Observations on the Woodstock '99 "Riots"...

Well I was at OZZFEST on saturday here in los angeles and I just dont get the moshpit thing either. I mean if you want to go around bahing into other people thats fine with me go do it away from those who dont want to be involved but there are many people who are just there for the great music and a good time and dont want to go home with broken bones from some idiot who thought it would be fun to smash into them. There were also a couple of small fires and I just dont know what people are thinking when they light a fire in the middle of 70000 people with barly any standing room let alone enough room to get away from a fire.

Whats up with venues not allowing people to bring there own water and then selling water for 3.50 a glass especially when its a 12 hour concert in 100 degree sun with no shade anywhere. Needless to say I spent over $30 on water and have a horrible sunburn but its all worth it to see Black Sabbath live.
Blitzkrieg: NO DOUBT!!! The water thing is BS, and a major safety risk, as well. For the price of your ticket to one of these things, a person ought to be able to bring a plastic jug of water, or at least a jug to fill with water when he gets there. I'm big on capitalism, but selling alcohol and not giving out water on a hot day is just STUPID, and morally wrong, to boot. Yet another reason to avoid the big big concerts.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Aw man, gimme a smoke-filled back room with hot jazz pouring from cool pipes any day....
or then again, gimme Deep Purple, Foghat, REO, Golden Earring, Foghat, Ted Nugent, Robin Trower, Foghat, ZZ Top, Skynyrd, the Allman Brothers....oh, and did I mention Foghat? Straight-out blues-based, hard core rock 'n' roll, no messages, just simple laments and exultations (boy meets girl, loses her, wins her back; or not.) I will have to say that the first time I ever heard Skynyrd's "Gimme Three Steps", I fell out laughing. "Show me the back door...." Geez, I wonder if Ronnie Van Zant could run faster than about 850fps?<G>

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center forums.delphi.com/m/main.asp?sigdir=45acp45lc
45King, so you figured it was a Special, to? Funny, I always have, and don't know why; he just reports he was staring "straight down a .44".

Confirmation of the candle giveaway and anti-gun position....What a hoot!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>WWW.ALAMANCEIND.COM

Matt Maggio, Publisher & Editor Email

What do you call any group that hands out over 200,000
at the end of a rock-music festival whose name is synonymous
druggy and drunk revelers getting out of hand? The word is
irresponsible; a gun-control group did it at Woodstock 99 on
Sunday - resulting in mass rioting.
Small fires started by concertgoers wielding candles fast
converged into a massive inferno - even forcing concert staff to
jump from seven-story towers set ablaze. Refrigerated trucks
carrying refreshments were set ablaze by stoned, candle-wielding
fans. Stoned fans leapt naked through flames. Automatic fire
extinguishers trying unsuccessfully to extinguish the fires turned
the place into a foggy sea of Halon. New York state police in riot
battled druggy rioting fans.
But the real story of Woodstock 99 was who was responsible for
the riots and destruction. PAX, a New York-based gun control
centered in the entertainment industry, was a cosponsor of
Woodstock 99, and handed out candles for an antigun protest to
every single fan there - when it knew or should have known that
most if not almost all those it handed candles to would have been
drunk, stoned on dope, or both. PAX did so in full awareness that
rock concerts in the U.S. have had a bad history of mass
and even fatal riots, so when its executive director and cofounder
Dan Gross said that "peace, love and music is what Woodstock is
about," he should have added rioting. And there is no
dissociating PAX from Woodstock; PAX's web site lists
Woodstock's promoter John Scher as a member of its board of
And who funds groups that hand out candles to a city-size mob
in full awareness that most all in it are stoned? Handgun Control,
New Jersey CeaseFire, together with such New York elites as
Klein, DKNY Jeans, The Gap Foundation, numerous
recording-industry companies, HBO, MTV, and Time-Warner
Cable - all are listed by PAX as sponsors on its web site.
And who runs an outfit that hands out hundreds of thousands of
candles to a horde of people it knew or should have known were
stoned? Sarah and James Brady are listed among its advisers on
its web site, as is Richard Aborn, former president of Handgun
Control. Other listed advisers - other than a fistful of antigun
politicians including
Charles Schumer, Frank Lautenberg, and Carolyn McCarthy - are
mostly in the entertainment industry, many high executives.[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Ban "Gun-Control Groups"!


