Obama's victory lap

Obama seems to be acting as if he had already been elected. This may be a strategy (perhaps a bad one) or he may feel like he's already got it in the bag.

Could you elaborate on what actions are being taken that you perceive as a victory lap?
The Iraqi Prime Ministered said in the last few days that the US needed to leave soon. Maybe that's why they like Obama.

Looks like soon means 2010.:D


Lets see, first it was day one of his Presidency, then 16 months, now 2010. Heck I think Obama wants troops in Iraq longer than Bush.;)

"I'd be happy if we reach an agreement to say, for instance, the 31st of December 2010" would mark the departure of the last U.S. combat unit, he said — then noted that any such goal could be revised depending on threats and the pace of training for Iraqi security forces. That date would be some seven months later than Obama's 16-month time line.

Translation: We actually think Obama's time line is too soon, and we want to leave open a window for adjustment depending on the situation on the ground. Which probably means that Even 2010 is really too early.

I have suspected for a while that the Iraqis shot off their mount before engaging brain on the time table issue. Now that the reality is sinking in that Obama is committed to early withdrawal, I can read between the lines that the Iraqis are having second thoughts on this issue.
Yes, it looks like Obama is wowing the crowds and leaders of Iraq, at least according to news reports. Obama-mania appears to be a world wide phenomenon.
Yes, it looks like Obama is wowing the crowds and leaders of Iraq, at least according to news reports. Obama-mania appears to be a world wide phenomenon.

Yes, to you and the NY times.:D
Ha... I will be voting for McCain, thank you very much!

But, it does look like we may be for an inevitable disappointment... Obama is on fire, and McCain is smoldering out.
Hope he runs fast enough to turn to butter ... like one on one side of his family!! :D

Or, maybe he can flip-flop fast enough!!
Er, the victory lap he's doing with world leaders right now.

No, that is a characterization. You aren't explaining WHY you are characterizing it as such.

Is he asking world leaders to call him the President-elect? Is he negotiating treaties in advance?

Or is it simply that McCain on the same trip wouldn't get the same crowd turnout so you want to try and mis-frame the trip?
Or is it simply that McCain on the same trip wouldn't get the same crowd turnout so you want to try and mis-frame the trip?

Ever see a candidate do that before? Ever see anybody but a head of state do that sort of thing? Sometimes overreaching Congressmen (Pelosi) might pull a stunt or two, but those're perceived as stunts. Obama is presenting himself as the new guy. That's head of state stuff.
Hillary thought her road to the nomination would be something like a triumphal procession, such as was enjoyed by the candidate back when the PRI ran Mexico-a few months before the end of the incumbent's his sucessor
would be "found"-would go on a procession around the country, the "election"
would be held, the sash of office handed over. If Obama thinks he will be going on a triumphal procession between now and November, he's entitled to his fantasy. This election reminds me of the Election of 1896-William Jennings Bryan,36, the Golden Tongued-actually, Silver-"Boy Orator of the Platte" wowed
the Democratic National Convention with his "Cross of Gold" speech and seemed to be on his way to the White House, but his much older (53) opponent, Civil War veteran William McKinley proved to be a formidable opponent and McKinley's campaign manager, Mark Hanna had quite a few tricks up his sleeve.
How many candidates were senators at a time when our troops were significantly extended overseas?

Clearly it would be foolish not to take this trip. It is being done to enhance ones perceived views on foreign affairs, not because his winning the election is a foregone conclusion.

I absolutely agree it is a political maneuver, but not a "victory lap" in any way.
Yup, it's another cheap stunt of the Obamessiah. His Obamatrons infect even the pro-gun boards though he is a despicable anti-gun corrupt Chi-town pol who never met a gun ban he didn't like.
Yup, it's another cheap stunt of the Obamessiah. His Obamatrons infect even the pro-gun boards though he is a despicable anti-gun corrupt Chi-town pol who never met a gun ban he didn't like.

Sounds like someone only cares about guns and not about their country. How very patriotic of you.