Obama's victory lap

He is estimated by Rasmussen to have a 42 electoral vote lead, and they estimate his odds of winning at 65.1%.

Not bad odds for a political newcomer.
Opposing Obama is a little like trying to grab the Liberals' gun while they play Russian roulette. Maybe we should let them play. But they're pointing the gun at America's head.
Yup, it's another cheap stunt of the Obamessiah. His Obamatrons infect even the pro-gun boards though he is a despicable anti-gun corrupt Chi-town pol who never met a gun ban he didn't like.
Sounds like someone only cares about guns and not about their country. How very patriotic of you.

Sounds like someone confronted with the truth about a politician he dearly loves making a personal attack at another board member. Obama, gauged on any criteria, is not good for the country.

McCain says Iran nuclear power a threat...no...wait Obama says Iran nuclear power a threat.

A nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat and the world must prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon," Obama said.

It sure is hard keeping things straight. Is it just my imagination are the candidates sounding alike? Next thing Obama will be saying we should go to war with Iraq to eliminate the threat of WMD's.:eek:

You have to wonder what Obama's liberal supporters like Michael Moore think about his above quote.:D
Sounds like someone confronted with the truth about a politician he dearly loves making a personal attack at another board member. Obama, gauged on any criteria, is not good for the country.

The "truth" being that Obama is not the messiah? lol. What other truths are in this post you are so quick to defend?

Cheap stunt or not, it looks like Obama is learning something. You think McCain would see anything he didn't want to see on the same trip? (think of a market that was 'perfectly safe' (single quotes as it is not a direct quote but a paraphrase) that was bombed 3 days after McCain was there)

Who made the personal attack? Not I. I merely question the overall values system of a poster who made a feeble attempt at an attack with name calling.

McCain says Iran nuclear power a threat...no...wait Obama says Iran nuclear power a threat.

This is not a new statement by Obama. He said so at least as early as March 3, 2008. Maybe this is news to you?
People are tired of the Republicans and want something new and fresh

What about the Democratic cry babies in the senate we have endured for just as long? Cry about Bush doing this, and cry about him doing that when they do not let any rational idea pass through the vote. The only thing I remember them really doing was giving themselves a raise...

Also, they voted UNANIMOUSLY in support of the iraq invasion and now they want to act like they had nothing to do with it.

It also sounds like we have way too many obama lovers on this forum. Go ahead, vote for him and you'll be the ones crying when the ATF says you can't have a CCW, can't have a gun in your home, Heller decision overturned, you can't buy JHP ammo etc.

Don't cry here when he spits in your face and raises taxes with a smile.
Maybe this is news to you?

Not really. Was thinking about his general stance prior to 2006 when he was courting the anti-war liberals. But maybe that's news to you?

Obama is now (and has been) moving from left to center to get votes....but maybe that's news to you also? Stay tuned and we will keep you up to date.
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Obama's is apparently still figuring out his positions on things like: the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the issue of a divided Jerusalem, a proper response to Iran's nuclear weapons program, about Syria and Hezbollah’s co-opting the Lebanese government, and etc.

He shouldn't be, not at this stage of the campaign for the Presidency of the US.

This points out that the man had about 5 months of actual experience as a US Senator before he decided to run for President.

In our history we have never had a less well qualified major candidate for the Presidency.
Well seeing as how Bush has been at war for over 6 years, and still doesn't know what the plan is, its hard to believe Obama could really do any worse on the issue of the WOT and Iraq War.

There are lots of reasons to not vote for Obama. He will be bad on taxes, and bad on guns. He will push a very liberal agenda.

But on the issue of the Iraq War and WOT I don't really have a problem with anything he has said. That of course is largely due to the fact that we have been fighting with no plan now for 6 years.

All this talk of qualifications for president is really lame. There is no job that can prepare someone to be president. Governing a state only gives one leadership experience, but not experience for fighting a war. Being in the Senate for a long time might make you privy to more information, but does not give one leadership experience.

I would prefer an inexperienced man with a good head on his shoulders to an experienced Washington insider only interested in power and control. I am not saying that Obama is that person. In fact there is no way I would vote for him. But you will never convince me that anyone has the experience it takes to be president.
Indelible images...

1. I thought the "viva obama" song was pretty clever, and a tight arrangement for the Mariachi. Things like that are likely to be a net gain in votes for Barack.

2. Obama's speaking in Germany right now. 100,000 German citizens turn out to see him? (My highly unofficial estimate, based on the scene.) Looks pretty presidential to me.

3. Next stop, France. Who wants to bet on photo ops? Barack and Michelle, with Zarkozy and his super-model wife? The only question is: will the Eiffel Tower, or Arc de Triumph be chosen for the backdrop.