That was wonderful.

As for security at such an event...

I say forget it. Have a few under cover agents in the crowed to minimize shanking and raping... Other than that - Stay Away... Let them riot. Let them carry one. They get F'd up in the process - maybe they will learn... Irrisponsability wins you a hard nock lesson. Why should the public have to pay for the protection of hooliganism?

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Right on, Kodiac.

Also, I can't hold with the contention that the mere ownership of candles caused the fires. While it's ironic that the candles handed out by PAX were used to contribute to the blaze, I will not be suckered into hoplophobia: fear of inanimate objects and everything, it would seem, with which a person could possibly do harm with. The candles didn't set the fires. Nope, those would be the arsonist hooligans.

We can't allow others to tempt us into this kind of thinking. That's how they think about guns.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Hi Everyone-

The part about this whole mess that really shows the devious tactics of the networks is that ABC, NBC, CBS, MTV, etc. will not mention that PAX is an anti-gun organization.

It's funny how all the non-drinking, non-smoking, non-druggie, highly-educated, successful businesspeople that I knew at Woodstock '99 enjoying the music are also GUNOWNERS!

Almost without fail, gunowners tend to be very circumspect, choose their words carefully, and think about "cause and effect." I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that when they catch these creeps responsible for breaking ATM machines and prying-open tractor trailer trucks....you'll find that the people are (thankfully) NOT gunowners.

Why won't the mass-media mention PAX's mission statement and their reason for existence?!

Regards to all,

~ Blue Jays ~

[This message has been edited by Blue Jays (edited July 28, 1999).]
Hopefully this incident will nullify any signatures they got at the concert.

"Don't confuse me with the facts, I already have my mind made up!" - gungrabber X
Long Path--I couldn't agree more. I see this as a great example that in the wrong hands, nearly *any* inanimate object, even the most useful and seemingly harmless ones, can be used to cause injury and destruction. If anything should open up the sheeples' eyes to the fact that it's *not* the inanimate objects (in our case, guns, in Woodstock's case, candles) doing the harm, but the morally bankrupt, incompetent, twisted individuals that misuse such objects, it should be the unfortunate events at Woodstock. But I seriously doubt that will be the case.

It'll be interesting to see the spin put on this, especially by PAX and their cohorts.
ok, help me out who/what is PAX? i've never heard of them that i know of. i've got a PAX tv network on my dish. i would appreciate any info... thanks........

what me worry?
Good Morning Longhair-

This organization called PAX is allegedly "dedicated to preventing gun violence, but they have no anti-gun agenda."

Take a look at my post earlier in this thread that is a dialogue between me and a PAX staffer at Woodstock '99.

Their web site is http://wwww.paxusa.org where you'll notice they haven't made a peep about all the fires that were set in Rome, NY with their "peace candles."

Take a look at their benefactors & sponsors for some companies and performers to avoid.

Regards to all,

~ Blue Jays ~
thanks Blue Jays :)
i went, i saw, i puked!!!! wonder why they're just after gun violence, why not, knife, fist,club,automobile, etc... i saw one of the sponsors were MTV, ha, what a laugh. didn't they show all those gangsta' rap videos? sheeesh!!! :(

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited July 30, 1999).]
Long Path makes a good point. It's not the candles per se, it's the IDIOTS - make that lawless IDIOTS. Burning someone else's property is called ARSON, and it's a shooting offense (i.e. it's justifable to shoot an arsonist)in some states. Looting is also illegal. (no duh!?!)

