Older gent with some strange issues

What works for him is what works for him.
He shoots exactly the way he was taught to shoot & by your own admission, it works very well for him.

Hal, the OP said he was visibly upset after shooting poorly from the bench. I dont think its working for him. And he asked how he might be able to help his brother.. not make him do something differently.

I'd also guess something to do with the glasses and changing eye sight alignment when shooting from the bench. There are certainly other possibilites though.
I'm looking to see if someone can help me remote diagnose some shooting problems my brother is having.

He's a USMC vietnam vet and was trained on the M14. He recently purchased a brand new Springfield M1A1. He says that it BS, it is an M14 . We were shooting with the stock peep sight today.

I too am a Vietnam USMC Veteran who trained with the M14 rifle. I also own and shoot a M1A. I am not going to get into foolish arguments of M1A verse M14 considering many versions of the GI M14 were marketed under a M14 name. All here nor there.

As to your brother's issues hitting the target. Possibly he is forgetting some of the fine marksmanship skills beat into our young minds. Holding and squeezing, sight picture, sight alignment and breathing control. All of those ingredients hold as true today as they did over 50 years ago when they were hammered into my head. They work as we discovered and I have applied them over all the years since I was taught.

I wear transitional lenses and my distance is fine but the once clear ring of the peep sights is now a round black circular blur but I have learned to place the front sight centered in the round black blur as I hold and squeeze. I have also noticed that the ten pound rifle now seems to weigh twenty-five pounds.

My wife gave me my M1A as a gift during maybe '93 or '94. About 25 years since I had held the rifle M14. It took several trips top the range to become reacquainted with the rifle, it was not like riding a bike, not for me anyway. The ability to master the rifle does come back with time, patience and some work. We are no longer the 18 ~ 21 year old kids we were during our introduction to the rifle 50 plus years ago. That does not mean we can't become proficient with it again.

Now as to the M14 being capable of full automatic fire? Yes, it can but I could never manage a group or even a pattern with it in full auto. :)

I’d suspect it’s vision related. The angles are different from your eyes to the sights/target when resting rather than standing.

It is. We've finally figured out that he isn't able to use any sights using 2 sight points, and that includes pistols. However, if he uses a scope or RDS, he is fine.
"It is. We've finally figured out that he isn't able to use any sights using 2 sight points, and that includes pistols. However, if he uses a scope or RDS, he is fine".

Then the same would be true of shooting just about any rifle. Put a scope on the M1A using a good mount and see what happens. Pretend it's a M24.

Then the same would be true of shooting just about any rifle. Put a scope on the M1A using a good mount and see what happens. Pretend it's a M24.

He now has a scope mount for his M1A. We are meeting up Thursday for a day at the range.
I've used black pasters with pinholes on my glasses to clear up images when using iron sights for both handgun and rifle iron sight shooting. It darkens the image a bit, but makes both sights and target clearer.

I also have a pistol shooter's disk that clamps onto my glasses that works the same way, but has several sizes of holes, so I can pick the one that gives me the best image, considering the amount of light available, etc.

Gil Hebard, a Pistol Shooters mail-order house in Knoxville, TN(?) is where I bought the clip-on. Don't know if they're still in business.
I've used black pasters with pinholes on my glasses to clear up images when using iron sights for both handgun and rifle iron sight shooting. It darkens the image a bit, but makes both sights and target clearer.

How does this work? Do you have to paste them on glasses and you have a tiny hole to see out of?
Thats the plan. It works like a pinhole camera.

There is an outfit named Merit that made,or maybe still makes,an adjustible iris aperture to screw into Redfield and Lyman receiver sights. They had a large disc and a smaller one for hunting. You could sharpen up sights and target by adjusting the aperture.

I don't know that anything is available for an M1A/M-14