OK, I wish I had been carrying!!!

Admirable work

Not necessarly a task needing a weapon. Don't pull it unless you plan on using it. I might have used it, but you are better not being in that situation.

I think you deserve some kind of scholarship. You certainly add to the value of the school by attending and they should be proud to have such a wonderful person gracing their halls.

*I think Junior is just upset due to the fact he had his ass handed to him last night after a frat party in Va.*
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Slateman, I would not think what if. It occurred you and the young lady are fine. Just think future. You have to decide if you are going to carry or not. Remember what I said carrying is a big responsibility. Yeah you could have been cut or maybe shot so you have to think about now. Because of what happened to you is the same type of reason I carry. Yeah some people may say you should mind your own business well sometimes you are at the wrong place at the wrong time and that happens so you have to be prepared to make the right decision. I have been carrying for 4yrs now. At first some of my friends are like dude you are paranoid. I tell no I am prepared to protect myself if some crazy stuff went down. I go to all types of places where things can go bad and mostly all of us do. I believe you did the right thing and you are very brave don't listen to JuniorCommando. If that was his daughter or maybe his woman you saved from getting raped he would think you are the closest thing to a hero we know of in this world. I know if that were my daughter you and I would be having a drink together. :D
+4 on Powderman's post, with only one small exeption. I would have gone for his head with the branch.

JuniorCommando - Please clarify?
Since so many here have said what I was thinking better then I could, I just wanted to reply to the post to say, thank you for doing what you did.

JuniorCommando, what he did was honorable. Would you rather let the girl get raped? I'd find it very hard to sleep at night if I just walked right past a scene like that, knowing I was letting a girl get raped and possibly murdered afterwards.

The situation was resolved without deadly force.

A firearm may have made a bad situation even worse.
You did the right thing, and I would not have wanted my carry firearm at that point, had I had one, I probably would not have used it since:
1. I was drinking at a party
2. The act of rape is only implied unless he said he was going to
3. You don't know everything that is going on.

The guy got more than he bargained for and took off, and I am sure you did everything 100% correct.
Should he have been eliminated? In my mind yes, in the law's mind, no.
O.K. make it +5 for Powdermans post.
JuniorComando: #1: welcome aboard
#2: Would you still feel the same about "rule #1" if it was your Mom/Wife/Daughter who was being assulted. :confused: :confused:

If you are worried about subduing someone without seriously hurting them a blunt weapon seems like the best way to go. swmine suggested a baseball bat, but that is a little cumbersome to carry around. Check the laws, but an carrying ASP seems like a good idea. Then you can “discourage” someone without really injuring them.
1. A knife in your hand could have gone up his rear end.
A.K.A. "Turkish Revenge". He would have remembered
for a long time. :rolleyes:

2. Sans knife? A kick in the ribs just below the armpit is very
incapacitating. Two kicks even better. ;)

2+ Sans knife or access to his upper rib cage... a kick to the gonads can
be pretty effective and if it ain't enough... another kick is better! :p

2++ If that ain't enough pick up the girl and let her have a turn. :D

3. The pistol would have had no effect. Unless you had the resolve to
use it. However, you might have gone upside his head with it! :eek:

+1 for fisherman66

See his last line about JuniorCommando in entry #22... LOL :D

Junior, I hope it's your ass when nobody tries to help. :mad:

Kudos to SLATEMAN. :)
Yeah, I can't go with, "It's none of my business; I'll do nothing and walk on by." I know too many women who've been raped.

Since it was asked, "Did I do right/wrong?" I'll say this about having a gun in that situation:

As you describe it, you were in a college drinking party, and had had a few drinks, yourself. That's a very bad kind of situation into which to mix your gun. Things have a way of getting highly stupid in such a situation, i.e. the gun carrier has a few, gets to thinking all tough-man and decides to show off his gun among his "buddies." Now one of them wants to HOLD it, but he's drunk, and the carrier is not fully sober either so he can't detect how badly this other guy should not be put in charge of a firearm...

Or how about a brawl breaks out in the dorm, and suddenly you're in a room into which a fight between four guys spills. Maybe someone even starts to fight with you. You may be forced to use a gun in a situation you never should have had one in, a situation that doesn't warrant its use and will get you into all sorts of trouble, not to mention the person(s) you might have to shoot.

As far as attacking the rapist, yeah, I think you did right. If you'd had a knife, and decided to take it out as you approached him, you'd have had to use it on him. That could have been really bad. What if this is her boyfriend, and after you knife him really bad, maybe to death, she decides that his behavior was not really rape, was not really even serious (maybe he's beat on her so long that she accepts it) and now you're defending your actions against a rapist who "wasn't really a rapist."

The girlfriend's mind can change drastically once she sees him on a slab in the morgue, and suddenly she doesn't view you as much of a hero anymore. Heck, even a girl who was being raped by a stranger might feel weird about taking your side if you kill the guy. Can't say that I really know what is best to do in 100% of such situations. Sometimes you just have to roll the dice.

But the situation you described is the kind that is usually said to be an inappropriate place to have a gun. Any time you get to drinking, you should seriously consider whether you should have a gun on you. In some places it might even been expressly illegal to drink with a gun on you -- not just illegal to have a gun where alcohol is served. I know it's at least against the rules of gun safety.

You did good. My hat's off to ya.
As far as a weapon, gun or knife, they are only as effective as your willingness to use them. Personally, I do not think either would have been effective in stopping this BGs actions unless used. A blow from a heavy object across his back would suceed in redirecting his energy though.

This was your option, and it worked better than any threat with a gun. Chances are if you had reacted as you surmised in #3, he would have charged, you would have shot, and you may have been hurt as he failed to stop. Guns aren't magic talismans. The willingness to fight like a badger often is though.

Did they catch the guy?

The points others have made about drinking and packing are well made, and I support them. No need to reiterate though.

You did very well. Thumbs up!
You did great. Nothing "wrong". My hats off to you for being able to put yourself in harms way for a stranger. I can only hope that if anyone ever sees either of my girls in the same situation that they will act as you did.

As for the gun, as a few have said, not good on school propery (in most cases) and IMHO never good when any drinking is involved.

Alternatives. I don't think anyone mentioned a good strong defense spray? Like FOXLABS? Works pretty good, and less permanent damage than knife, so less trouble for you. Maybe a small stun device? (if legal on campus)

Again, great job.

If all men acted like men, and all women acted like women, we wouldn't need everyday heros..... ;)
Situation ended up OK in my book

Nobody was seriously injured, you saved someone from harm, you stopped an attack. Thats good to me.

If you had pepper spray, maybe you could have used that. I dont know how effective it would be againts a drunk though. But this is just Monday morning quaterbacking.

About carrying at State universities, was'nt there a Virginia Tech situation in which a student was dismissed from the university because of concealed carry? I think as a student or emplyee you agree not to have firearms and ammunition on school property.

Be safe and take care.
You used what you had at hand.....to save someone. nuff said.
not anything wrong with that plus you used the element of suprise.

I know our university prohibits carrying weapons even with a CCW.