OK, I wish I had been carrying!!!


New member
I've brought up the issue of carrying at my university. Well tonight, I wish I had been carrying.

Went to a party at my univ. Some guys, some girls. Basically it was a multiple dorm rooms party. Each one had a different drink and entertainment (one had football, another had HALO, another had a girl movie, ect.) About 9 or 10 rooms. Good times.

Well, the game ends and I figure its time to head out. Only had a couple drinks so I'm good to go. Chat for a bit and leave.

As I'm going along, theres part of a path that runs inbetween some trees on the way to the parking lot. And I hear what I think is an arguement. Well I take a glance and theres a struggle between this girl and a guy. At first I think they're just having a spat and I should mind my own business. Then he shoves her off the path and knocks her down and lands on top of her. Looked to me like he was attempting to undress her.

Well I finally realize its time to kick it into gear. At first, I reach for my knife. Oops, kinda left that at home. So I make a quick survey and grab a nearby branch. Then sprint towards him and pretty much unload on the guy's back. Branch breaks into like 100 pieces. Guess it was dead and dried. Needless to say, I got his attention. I grab his shoulders and heave him off.

Well he's ticked, naturally, so he charges at me. I block the punch he throws and use his momentum to throw him forward again. He goes crashing into a bush. Gets up and decides he's had enough and takes off. Help the lady up and we go see the on campus police. BTW - I swear to God, he was eating a donut. After the girl had calmed dow, we both had a laugh at this.

Some of the lessons I learned:

1. Knife. I just reached as an automatic reaction. I doubt it would have done any good. What was I gonna do? Cut his throat? Stab him?

2. Shouldn't have rushed in like that. Granted it worked, but it got me thinking. What if he had had a knife? I could have been in a world of hurt. Granted he had been drinking, but still, he seemed sober enough to act coordinated enough to use it. Coulda been messy for me. . . .

3. I gonna seriously think about concealed carry when I get my permit. I think gun would have been useful her. I tossed him off the girl a good 7 -9 feet away. Actually he stumbled for 4 or 5 of those feet. Make an immediate draw, take the girl, and slowly back away. That what I would have done.

This incident only furthers my desire to carry on campus. Over the summer, I was talking with a campus police officer. We have the largest student body in VA with 30,000+ undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students. As I was talking, he said, " We get stabbings all the time. I was actually really suprised by how many there are here. We had three last week!" :eek: Ever since then, I've been considering carrying. This incident only increases that desire.

So . . . . what did I do right? What did I do wrong? Would a pistol have made a difference in this situation?
I would never have carried in the normal course of social activity while I was in college. On the weekend I went to lots of parties and bars, rarely drinking to excess but drinking. In those days, in Tennessee, the drinking age was 18. Sounds like you got to be the hero by just being a man--be happy!
I figure if he was drunk and it was dark out, he probably wouldn't have picked up on the fact that you had a gun and still would have charged at you. This could lead to putting a few rounds in the guy, which again would most likely lead to court cases.

Either way, you needed to take action, rather than run for help. Sounds like you did a great job dealing with the situation, considering what you had to work with. I'm sure the girl is happy that someone was around who would actually step in to help her.
What did you do wrong?

IMHO, absolutely nothing.

What did you do right?

To paraphrase something I heard from another person, who was quoting a Stephen King book, you did not worry about the weapons you had--or did not have. You remembered the weapon that you are..

In other words, you rushed to the sound of trouble and took action. Lesser men than you might try to pick you apart, but you are the one who took action to help someone in desperate need.

You, sir, will do to ride the river with. My hat's off to you. ;)
Just be careful since in many states it is illegal to carry firearms on to educational property which would include university dorms and campuses. Alot of states ban the likes of knives other than used for food prep and so on too. The laws have got alot more restrictive over the past few years.
I'll start and end by saying that you didn't do anything "wrong", & you reacted admirably.

The situation could have played out any number of ways- in the absence of any weapon (the stick) a firm punt in the ribcage could have been even more effective. You could have just given a forceful voice command & he might have just ran away; but that would have given away your element of surprise & if he had a weapon, bad news for you; also, he needed a little butt kicking first anyway- on the otherhand, it may make him think to carry a weapon now for just such an emergency...... man, see how the what-if's work? It would have been great to have apprehended him, but I wouldn't try that unless I had a buddy or two along.

As far as carrying, I don't do that when (on the rare occassion) that I drink, it just isn't a good idea. I think that the only way I would have drawn is if I was lucky enough to forcefully (punt to the ribcage comes to mind) seperate him from the victim, then I would YELL "STOP, or I'll SHOOT!!" as loud as I could as I drew.

Anyway, you didn't do anything "wrong", & you reacted admirably.
What did you do wrong?

IMHO, absolutely nothing.

What did you do right?

To paraphrase something I heard from another person, who was quoting a Stephen King book, you did not worry about the weapons you had--or did not have. You remembered the weapon that you are..

In other words, you rushed to the sound of trouble and took action. Lesser men than you might try to pick you apart, but you are the one who took action to help someone in desperate need.