In summary, this stuff is political 24k, solid gold. McCain's PR team have no answer for it. By comparison, McCain looks like someone running for student council president.

The man is setting a new template for future campaigns. I predict all future presidential nominees will include a world-wide tour, of some sort. Surprised someone didn't think of it before. :p
Ok, I am voting for McCain. Don't like him much, but I will vote for him. But this charisma issues has been talked about a lot in relation to Obama.

The fact is charisma does count a lot...a whole lot. I was around for the JFK Nixon debate, and I bet almost no one remembers the questions in the debate, just that Kennedy was charismatic and a good speaker, and that Nixon looked like he was 90 years old and answered like he had a hang-over. The real truth is that many Presidential campaigns are not about the issues or answers, just about perceptions. BTW, I voted for JFK. My only time to vote Democrat.

Obama supporters will take heart at this view, but maybe McCain supporters will realize McCain needs to start putting some steam into his campaign. McCain needs to forget about being correct on the issues, just start looking like he knows all the answers will work. Also, a little help from a makeup artist to take off ten years will help. I can say that because I am close to his age.:cool:
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Obama really knocked it out of the park on his world tour. He looks almost presidential making that speech in Berlin. He probably going to increase his lead over McCain by double digits after this coup. He surely understands the power of the media something McCain does not understand. Tough act follow by any means.
An eloquent, well spoken charismatic leader may be just what we need to get the French to like us again. I would love to go back to Paris, but I am afraid they will spit in my food for being American.
An eloquent, well spoken charismatic leader may be just what we need to get the French to like us again.

That's where I draw the line. I worked for a French Company. Spent a lot of time in France. Who cares if they like us or not. Save your money and visit Kentucky.
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Obama really knocked it out of the park on his world tour. He looks almost presidential making that speech in Berlin. He probably going to increase his lead over McCain by double digits after this coup. He surely understands the power of the media something McCain does not understand. Tough act follow by any means.

The Gallup Poll is showing that Obama has actually been losing ground to McCain all during this World Tour. The race has tightened up to the point where is is a statistical dead heat.

From the Gallup site:

Obama's much anticipated overseas trip enters its sixth day, but so far it has not meaningfully affected the choice for president voters would make if the election were held today.


More importantly, Obama is now losing ground in battleground States like Ohio.

All that Obama seems to be doing on his world tour is reminding everyone who is listening that he is unable to hold a consistant position on National Security issues.

It doesn't look good for Obama's chances if he can't get any traction or "bounce" from a media spectacular like this world tour.
The media is failing to report (big suprise) that Obama's front men organized a rock concert with several popular local bands and free beer to open his speech in Berlin today. This is exactly the same thing Obama's crew pulled in Seattle earlier this past Spring, and with the same lack of balance from the media reports.

I'm not impressed by the crowd at Obama's speech. It's not very hard to collect a crowd of college age folks in Berlin, during the summer vacation season, with a free concert serving free beer and bratwurst.

Obama's speech was filled with hackneyed, banal, trite, self-serving statements. For example:

"...I come before you...not as a Presidential candidate...but as...a citizen of the world!" :rolleyes:

Obama's Berlin speech wouldn't get a fourth place finish at any high school speech and debate tournament run by the National Forensic League.

How did this pompous gas bag ever get a reputation as a great orator.
The Dems have scraped the bottom of the barrel and pulled out Obama. He's in a deadheat with a Republican in July. This far before the election, he should be way out ahead in the polls. Then, things are supposed to tighten up as November approaches. On election day, the Democrat should still be slightly ahead in the polls even to lose the election.

The fact that Obama is not even ahead of McCain in July is not good news for him or the Dems. The Dems still have the numbers, but they're out of gas. They took over both houses of Congress in 2006. What have they gotten out of it?
As I have said before, Obama is about 40 electoral votes ahead of McCain. That is a significant lead. It does not matter what the popular vote is.

Obama is behind in the polls because the polls are random samples from the nation, and there is no attempt to correlate that with the electoral college.

For example, Obama will likely lose Texas, and will probably lose big there. So all the electoral votes will go to McCain. It doesn't matter if Obama gets 1% or 49% of the popular vote.

The Republicans keep trying to make Obama look unpopular by talking about polls, but the truth is, he is winning if you look at the electoral college.

I suspect it will be the Republicans calling for the abolition of the Electoral College after this election.
You can't really "abolish" the Electoral College. What you can do is change the way your state assigns its electors. Like Maryland. Hee hee. If McCain wins the popular vote nationwide and if every single individual in the state of Maryland votes for Obama, McCain will still get Maryland's electoral votes.

That would be truly beautiful. Especially if that's what puts McCain over the line.

Also, how many electoral votes ahead would your calculations have put Kerry and Gore in July of 2004 and 2000?