And just when were you taught not to play with fire? Obviously, some of those little ****z didn't learn their lessons. A music event featuring assualt, rape, robery, and arson sponsored by an anti-gun violence organization called PAX - that's rich.
That PAX group looks like such a bunch of fun guys just blowing off steam huh? Hypocritical ba$tard$ should all get just what they deserve:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Associated Press

ROME, N.Y.: State police are investigating four alleged rapes at Woodstock '99, including one in which a woman says she was pulled into the ``mosh pit'' in front of the stage and attacked as the group Limp Bizkit played.

The three other assaults occurred in the festival's camping area, state police Capt. John Wood said yesterday. The three-day festival ended Sunday night in a fiery riot.

The entire concert was broadcast live on pay-per-view television. Wood said investigators will review the tape. However, he conceded it may be difficult to make any arrests.

``People have scattered to all parts of the country,'' Wood said.

A 32-year-old Ohio woman told police she was raped in the campground by a man on Saturday night, about the same time a 20-year-old Buffalo woman said she was assaulted. A 20-year-old woman from Virginia told troopers she was raped Sunday afternoon in the campgrounds by two or three men.

A 24-year-old Pittsburgh woman told police she was ``crowdsurfing'' -- in which fans are passed from hand to hand over the audience members' heads -- during Limp Bizkit's set Saturday night when she was pulled into the mosh pit, the crowded area in front of the stage where concertgoers dance and thrash into one another.

The woman said she was fondled by two men and then raped by one of them before she was able to crowdsurf away, Wood said. The woman reported the rape to medical personnel about 90 minutes later, he said.

``Due to the congestion of the crowd, she felt that if she yelled for help or fought, she feared she was going to be beaten,'' state police said.

Medical workers said they witnessed many more sexual assaults during the weekend.

``If, indeed, these reports are true, it is despicable,'' said Ilene Marder, a spokeswoman for promoters Michael Lang and John Scher. She said organizers are cooperating with investigators.

Marder added that the attack in the mosh pit was ``more incredulous, although I'm not saying it didn't happen. There were cameras on the mosh pit the entire time and a whole security team overlooking it.''[/quote]

Want to feel your age?Check it out. http://web.superb.net/boy/age1.html

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited July 30, 1999).]
to me, rape is definitely a shooting offense.
damn idiots! and naturally all these peace loving people did nothing to stop such an assault!!! here i go, i think i'm gonna puke again!

what me worry?
Sorry about the 1999 festival but sheeeit!
It's about time that we all realize that too many values have been changed. I eas not at Woodstock but made the Gonzales Rock Festival in 69. Yes yall, rock was around 30 years ago and in the South! Most of the groups that played Woodstock played Gonzales, Hendrix missed it.

As I recall, because I was one of those dope smoking wine drinking "folks" it was hot,"Louisiana in the late summer" and security seemed to be present but not needed.

The crowd was pretty large for a three quarter mile race track but I don't remember having any big problems. Folks had a great time, got pretty rowdy when they wanted, and got into the outdoor concert mode!

Folks aren't the same as they used to be at all. There has always been the few that screw it up for the majority but now the opposite seems to be coming around.

Did you ever run around the corner to buy a bottle of Southern Comfort for Janis Joplin because the club whiskey was too expensive?
I have.
Your old brain dead shooting buddy,
boy, Janis could really belt'em out(songs that is). from what i know/knew, she could belt'em down too! :) she could damn sure put most of these new singers to shame. sorry for the off thread post, just remembering the "good 'ol days" :D

what me worry?
An article appeared in my hometown paper today, seems a couple of local kids attended. About the incident, one 18 year old is quoted as; "People were just burning bonfires and burning some trailers. All we did was steal some water; we just looted a litte bit." Apparently to this young man, destroying and stealing anothers property are no big deal. His parents must be very proud.
Yeah Long Hair, Remember when we could have gotten into a fight and not started a riot?
Might have even solved the worlds problems doing so. We must be becoming old renaissance
folks or something!
Best regards and good shooting, I believe that it took two trips to the store that night!