You, sir, will do to ride the river with. My hat's off to you.

No truer words can be said. You did exactly the right thing. I commend you.
Just be careful since in many states it is illegal to carry firearms on to educational property which would include university dorms and campuses. Alot of states ban the likes of knives other than used for food prep and so on too. The laws have got alot more restrictive over the past few years.

Do a search. We've covered it. Basically, in VA, you can't have one on elementary, middle, or high schools. Anywhere else, if its prohibited, its a trespass charge.

Anyway, I'm feeling kind of good about myself. I got a bruise on my right hand and a little cut above my eye. But its not everyday you get to save a damsel in distress :D
Couple of points.

I gonna seriously think about concealed carry when I get my permit

Think about it BEFORE you get your permit. Be comitted before you fill out the application, take the class, and invest the time and money.

So . . . . what did I do right?

You stood up to help another person. That's something that too few people do anymore, and makes you a hero in my book.

Just be careful since in many states it is illegal to carry firearms on to educational property which would include university dorms and campuses. Alot of states ban the likes of knives other than used for food prep and so on too. The laws have got alot more restrictive over the past few years.

packing.org can be a good source for your state laws regarding this. Even if it is legal according to your state, check your university's policies. At many it's grounds for expulsion at the very least.

All in all, good show.
In other words, you rushed to the sound of trouble and took action. Lesser men than you might try to pick you apart, but you are the one who took action to help someone in desperate need.

So very true -

I bet her family thinks you did everything correctly! I bet her friends think you are a hero. I would be suprised if the campus police did not try to get you signed up...

Imagine the feelings her dad experienced when he heard how that all played out (if he gets to hear it). If it had been one of my daughters you saved, heck I would probably offer to pay for the rest of your education, want to call you son, and buy you the biggest and best steak dinner we could find...

+ 1 for what Powderman wrote. Feel good, you did "good". The mind is the ultimate weapon and your willingness to help is commendable.
Great job. I actually think it was for the best you didn't have a weapon. If the guy was drunk, he would not have been thinking clearly and might of charged anyways. Like mentioned above, you should have given him a good swift kick to the ribs. The tree branch wasn't a bad idea but too bad it wasn't a solid one. Good job and hope you got the girl's number! :D
Congratulations for going to the rescue of a woman under attack.

You did everything right, and nothing wrong.

Had you not acted that young lady may have been raped and beaten.

It is good to know there are people like you still out there.
I agree with Limeyfellow, I know in my state of Pa it is illegal to carry on any school property. You did the right thing but like you said that incident could have really went south. If you were carrying a weapon you said you might have shot or stabbed the guy but that could have really got you in trouble. Remember when you start carry religiously never be so quick to use your weapon because once you do you can't take it back. I would have did the same thing you did if I was carrying but I would have only drew my Glock if he attempted to draw a weapon if he had one.
I had an incident occur with me a few years ago when I was a Private in the Army stationed in Hawaii. I used to carry a knife on me when I was out. I was dating my wife, who was my girlfriend at the time she had some really crazy relatives who hated everyone who was not from Hawaii. I remember getting ready to leave her house early morning to go back to the base when I heard all this arguing outside. My wife and her female cousin were fighting with 2 of their male cousins who were about the size of the Rock. I came out of the home and they wanted me to go back in but I needed to leave. Both of these dudes were standing in front of my car and would not let me leave. They wanted to fight with me because they did like the idea of me dating their cousin and they just wanted to go at it. Now in my situation it could have really went south. If I tried to fight the both of them I could have easily went to the ICU. I was carry my knife and one of them was right up in my face. I could have easily put my blade right through the side of his neck and put him down. But I felt it would be better to not get into an augment and just be cool and leave. It was so funny these guys kept trying to get me to fight with them and I told them I did not know them, I hand no beef with them and I am just getting ready to leave to. Surprisingly these guys did not put a hand on me and let me leave. Afterwards my wife called me real apologetic and told me that I was crazy and that both her cousins like to fight and she was surprised they let me leave with out trying to kick my face in. I told her if one of them would have attempted to do something to me one of them would have probably got stabbed to death. All in all remember what I said only use a weapon if you have too. :)
Junior - What did you mean by that?!?

Anyway, the girl showed up at my place this morning. Apparantly she went back to the police station and got my address from them. She showed up this morning and asked if she coud take me to breakfast. Good times.

I keep coming back to the knife thing. What if he had had one? I've been in several fights before I became a Christian. Not proud of it, but I know how to fight a little. Still, a knife would have made things a lot more . . . . interesting.

I follow the general rule about knives and other objects as the police do. 21 feet or closer, its considered a deadly weapon (at least thats what I was taught in my Admin. of Justice classes)
Perhaps a good choice of weapons to carry on a college campus would be a baseball bat. It is legal (unlike guns in most states) and fairly common to see. After all, you may be just returning from practice at the batting cage. If you were able to find a branch and employ it in your attack (although it broke), just think what the baseball bat would have done? :cool: Baseball bats can also be used effectively like a baton.