Obama's victory lap


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Obama seems to be acting as if he had already been elected. This may be a strategy (perhaps a bad one) or he may feel like he's already got it in the bag.

My question is: Is this because he's a product of Chicago politics? He's got the Democratic nomination in the bag. Does his experience with Chicago machine politics cause him to believe intuitively that the election is just a formality?
Obama's win is very undesirable, but also inevitable.

I suspect he will sweep through the south. 40 percent of Georgia voters are black. There will be near complete turn out of them to vote for Obama. Only 1 out of 8 white voters must vote for Obama for him to win, and I am pretty sure he will get that in Georgia. There are enough white liberals and homosexuals in Atlanta alone to ensure that.
He doesn't just have the majority of the Dem. vote in the bag, he has 95% of african americans' votes. Not trying to be racist or anything, thats just the way it is.
The reason many are predicting Obama will win, is because the general mood of voters. Lets face it the country has soured on the eight years of Bush. People are tired of the Republicans and want something new and fresh. Obama is benefiting greatly from this sour mood. People see McCain as a Bush lite. At this time that is the last thing they want. It would not surprise me to see Obama win by a large majority of the vote that will all sweep in the Dems to complete control of the House and Senate. It at all will not be surprising to see once Republican strong holds like the south and mountain states vote for Obama. The people are pissed about many things, and want change. Obama is that change. The up coming years will be hard for conservatives. It might be a long time before they regain any significant power.
I suspect he will sweep through the south. 40 percent of Georgia voters are black. There will be near complete turn out of them to vote for Obama. Only 1 out of 8 white voters must vote for Obama for him to win

I think your estimates are way off. Blacks are only about 27% of registered voters in Georgia.

I have seen estimates where, given an unlikely 80% Black turnout, massive registration of new Black voters, complete Hispanic support, and substantial White cross over, Obama still comes up about 150,000 votes short.

There's no way White evangelicals are going to stay home and not vote against a suspected Muslim who attends a church that has an anti-White racist minister who screeches about "G__ Damn America".

No way does Obama take Georgia, or Alabama, Mississippi or the rest of the Southern States for that matter. Not based on the Black vote anyway.

Lots of reasons to go abroad, outweigh the risks...

Well, McCain's major knock on Obama is lack of foreign policy experience. What better way to generate credibility than photo-ops with foreign leaders. Even if the substance of the talks don't amount to much.

Tonight on CNN, was noted the disparity in media coverage on the two candidates. Obama has all three network anchors traveling with him, with exclusive interviews to be granted on successive nights. A veritable goldmine for Barack. And, if he generates the kind of public turnout in Europe as he has in the US, more video footage of him looking presidential on the world stage.

Weighed against the risks of Obama making a major gaffe, or being "presumptuous" about the election, this is a no-brainer.

One data point relating to Iraq policy: Bush steadfastly opposed a "timetable" for withdrawal of US troops. Obama supported one. Now, its being reported (and disputed) that Iraq Prime Minister supports a timetable. This aspect is sure to be fodder for reports in the coming weeks. Could be a foreign policy coup for BHO.
OK, but my question is why does Obama act like he's already won? Does he think he can't lose? If so, why does he bother to spend money and to campaign?
No way does Obama take Georgia, or Alabama, Mississippi or the rest of the Southern States for that matter. Not based on the Black vote anyway.

I certainly hope I am wrong and you are right. I had heard the 40% number quoted recently for Georgia, and certainly hope it is incorrect.

If your 27% for black voters in Georgia is correct, then Obama has to get 1 out of 3 white people in Georgia to vote for him to win, and I agree that there is enough racism in Georgia (even among the liberal groups in Atlanta) to make that hard to obtain
If your 27% for black voters in Georgia is correct, then Obama has to get 1 out of 3 white people in Georgia to vote for him to win, and I agree that there is enough racism in Georgia (even among the liberal groups in Atlanta) to make that hard to obtain

I don't think racism is the word you wanted to use. How about educated?
It's all perception. The only voters Obama has in the bag is the liberal media. They have already elected him, the people have yet to vote.
I don't think racism is the word you wanted to use. How about educated?

Seeing as how Obama is the poster-boy for ulta-liberalism, why would a white ultra-liberal not vote for him other than because he is black and has a questionably Muslim past?

Education would seem to have nothing to do with it.
The troubling thing is when McCain went on a foreign trip to the middle east there was little coverage.

Now Obama is there and all the major networks send press corps to follow him around like he is Jesus and they are his apostles.

The press doesn't even try to hide their bias anymore. It's disgusting.

I wouldn't count on Obama's victory just yet. I think there are enough PO'd Hilliary supporters that will tip the scales to McCain. Especially since he is a very moderate Republican.
Seeing as how Obama is the poster-boy for ulta-liberalism, why would a white ultra-liberal not vote for him other than because he is black and has a questionably Muslim past?

Far left wing folks in my opinion have a minority ladder they live by, white woman on bottom and the next step may be the current "cause" or trend that is in vogue with their neighbors or friends. It will be exciting at the next election if Obama wins this one in which direction they will take. Its all about ideology, appearance not substance.

I read that many Iraq's like Obama because they think a black man will understand their situation.

But If we had followed Obama's wishes then we would not be in Iraq and those Iraqi people would not be able to say they think he is a great guy because Obama would not have taken action that gives them the freedom to say he is a great guy....wow, that's a long sentence.:eek:

Fox news was covering the trip also, and they don't seem biased towards Obama overall.

True. They are fair and balanced.
I still predict a close election either way. Neither will get a landslide. Hell in Louisiana, the last two elections have be 13% and 7% turnout. Guess who the demographics were 40 - 70 year old whites (who are generally conservative). No Obama victory here or in Miss. McCain is going to pick our governor as the VP as Jindal is squeaky clean, respected, young, experienced, and a minority. And on his way up...

If Obama loses, unless he pulls a Gore, he will be a viable candidate for several more elections.
Honestly, I see Obama as unelectable and McCain as the inevitable winner.

The media is driven by ratings. That is why they "pretended" that the Dem nomination was still wide open when Hillary was essentially eliminated for the past few months. They MUST keep people watching. They talked about it like she was in the thick of it when she was mathematically eliminated for cripes sake!

IMO, this election should be a democratic cake-walk. The economy is in the crapper. Deficit spending, weak dollar, etc. We are heading into the worst economic stretch since the late 70s.

The occupation in Iraq is burning 3 billion $$$ a week with no end in sight. This should be a slam-dunk.

If the Dems had a decent candidate, it would be. But they don't, and it won't be.

However, the media MUST keep people watching. So, they talk about an Obama landslide, when the polls show them neck and neck. "This will be a blowout!!! Let's take a look at the polls....within the margin of error? That's strange..."

McCain hasn't even gotten warmed up and where is he? Neck and neck. By November, McCain will win handily.
However, the media MUST keep people watching. So, they talk about an Obama landslide, when the polls show them neck and neck. "This will be a blowout!!! Let's take a look at the polls....within the margin of error? That's strange..."

I'm curious if Obama does lose will the media say we have a racist nation,
one talking head during the primary said there still existed pockets of racism
such as Kentucky because Obama lost. I believe less then 20% anything I
see/hear in media now and it continues to get worse.