the middle of shooting.

i still blame 4H for pushing the idiotic law of having to carry a semi or pump gun with muzzle up on a competition range. seems all the PC ranges followed suit.

hunting ok, but a pump or semi auto is just as safe as an o&u with a muzzle down if the bolt is open. reason its dangerous is because safety officers dont do their job. (they) are the lazy ones.
Thankfully, not everyone shares that cavalier attitude. Many ranges are starting to reel in the muzzle control issues. And, FWIW, the last case I was retained on, as an expert, was a 40 year clay shooter with a break open shotgun who blew off his friends hand. No one knows how the shell got in there.

And yet folks in South America and Europe enjoy adult beverages with their snacks and meals while shooting and no one shoots anyone. Maybe it isn't THEIR bad habits, but OURS.
Elevenses anyone?
That's not a cavalier attitude, it is an adult attitude
Wonder what ChatGPT says???

Is it okay to point the muzzle of an unloaded over under shotgun at another person.

Even if an over-under shotgun is unloaded, it's generally considered unsafe and poor practice to point the muzzle at another person. In firearm safety, the principle of treating every gun as if it’s loaded is key. Pointing the muzzle at someone, regardless of whether the gun is loaded, can create a dangerous situation if safety protocols aren’t followed. Always direct the muzzle in a safe direction, ideally away from people, to minimize risk.

Dang, even AI knows better.
Oh please, if you are relying on AI, then we have nothing further to talk about
I have been in various shooting venues where adult drink were the norm and WOW, no one got shot because we adults knew about safety - what a concept
Not relying on it. Just pointing out that even the group think knows about gun safety better than most shotgun elitists. Have a nice evening.
We live in a democratic republic, not a democracy :

This is one of my favorite sayings and I believe it was 44 I first heard it from Maybe one of the you other guys here not sure . “ Two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner is a democracy “ it is a wonderful Idea, but not always the best thing Especially if you are the sheep !
Think of what king of people make the rules. Hell they're letting guys boxing with girls. Smart people.

They would absolutely LOVE an accident to happen on TV, at the Olympics, and in front of the world.

Can you imagine the gun grabber outcry and propaganda boost. It would be pure gold towards shutting down our 2nd Amendment.

This is one of my favorite sayings and I believe it was 44 I first heard it from Maybe one of the you other guys here not sure . “ Two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner is a democracy “ it is a wonderful Idea, but not always the best thing Especially if you are the sheep !

Yep. When you understand the sheep spends it whole life worried about being eaten by the Wolf only to be slaughtered by the Shepard, then you understand politics.

Our is the ONLY system in existence that the sheep are the source of all power over the Shepard.
the thing that makes a skeet/trap range different than a rifle pistol range is....there isnt a firing line with a line rso.
its impossible to move about with a muzzle downrange all the time. there is too much walking involved.
with an o&u broken over the shoulder facing forward, the muzzle is down. having it backwards can cause it to hit someones gun or face when someone pivots, so it is discouraged but not illegal.
CLOSING the action and sweeping the crowd would be wrong. but an o&u bbl open is nothing more than a pipe.
When I was active in trap, I made the move from station 5 to station 1 between the other shooters and the trapper with the action open and the barrels pointed at the ground. I did not stand around chatting with the gun slung over my shoulder as is commonly seen now.
Elitist? No just EXPENSIVE!

The reality is both trap and skeet are costly. Even compared to other shooting sports, trap and skeet costs real money and not everyone can afford to play.
Good shells pushing 15 bucks a box puts the cost of 4 practice rounds at 80 bucks or more. A guy needs a lot of practice to be competitive, or at least this guy does.:D
Trap and skeet attracting elitists? well duh, they can afford it.
owning an o&u isnt because shooters are lazy, they just dont want to pick up hulls or have a gun break in the middle of shooting.

i still blame 4H for pushing the idiotic law of having to carry a semi or pump gun with muzzle up on a competition range. seems all the PC ranges followed suit.

hunting ok, but a pump or semi auto is just as safe as an o&u with a muzzle down if the bolt is open. reason its dangerous is because safety officers dont do their job. (they) are the lazy ones.

At a distance, it is sometimes difficult to tell whether a shooter with a firearm has the action locked back when he or she is walking around with it.

So what if some Yahoo doesn't have the action locked back and he's carrying a loaded firearm (with a live round in the chamber) with the muzzle down while walking around the firing pad and happens to stumble and fall?

