Observations on the Woodstock '99 "Riots"...

OK, I confess. I went to the BioHazard/ICP concert here in Atlanta on the 17th with my younger brother. There was minor moshing when some no-name band started, but when BioHazard hit the stage- whoah! I got in a bit. Most of the folks were just having fun, but a few were obviously out to hurt people. Two in particular come to mind: one a man wearing a mouthpiece that was wildly swinging elbows, and another, a 6'5" or so behemonth that just waded in, barely disguising the blows he was throwing. I was sure to get in the pit to slam the hell out of the big guy during BioHazard's last song.

Toward the end of the concert, ICP was finishing a song when two "police officers" stepped onto the stage and "shot" them. Then the curtain dropped. After a few minutes, the curtain came back up, and ICP did another song. The fans rushed the stage, and took it before the end of the song...I heard a Woodstock attendee on MTV say the ICP was the best act there. My conclusion was, that I want a more peaceful crowd if I go to anymore concerts. I did enjoy slamming the big bully, though...