Off-duty cop killed by burglars; What went wrong?


An abandoned house is nothing worth dying for. And even when on duty, what ever happened to waiting for back up?
We need more patriots

It appears I did. WOD, please accept my apology if that was indeed the case .

Indifference to the suffering of others is something that has pushed my "mad" button for a long time. While in Philadelphia during my service days, I saw a man mugged and knocked to the ground in broad daylight and in the presence of numerous other people. Before we could get to him, we watched several people not only ignore him, but actually step over him!

For us to remain strong as a country, we need to be united in matters both constitutional and non. If people stood together on the streets as well as in the courtroom, I think crime would be reduced to a mere fraction of what it is and our need for defensive weaponry would be greatly diminished.

No apologies required Capt. Charlie. If more Americans shared your sense of justice and valor, we would not be having this discussion about this dead cop. It saddens me when I hear that one of the few truly brave and honorable Americans that we have left has been shot dead, and all we can do is criticize him for his mistakes. The lack of moral initiative and the laws that condemn redemption has made us all very much concerned only about ourselves and thus those few men with noble blood still coursing through their veins continue to be fed to the wolves and if they live they are beaten by the very sheep that they tend.
Learning from others mistakes

Double Naught understands my question:

Geez guys, I am sorry. I was of the impression that this thread was in the Tactics and Training section of The Firing Line and not in the Martyr Memorial section. I thought this was the section where things like shootings get discussed as we are interested in knowing how such events unfold and learning from such events so that we may utilize insight gained here to apply to future events. I would have sworn the thread title included the query, "What went wrong?"

I certainly didn't intend for this thread to place some type of blame on this officer.

I'm new to shooting and simply wanted to know how this situation could have been handled differently.