If the shooter has a negligent discharge with the muzzle down the load might tend to ricochet off of something or hit someone.

A shooter has better control over a firearm with the muzzle pointed up while walking or running around the range with a gun.

It might be a different story with action shooting or in a battlefield situation, yet didn't the military have an old adage to carry with the muzzle down with a firearm while in a building or helicopter because if a person did have a negligent discharge he wouldn't shoot the general staff that's supposedly upstairs in the building or accidentally hitting the helicopter engine?

I believe (as per the rules on our range) it's better to keep the muzzle of a naked firearm pointed upwards, including an ECI (empty chamber indicator) inserted into the chamber on the range when walking around the gun range to keep other shooters and SRSO's from getting nervous.
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discharging into the ground is better than blowing a head off. guns get heavy resting on a shoulder or at order arms for a whole game. it always leads to resting the butt on the ground and holding the muzzle with a hand. THAT is what makes people nervous. and THAT is what 4H teaches.....now it trickled down into competition ranges.
and...of course one must ask.....how can a gun go off with the finger off the trigger?
teach THAT and a gun wont go off, even loaded.
its my opinion and im sticking to it. why? i have all my toes and never AD'd a gun up or down. 60+ years and counting.
discharging into the ground is better than blowing a head off. guns get heavy resting on a shoulder or at order arms for a whole game. it always leads to resting the butt on the ground and holding the muzzle with a hand. THAT is what makes people nervous. and THAT is what 4H teaches.....now it trickled down into competition ranges.
and...of course one must ask.....how can a gun go off with the finger off the trigger?
teach THAT and a gun wont go off, even loaded.
its my opinion and im sticking to it. why? i have all my toes and never AD'd a gun up or down. 60+ years and counting.

I had a rifle with the trigger set so light that it would go off just by looking at it.:D

I'm just kiddin'...but seriously, one rifle (M91/30 Russian sniper rifle- with all matching numbers except for the PU 3.5X scope) that I bought from a gunshop that polished the trigger spring so fine that it would fail a 2-foot drop test until I replaced the trigger spring for it.

I believe my Savage Model 12 single shot, chambered in 223 was tested and passed a 12-foot drop test from a stepladder at the factory.

Especially for machine guns, a cook-off round from a hot barrel is always a possibility.

Be aware about the possibility of a slamfire from M91/30 type bolts that don't have the rear-firing pin screw adjuster (located on the rear of the bolt) not being adjusted correctly.

Too much grease left on the firing pin inside gun bolts can cause a slamfire.

The sears on Martini-Henry rifles, like my Model 12/15 22 rimfire rifles are prone to slamfires from too much wear on the sear or by the sear being polished too much; though the trigger screw can sometimes be adjusted to a stronger trigger pull so that the slamfire doesn't happen.
I thought I replied before, but don’t see it. Count me in as one who thinks shotgun sports in general, that I’ve seen, need to clean up their safety. Shotgunners love the, it’s broke open, so I can point it at my foot, the crowd, anybody. It matches with the elitist mentality that some, not all, have. Then a politician shoots someone and it is just swept under the rug. Shotguns are guns. The 4 rules apply. The next Olympian that sweeps someone ought to be stripped of medals and DQ’d, but they won’t be.

And yet folks in South America and Europe enjoy adult beverages with their snacks and meals while shooting and no one shoots anyone. Maybe it isn't THEIR bad habits, but OURS.
Elevenses anyone?
That's not a cavalier attitude, it is an adult attitude
I get it and I agree with some of that. We used to do byob at gun club meetings. Not anymore. The dogooders eliminated that. I can tell you that many people enjoy beer responsibly before and after shooting sports. The fact that some cannot make decisions after a beer or two continues to leave me dumbfounded.

I do think mixed drinks and food are a bad idea due to the amount of airborne lead and gsr. I can see a club where you change into your shooting clothes, shoot a few rounds of clays, etc….then come back to the clubhouse, shower and change back into clubhouse clothes, might be appropriate to have a cocktail lounge and food service with guns kept at a secured coat check, etc.

The clubs I have been involved with don’t have enough separation between shooting environments and eat/drink environments.
rudy echen showed what a pump could do in capable hands, he shot 100x100 straight doubles twice with the same remington pump shotgun. a amazing shooter to be sure.