You want to pay...
....those high prices you pay for Colts, that's your business, or lack of acumen your wholesale prices, I can see why you've got your garters in a lather over Colt...oh yeah, and BTW, I buy things for their quality, performance, and potential investment...My'93 SoftailCustom (that's a Harley) is worth more today than the $11000 I paid....try $19M; my '97 Land Rover Defender is worth more than the $28M I paid in 97...where I come from, you don't buy it unless it's on sale, if it is a classic, like Colts, Harleys, LL Bean, etc., than you buy, and then only if it's in sale. The bottom line is a whole lot of us like Colts, and the rest are just, well, just the tribe to be pitied.