OK, I wish I had been carrying!!!

Powderman, that quote about remembering the weapon you are is from Drawing of the Three (Dark Tower 2). I'd suggest that anyone who loves gun tales start with The Gunslinger (Dark Tower 1) and go from there. Best series I've ever read.

And to the OP, good job
When I went to college one semester or two there was a night session rapist on campus that would attack women in the parking lot.
Well when they found out I was a "bouncer" on the weekeneds I had the honies waiting in line to have me walk them to thier cars ;)
Maybe this is why I still cant type worth a Hillary... :D
Check your local laws for CWP rules and regulations.

#1 FL law strictly prohibits drinking and carrying. So in FL you can't drink when you carry.

#2 CWP or not, in FL only LEO's can cary guns on college or university campuses (as well as many other places).
i myslef have been in a situation, but nothing came of it.
in short there was a drunk guy with a beer bottle which he broke on a lamp post. i was in a group of people with about 3 able bodied gentlemen. as soon as the bottle broke all of the guys got up and confronted the drunk. i had my hand on my knife straight away, but didnt draw. i cant remember what i was thinking exactly, but the guy was spooked by 3 large guys coming after him.
it very promptly ended with no bad results.
this happened at a holiday resort about 2 years ago.
Call for back-up

All in all, good job! Many people would have turned a blind eye. Sounds like you averted some serious harm, and it worked out well.

That said, what were the options to notify someone? If I had a cell phone, I probably would have called it in, hopefully to the Campus Cops' direct line. At least find a passerby, if possible: Vector in the back up, contain the situation, catch the guy (he's going to do it again).

Of course, I don't own a cellphone, and I wouldn't have left the girl either...so you go for it. Just know you got lucky.

I wouldn't advise carrying illegally, even a knife, especially if you're drinking.
Well, even if you had a CCW, I would not carry while drinking or at a party.

Anyways first of all good job, anyone that tells you that you should have walked away is a COWARD and the problem with our society nowadays.

But as for using a firearm in this situation, its sketchy. You can only use lethal force when presented with lethal force. Hence I dont think you could have pulled your weapon because you were not presented with ACTUAL lethal force. Sure it could have turned deadly, but I dont think it reached that level yet.

Anyways this is why I tell people to carry OC Spray (pepper spray) in addition to their sidearm. Get a can of fox labs spray. Works good in situations where lethal force is not justified and you can carry it while drinking and partying without risking killing someone. Look here:


My first post to this forum.

I want to say, hats off to you for your actions. More people need to ACT instead of walking on by or closing the drapes when stuff happens.

As for wishing you were carrying, probably a bad deal in this instance. Besides the booze issues, the conflict didn't escalate far enough to "need" to pull iron. Doing so too early is called "brandishing" and makes YOU the BG.

I would consider taking some personal combat instruction and learning some "dirty moves" so that you can throw your opponent and HURT him in situations like this. A dislocate elbow or shoulder is pretty disabling and is fairly easy to do if you know how. Plus it makes the BG easy for the cops to spot at the hosp.

Don't go looking for reasons to draw your piece when you do carry. It's bad enough that you feel you have to have one and be ready to use it without compounding it by being "too ready".

As for Junior's request for an "incident report" to prove it happened, who cares. Even if it didn't happen, it's STILL valuable information on what to do and what not to do. And that's the purpose of this particular section of this forum - training and tactics.
Junior--just curious.

Who or what are you, that you can ask for a "incident report" to "validate" this post?

Are you LEO, a security officer, or someone with a background in one of those fields?

Not meaning to start a war, but you sound like a troublemaker and a troll.
Check the laws, but an carrying ASP seems like a good idea. Then you can “discourage” someone without really injuring them.
We carried batons within my prison in Iraq because firearms were not allowed in the cell block or in the yard where the bathrooms are. We had to go through some training prior to their use. They gave us a chart with green, yellow, and red areas. Green was injure, yellow was seriously injure, and red was a kill zone. There was no white "discourage" zone. Every serious swing at someone with a baton is going to break bones at the least and rupture vital organs at the worst. And our batons were wood, not metal like an ASP.

Slateman, ya did good. Nice to know that chivalry isn't dead, at least in your neighborhood. However, in Junior's neighborhood... well, I doubt it's a neighborhood, more likely a bunker in the forest anyway, judging from some of his other posts.

BTW Junior, part of the point of the T&T forum is to share events that happened to you, what you did in response, and how it turned out so others can learn from them. It is not to rip on people for defending themselves or for protecting those who are unable to protect themselves. If you have nothing constructive to add, then don't add anything.
LOL, I already have a girlfriend :D But yea, she was pretty grateful. I'm officially invited to all her sorority's parties and any thrown be the brother frat as well. Pretty cool actually. Basically, I have free beer whenever I want it. :D :p
Life works out just right sometimes - the free beer is very cool ;) , but if you had known about the possibility of free beer when you started whuppin up on the bad guy, you might have gone way too far in the excitement of thinking about the free beer, and ended up in jail for a "leaving a greasy spot" homicide. :D

Unless college boys have changed radically since I was one......
Good job. As a rule of thumb, if I think I am going to have a drop of alcohol, I am not carrying. Pepper spray is something that I think is always essential.