Obama's Unabashed Socialism: Income Redistribution of Energy Co. Profits

Every company strives to make its profit margin as great as possible. That's the responsibility of corporate officers. Some industries are better than others. The average company in my industry I think does around 20%. How long will it be before Obama comes after us? Why would any sane person who didn't plan to be a leech on society vote for him? Make your own money. Stop trying to take money away from productive people.
Make your own money. Stop trying to take money away from productive people.

In a consumer based economy theft is pretty standard,Insurance companies lobby for increased mandatory standards to charge families more as one example, we seldom see a superior product or better mouse trap to make profit it is simply increased fees. Profit is good but once it brings harm to American society and there is no product to substitute then it become immoral.

Profit at any cost is simply greed, it destroys people and nations.
I'm sorry. Did I miss something?
Gas prices go from 2.75 to 5.00 in less then a year. It appears the only reason is spec buying of oil stocks, driving the price of a barrel of oil up. Does this really effect anything, or, is it just an excuse for the oil companies to jack prices up? Who's stupid idea is it to create this much heat on the oil industry, by raising prices so high they make record profits? It's sort of like an Enron type situation. It takes awhile, but they trip up, and, the only loosers are the armerican people. It simply amazes me how stupid big business can be, when they are in a monopoly situation.

The U.S. has a history of attacking monopolies, and, in an election year, did they really think this wouldn't be an issue?

The only thing I can think of is they want to get the greenies off their backs so they can drill our reserves, since, if we actually start moving away from gas as a source of energy, all that black stuff in the ground becomes worthless. In the long term, I wouldn't want to be an oil company in a nuclear society, using electric cars.
Socrates said:
... all that black stuff in the ground becomes worthless.
No. It will never be worthless. Too many other products are made from crude and only crude. Perhaps in some innovative future, this will change, but not in this present reality.
Profit is good but once it brings harm to American society and there is no product to substitute then it become immoral.

Profit at any cost is simply greed, it destroys people and nations.

Couldn't agree less. No man is wise enough to run an economy. Oil is worth what we're willing to pay. You don't have to buy it. You're experiencing a failure of imagination if you think you can't live without gasoline.

Whoever owns the oil can sell it for whatever price they want. If they're not willing to sell at your price and you're not willing to buy at their price, you don't buy and they don't sell to you. The amount of oil sold declines until the only people buying are those willing to pay the price the seller demands.

Now, you could spend your money on aircraft carriers and just take the oil. Or you could use the tax man like an aircraft carrier. But that's not business. That's empire.
No. It will never be worthless. Too many other products are made from crude and only crude. Perhaps in some innovative future, this will change, but not in this present reality.

Having lost about 100k in the market, I know what it feels like, that sinking feeling, where your 'paper money profits'
are cut in half, or more. It looks like the recent 'energy crisis' was caused by spec investment, and a little down in supply. Those with tons of oil, are hopefully going to watch their 200 dollar a gallon investment go down to under 100. That's still a LOT better then 5 dollars a gallon. Still, I could see, with a massive move away from gas as a form of transport, the price going much lower. So, 'worthless' in this case was a relative term...;)